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Education Materials and Resources (Online Catalog)

Find free, culturally-relevant materials to prevent and treat diabetes and diabetes-related conditions.Read and share with your patients, clients, friends, and family members.

October is Health Literacy Month

October is Health Literacy Month
Help patients manage their diabetes using these free and easy to understand education materials.


    Diabetes Basics

    Diabetes Information for You and Your Family

    How does diabetes happen?

    Diabetes happens when the body:




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    • Does not make enough insulin
    • Does not use insulin well
    • Stops making insulin

    Insulin is made by the body to help move sugar from the blood to the muscles and other parts of the body.

    About Type 2 Diabetes

    What is type 2 diabetes?

    Type 2 diabetes is when the body does not use insulin well and does not make enough insulin. This is the most common type of diabetes.

    The chances for type 2 diabetes are higher if you:

    • Have a parent, brother, or sister with diabetes
    • Have ever had diabetes during pregnancy
    • Are overweight
    • Are not physically active
    • Have prediabetes

    Prediabetes is having blood sugar levels higher than normal but not high enough for diabetes.

    Symptoms of Diabetes

    • Increased thirst
    • Increased hunger
    • Feeling very tired most of the time
    • Increased urination
    • Unexplained weight loss
    • Blurred vision

    These symptoms can be severe or mild. Some people may not have any symptoms.

    How can you find out if you have diabetes?

    A blood test will show if you have diabetes. Ask your health care provider about getting tested and where you can get more information.

    Take Steps to Manage Diabetes

    Even though diabetes is long lasting, there are things you can do to stay healthy. Consider the following things and ask your health care provider if it is right for you.

    Healthy foodMake healthy food choices.


    No soda - Choose WaterChoose water instead of sugary drinks.


    A man with a child in his backpackStay active.


    Someone checking their blood sugarCheck your blood sugar.


    The palm of a hand holding a pillTake medicine.


    Find healthy ways to cope with stress.

    Everyone has a different experience with diabetes. Sometimes it can be tough. Having support from family, friends, and others with diabetes can be helpful. There may be a diabetes education program at your clinic or in your community.

    A man smiling

    Diabetes and Emergencies

    When a crisis happens, medication, water, or diabetes supplies may be hard to get. By planning ahead you can act quickly. Have an emergency kit ready to go so you can better manage your diabetes away from home.

    Build an Emergency Kit

    Get a backpack or box that holds a week or more worth of supplies. Stock the kit with items that apply to you on the checklist. Place the kit where you can grab it and go. See more at Exit Disclaimer: You Are Leaving  on how to build your kit.




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    First aid kit with diabetes medical supplies

    Diabetes Medical Supplies for 1-2 weeks

    • Prescriptions and over-the-counter medications taken by mouth, inhaled, or injected
    • Glucose meters, test strips, lancets, and batteries
    • Continuous glucose monitoring supplies
    • Insulin pens, needles, and syringes
    • Insulin pump supplies
    • Glucose tablets, juice boxes, or hard candy to treat low blood sugar
    • Hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes
    • First aid kit
    Health coverage and personal information

    Personal Information and Items

    • Current medication list, along with your pharmacy and provider’s contact information
    • Copies of important records, identification, and health insurance cards
    • Extra cell phone charger
    • Extra pair of glasses or contact lenses, as needed
    3-day supply of food, water, and other essentials

    More Essentials for Your Kit

    A 3-day supply of food, water, and other essentials to pack

    • Non-perishable food such as peanut butter, crackers, protein bars and shakes, tuna, sardines, nuts, and canned fruit
    • A can opener and eating utensils
    • One gallon of water per day
    • Radio, flashlight, and extra batteries
    • A warm blanket and a change of clothing

    Create an Emergency Plan

    Talk with family members about why and how to prepare for disasters common to your area.

    Stay in touch with family members

    Things to consider

    A woman preparing for an emergency with her caregiver

    If you have disabilities or other medical needs:

    Diabetes and Pregnancy

    Having a Healthy Baby

    You’re going to have a baby! In pregnancy, your body goes through many changes. These changes affect the way your body uses sugars and starches (carbohydrates) for energy. Sometimes, these changes cause extra sugar (glucose) to collect in the blood, resulting in high blood sugar, or diabetes.




