Caring for Patients

1:15 pm
The medical records technician uses Outpatient Scheduling to create a list of patient appointments for tomorrow morning's Diabetes Clinic. He then pulls the patient charts and uses the Patient Care Component (PCC) and Diabetes Management to print out the most up-to-date Diabetes Standard Health Summary on each patient.
The medical records technician uses Outpatient Scheduling to create a list of patient appointments for tomorrow morning's Diabetes Clinic. He then pulls the patient charts and uses the Patient Care Component (PCC) and Diabetes Management to print out the most up-to-date Diabetes Standard Health Summary on each patient.
4:00 pm
The nurse coordinator for tomorrow's Diabetes Clinic reviews the Diabetes Standard Health Summaries for each patient, completes the lab slips and referral forms required, and orders immunizations so that everything will be ready for the patients when they arrive tomorrow.
The nurse coordinator for tomorrow's Diabetes Clinic reviews the Diabetes Standard Health Summaries for each patient, completes the lab slips and referral forms required, and orders immunizations so that everything will be ready for the patients when they arrive tomorrow.
8:05 am
A walk-in patient arrives, and as his chart is pulled, his PCC Health Summary is printed. A triage nurse checks the Summary for information crucial in treating the chief complaint, notes overdue immunizations and other preventive care required, and orders lab tests the provider will need.
A walk-in patient arrives, and as his chart is pulled, his PCC Health Summary is printed. A triage nurse checks the Summary for information crucial in treating the chief complaint, notes overdue immunizations and other preventive care required, and orders lab tests the provider will need.
8:25 am
A physician's assistant (PA) in the Urgent Care Clinic sees the walk-in patient and needs a lab report. Instead of calling the lab and asking a technician for the results of the urinalysis the triage nurse ordered, the PA goes directly to the lab printer. RPMS Laboratory software prints test results the moment the lab reports them. Meanwhile, at a nearby computer terminal, a physician uses Radiology to access the result of an ultrasound test he ordered recently. He sees that the patient has gallstones and changes the PCC Problem List narrative to reflect this new information. He also documents the test and follow-up treatment plans as Related Notes on the PCC Health Summary.
A physician's assistant (PA) in the Urgent Care Clinic sees the walk-in patient and needs a lab report. Instead of calling the lab and asking a technician for the results of the urinalysis the triage nurse ordered, the PA goes directly to the lab printer. RPMS Laboratory software prints test results the moment the lab reports them. Meanwhile, at a nearby computer terminal, a physician uses Radiology to access the result of an ultrasound test he ordered recently. He sees that the patient has gallstones and changes the PCC Problem List narrative to reflect this new information. He also documents the test and follow-up treatment plans as Related Notes on the PCC Health Summary.
9:48 am
Also in Urgent Care Clinic, a physician discovers that tissue sampling has not yet been ordered for a 38-year-old woman with dysfunctional uterine bleeding. The nurse clinician mentions that two other patients with similar problems were treated recently without tissue sampling but can't remember their names.
Also in Urgent Care Clinic, a physician discovers that tissue sampling has not yet been ordered for a 38-year-old woman with dysfunctional uterine bleeding. The nurse clinician mentions that two other patients with similar problems were treated recently without tissue sampling but can't remember their names.
9:55 am
Using PCC Query (Q-Man), the clinician enters pertinent information to search for those patients and within minutes the two patients who need tissue sampling are identified.
Using PCC Query (Q-Man), the clinician enters pertinent information to search for those patients and within minutes the two patients who need tissue sampling are identified.
11:30 am
A child is admitted with confirmed meningococcal meningitis. A household investigation and appropriate prophylaxis are in order. Using RPMS's Network Communication capability, the public health nurse chooses the CDC Prevention Guidelines icon and is automatically connected to the CDC home page. He finds Recommendations from the Immunization Practices Advisory Committee on Meningococcal Vaccines, prints the document, and obtains orders from a physician to provide the recommended doses of rifampin to the patient's intimate contacts.
A child is admitted with confirmed meningococcal meningitis. A household investigation and appropriate prophylaxis are in order. Using RPMS's Network Communication capability, the public health nurse chooses the CDC Prevention Guidelines icon and is automatically connected to the CDC home page. He finds Recommendations from the Immunization Practices Advisory Committee on Meningococcal Vaccines, prints the document, and obtains orders from a physician to provide the recommended doses of rifampin to the patient's intimate contacts.