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OIT Training Classes in All Areas

The RPMS Training Class offerings are determined based on the Annual Needs Assessment Survey and ad-hoc requests due to updates to RPMS applications. It is recommended that you register for a class at least 24 hours in advance.

Behavioral Health System (AMH) - V4.0 Patch 12 Behavioral Health Reports Overview+
Central Interoperability Suite (CIS) - Office Hours+
Getting Ready to Get Ready - 2025 SAFER Guides Review+
iCare (BQI) - Office Hours+
Immunization (BI and BYIM) - Office Hours+
Laboratory (LR) - Office Hours+
PATH EHR - Getting Ready to Get Ready+
Pharmacy Informatics Longitudinal Learning+
Pharmacy Package+
Pharmacy Point of Sale [POS] (ABSP)+
RPMS EHR Component(s) Functionality Series+
RPMS Electronic Health Record (EHR) - Office Hours+
If you are having issues registering for a training class please contact the OIT RPMS Training Coordinator.

Definitions of class types:

  • eLearning: Instructor-led demonstration via web and phone. This class type does not include hands-on instruction. Participants may join from their home site with phone and computer/internet access.
  • eLearning/Hands-on: Instructor-led demonstration and hands-on via web and phone. Some sessions provide access to an OIT training environment while others require access to a home training environment or test patient. Participants may join from their home site with phone and computer/internet access.
  • Classroom: In-person instructor-led lecture and hands-on in an OIT training environment. Participants must be in the classroom to participate.
  • Satellite Classroom: Area provided proctor supports an instructor teaching via web and phone. This class type includes hands-on in an OIT training environment. Participants must be in the classroom to participate.
  • Blended Learning: Instructor-led demonstration and hands-on. This methodology combines all four of the other class types: eLearning, eLearning/hands-on, satellite and classroom. Participants have the option of registering to participate in a physical classroom or registering to participate in an eLearning environment. All participants will view and listen to the same demonstration. Participants registered to participate in a physical classroom will receive supplemental hands-on exercises.
  • Bridge: Area coordinated session. OIT provides audio and video links while Area coordinates the BridgeMaster, SME proctors, and training databases. The BridgeMaster manages the distribution of materials, surveys, and logistical information to participants.