Pay Systems and Tables
IHS provides competitive salaries to its valued workforce under pay systems and pay tables authorized under Title 5 and Title 38 of the United States Code. Within legal and regulatory limits, IHS reviews pay tables and staff compensation to ensure that staff are appropriately and fairly recognized for their responsibilities and contributions. Detailed information regarding the IHS civilian pay systems and pay tables is provided below.

The General Schedule (GS) classification and pay system covers the majority of civilian Federal employees in professional, technical, and administrative positions. The GS pay plan is used.
Summary Information
- Overview of General Schedule System
- Remote Work and 2025 GS Locality Pay
- General Schedule Biweekly Pay Caps for GS RUS and GS Wash DC – 2025 [XLS - 99 KB]
Pay Tables
- HHS Payroll Calendar – 2025 [PDF]
- Title 5 General Schedule (Non-Locality) Base Salary Table – 2025 [PDF]
- General Schedule Locality Pay Tables for all geographic areas – 2025
- Title 5 Special Salary Rates – 2025
- Title 5 Special Salary Rate for IHS SFC Engineers in Certain Counties –2024
- Title 5 Special Salary Rate for IHS SFC Engineers in Certain Counties –2025
The Federal Wage System (FWS) covers trade, craft, and laboring employees who are paid by the hour, and includes the Wage Grade (WG), Wage Leader (WL), and Wage Supervisor (WS) pay plans.
Summary Information
Pay Tables
Laws, Regulations, OPM, and HHS Instruction
The Senior Executive Service (SES) is the employment system that applies to any positions that are classified above GS-15 and involve executive management and high policy-making responsibilities. The Senior Executive Service (ES) pay plan is used.
Pay Tables
Pay Tables
Title 38 of the United States Code provides special pay authorities used to recruit and retain employees in certain health care occupations. It allows IHS to be competitive with other health care facilities in the area. There are two ways that IHS uses the Title 38 pay authorities – Title 38 special salary rates and Title 38 Physician, Dentist and Podiatrist Pay.
- 5 U.S.C. 5371, Health Care Positions
- 38 U.S.C. Chapter 74, Veterans Health Administration - Personnel
- Title 38 OPM/HHS Delegated Agreement [PDF - 860 KB]
- HHS and IHS Title 38 Pay Limitations [PDF - 105 KB]
IHS has authorized higher rates of basic pay than regular GS locality rates for certain health care occupations based on documented recruitment and retention issues and in compliance with the Title 38 statutory criteria. The GS pay plan is used for employees paid from Title 38 special salary rates.
- Title 38 and Title 5 Special Salary Rates Used at IHS – 2024 [PDF - 414 KB]
Title 38 Special Salary Rate Pay Tables
- Certified Nurse Midwife (Nationwide) [PDF - 133 KB]
- Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Nationwide) [PDF - 130 KB]
- Clinical Laboratory Scientist (Nationwide) [PDF - 138 KB]
- Dental Assistant (Nationwide) [PDF - 139 KB]
- Dental Hygienist (Nationwide) [PDF - 118 KB]
- Diagnostic Radiologic Technologist (Nationwide) [PDF - 149 KB]
- Licensed Practical Nurse (Nationwide) [PDF - 132 KB]
- Medical Instrument Technician (Nationwide) [PDF - 144 KB]
- Nurse (Alaska) [PDF - 145 KB]
- Nurse (Nationwide) [PDF - 150 KB]
- Nurse (Phoenix metropolitan area) [PDF - 150 KB]
- Nurse Practitioner (Nationwide) [PDF - 133 KB]
- Optometrist (Nationwide) [PDF - 131 KB]
- Pharmacist (Nationwide) [PDF - 131 KB]
- Pharmacy Resident (Nationwide) [PDF - 122 KB]
- Pharmacy Technician (Nationwide) [PDF - 145 KB]
- Physicians Assistant (Nationwide) [PDF - 131 KB]
- Psychologist (Nationwide) [PDF - 134 KB]
- Social Worker (Nationwide) [PDF - 133 KB]
Title 38 Special Salary Rate Pay Tables
- Certified Nurse Midwife (Nationwide)(Effective 12/1/2024) [PDF - 141 KB]
- Certified Nurse Midwife (Nationwide)(Effective 1/14/2024) [PDF - 141 KB]
- Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Nationwide) [PDF - 188 KB]
- Clinical Laboratory Scientist (Nationwide) [PDF - 112 KB]
- Dental Assistant (Nationwide) [PDF - 76.6 KB]
- Dental Hygienist (Nationwide) [PDF - 127 KB]
- Diagnostic Radiologic Technologist (Nationwide) [PDF - 165 KB]
- Licensed Practical Nurse (Nationwide) [PDF - 122 KB]
- Medical Instrument Technician (Nationwide) [PDF - 165 KB]
- Nurse Practitioner (Nationwide) [PDF - 446 KB]
- Nurse (Alaska) [PDF - 163 KB]
- Nurse (Nationwide) [PDF - 203 KB]
- Nurse (Phoenix metropolitan area) [PDF - 228 KB]
- Optometrist (Nationwide) [PDF - 191 KB]
- Pharmacist (Nationwide) [PDF - 171 KB]
- Pharmacy Resident (Nationwide) [PDF - 176 KB]
- Pharmacy Technician (Nationwide) [PDF - 214 KB]
- Physicians Assistant (Nationwide) [PDF - 191 KB]
- Psychologist (Nationwide) [PDF - 127 KB]
- Social Worker (Nationwide) [PDF - 127 KB]
Title 38 Special Salary Rate Pay Tables
- Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) [PDF - 435 KB]
- Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist [PDF - 430 KB]
- Dental Hygienist [PDF - 447 KB]
- Diagnostic Radiologic Technologist [PDF - 431 KB]
- Licensed Practical Nurse [PDF - 446 KB]
- Medical Instrument Technician (Nationwide) [PDF - 580 KB]
- Nurse Practitioner (Nationwide) [PDF - 446 KB]
- Nurses (Alaska) [PDF - 467 KB]
- Nurses (Nationwide) [PDF - 447 KB]
- Nurses (Phoenix metropolitan area) [PDF - 430 KB]
- Optometrist [PDF - 432 KB]
- Pharmacist (Nationwide)(Effective 1/1/2023) [PDF - 433 KB]
- Pharmacist (Nationwide)(Effective 8/13/2023) [PDF - 442 KB]
- Pharmacy Resident (Nationwide) (Effective 8/13/2023) [PDF - 436 KB]
- Pharmacy Technician (Nationwide) [PDF - 443 KB]
- Physicians Assistant (Nationwide) [PDF - 446 KB]
- Psychologist (Nationwide) [PDF - 461 KB]
- Social Worker (Nationwide) [PDF - 446 KB]
Title 38 Special Salary Rate Pay Tables
- Diagnostic Radiologic Technologist [PDF - 433 KB]
- Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) [PDF - 230 KB]
- Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist [PDF - 146 KB]
- Dental Hygienist [PDF - 146 KB]
- Licensed Practical Nurse [PDF - 145 KB]
- Nurses (Alaska) [PDF - 470 KB]
- Nurses (Nationwide) [PDF - 147 KB]
- Nurses (Phoenix metropolitan area) [PDF - 164 KB]
- Nurse Practitioner (Effective 10/23/2022) [PDF - 432 KB]
- Nurse Practitioner (Effective 01/02/2022) [PDF - 117 KB]
- Optometrist [PDF - 145 KB]
- Pharmacist [PDF - 146 KB]
- Physicians Assistant (Effective 10/23/2022) [PDF -429 KB]
- Physicians Assistant (Effective 01/02/2022) [PDF - 427 KB]
- Psychologist (Nationwide) [PDF - 461 KB]
- Social Worker (Nationwide) [PDF - 428 KB]
Title 38 Special Salary Rate Pay Tables
- Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) [PDF - 158 KB]
- Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist [PDF - 171 KB]
- Dental Hygienist [PDF - 122 KB]
- Licensed Practical Nurse [PDF - 109 KB]
- Nurses (Alaska) [PDF - 464 KB]
- Nurses (Alaska), effective 11/2021 [PDF - 470 KB]
- Nurses (Nationwide) [PDF - 150 KB]
- Nurses (Nationwide) effective 11/2021 [PDF - 147 KB]
- Nurses (Phoenix metropolitan area) [PDF - 451 KB]
- Nurses (Phoenix metropolitan area) effective 11/2021 [PDF - 164 KB]
- Nurse Practitioner [PDF - 118 KB]
- Optometrist [PDF - 131 KB]
- Pharmacist [PDF - 164 KB]
- Physicians Assistant [PDF - 115 KB]
- Physicians Assistant (Alaska Only) [PDF - 463 KB]
Title 38 Special Salary Rate Pay Tables
- Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) [PDF - 128 KB]
- Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist [PDF - 117 KB]
- Dental Hygienist [PDF - 124 KB]
- Licensed Practical Nurse [PDF - 118 KB]
- Nurse [PDF - 143 KB]
- Nurse (Phoenix Area) [PDF - 163 KB]
- Nurse Practitioner [PDF - 120 KB]
- Nurse (Alaska Only) [PDF - 132 KB]
- Optometrist [PDF - 111 KB]
- Pharmacist [PDF - 103 KB]
- Physicians Assistant [PDF - 134 KB]
- Physicians Assistant (Alaska Only) [PDF - 136 KB]
Title 38 Special Salary Rate Pay Tables
- Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) [PDF - 82 KB]
- Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist [PDF - 76 KB]
- Dental Hygienist [PDF - 101 KB]
- Licensed Practical Nurse [PDF - 64 KB]
- Nurse [PDF - 101 KB]
- Nurse (Phoenix Area) [PDF - 125 KB]
- Nurse Practitioner [PDF - 82 KB]
- Nurse (Alaska Only) [PDF - 109 KB]
- Optometrist [PDF - 187 KB]
- Pharmacist [PDF - 79 KB]
- Physicians Assistant [PDF - 94 KB]
- Physicians Assistant (Alaska Only) [PDF - 114 KB]
Title 38 Special Salary Rate Pay Tables
- Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) [PDF - 187 KB]
- Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist [PDF - 187 KB]
- Nurse [PDF - 191 KB]
- Nurse (Phoenix Area) [PDF - 123 KB]
- Nurse Practitioner [PDF - 186 KB]
- Nurse Alaska Only [PDF - 191 KB]
- Optometrist [PDF - 187 KB]
- Pharmacist [PDF - 186 KB]
- Physicians Assistant [PDF - 188 KB]
- Physicians Assistant Alaska Only [PDF - 186 KB]
Title 38 Special Salary Rate Pay Tables
- Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) [PDF - 78 KB]
- Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist [PDF - 81 KB]
- Nurse [PDF - 77 KB]
- Nurse Alaska Only [PDF - 85 KB]
- Optometrist [PDF - 76 KB]
- Pharmacist [PDF - 67 KB]
- Physicians Assistant [PDF - 75 KB]
- Physicians Assistant Alaska Only [PDF - 91 KB]
Title 38 Special Salary Rate Pay Tables
- Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist [PDF - 107 KB]
- Dentist [PDF - 70 KB]
- Nurse [PDF - 114 KB]
- Optometrist [PDF - 85 KB]
- Pharmacist [PDF - 102 KB]
- Physicians Assistant [PDF - 120 KB]
Title 38 Physician, Dentist and Podiatrist Pay (PDP) provides higher annual pay to physicians, dentists and podiatrists who provide direct patient care or services incident to patient care. The system consists of two components: General Schedule pay without locality (Title 5) and Market Pay (Title 38). The GP pay plan is used for clinicians paid under the Title 38 PDP system.
Title 38 Physician, Dentist, and Podiatrist SOP [PDF - 471 KB] (IHS network access required)
IHS Case Checklist for Title 38 PDP Cases Reviewed at IHS Headquarters [PDF -159 KB]
IHS Case Checklist for Title 38 PDP Cases Reviewed in IHS Areas [PDF - 164 KB]
Title 38 Physician and Dentist Pay Approval Authority [PDF - 527 KB]
HHS-691, Request for Title 38 Physician and Dentist Pay (PDP) [PDF - 1 MB]
Title 38 PDP Pay Range Tables Effective 1-12-2025 [PDF - 158 KB]
HHS Instruction 590-1 Title 38 PDP [PDF - 201 KB]
Title 38 PDP – Options for Adjusting Salary and Additional Compensation [PDF - 201 KB]
- Title 38 PDP Pay Range Tables Effective 7-30-2023 [PDF - 430 KB]
- Title 38 PDP Pay Range Tables Effective 1-14-2024 [PDF - 218 KB]
Comparative salary survey data can be used to determine and defend an appropriate compensation level for federal employees based on statutory and regulatory criteria. One common method of obtaining comparative salary data is to consult the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) which provides free salary data on over 800 occupations. The BLS data may be searched on a nationwide basis, by region, by state and even by metropolitan area. It is particularly helpful if salary data pertains to at least the general region of the IHS position being evaluated. Physician salary data is also publicly available from Merritt Hawkins , a physician recruiting firm.
(IHS network access required) - Additionally, IHS purchases salary data to use in benchmarking pay levels and in evaluating compensation cases. IHS staff who work on pay cases and need access to this data to create and defend cases may obtain this IHS-only salary data on the IHS Office of Human Resources Intranet Page. IHS purchases the comparative salary survey information under a licensed agreement and should not be shared outside of IHS.