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    People who are pregnant can have two types of diabetes:


    develops during pregnancy.

    This type of diabetes is usually identified at 24-28 weeks of pregnancy, but may be identified sooner. Having gestational diabetes can put you at greater risk of developing diabetes in the future.


    means that you had diabetes before you became pregnant.

    Sometimes, this diabetes is first identified during the pregnancy.

    Pregnant woman

    Managing Diabetes During Pregnancy

    If you have diabetes, you need extra care during and after pregnancy. Uncontrolled blood sugar can cause problems for pregnant people and newborns. It can lead to:

    • Problems during labor and delivery
    • Delivery by C-section
    • A large baby, more than 9 pounds
    • Very low blood sugar in the baby after birth
    • Higher risk of obesity and diabetes later in life for the baby

    Controlling your blood sugar, eating healthy, and exercising will help reduce the risk of these problems. Your care team can help develop a plan that works best for you.

    The following guidance helps with controlling blood sugar for a healthy pregnancy.

    1 Eat healthy foods.

    Good nutrition is an important tool to help control blood sugar. A dietitian can work with you to create an individualized meal plan.

    Small plate of food

    Eat 3 small meals a day.

    Choose foods and drinks low in added sugar. Include vegetables, protein, and whole grains in each meal.

    A plate with whole grain toast and an egg

    Eat breakfast every day.

    Include a protein and a whole grain, such as an egg and a small bowl of oatmeal. Avoid having fruit with breakfast.

    A plate with snacks

    Eat 2 or 3 snacks a day.

    Combine a fruit, yogurt, or whole grain with a protein or a healthy fat, such as nuts or avocado.

    A glass of water

    Drink water, milk, and unsweetened beverages.

    Limit caffeine and artificial sweeteners. Avoid energy drinks, fruit juices, and sugary drinks.

    2 Be active.

    Activity helps to lower blood sugar levels. Light exercise is best, such as walking, dancing, and yoga. Even a 15-minute walk helps lower blood sugar. Ask your provider about exercise during pregnancy.

    3 Test your blood sugars often.Glucose Meter

    Use a glucose meter to keep track of your blood sugar throughout the day. Your provider or team will help you learn how and when to do testing, and what your blood sugar targets should be.

    4 Take your medications.

    If you have gestational diabetes, you may need to use insulin or other medications to control blood sugar. If you have pregestational diabetes, changes to your medications will be needed during pregnancy.

    5 Avoid alcohol, tobacco, street drugs, and medications that your provider hasn’t prescribed.

    These substances can harm you and your baby. If you need help quitting, talk to your healthcare provider who can refer you to resources.

    After Your Baby is Born

    • Continue to eat healthy, be physically active, and keep your weight within a healthy range.
    • Breastfeed your baby to reduce your risk of diabetes. If you have diabetes, breastfeeding will help with blood sugar control. Breastfed babies have a lower risk of developing obesity and diabetes later in life.
    • Get tested for diabetes six weeks after your baby is born and then once a year if you had gestational diabetes.
    Mother breastfeeding her baby.

    Stress and Diabetes

    Managing Stress When You Have Diabetes

    Life is stressful at times. Having diabetes can also add stress, along with worries about work, family, or school. When stressed, your blood sugars can increase and be harder to control.

    Learning how to deal with stress can lead to a more balanced life. It is a way of caring for yourself and managing diabetes.




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    When I first found out I had diabetes, I was devastated. I kept having a helpless thought. I decided to choose to find reasons and ways to be joyful every day. I worked at it and prayed for it. I got help from the Creator, family, and friends.

    Stress and Everyday Life

    Stress can be felt in emotional and physical ways. Emotions could show as anxiety, frustration or anger. Your body could experience rapid breathing, tense muscles, headaches or stomach pain.

    Stress can be temporary or last a long time. Ongoing stress is often harder to deal with and can affect work, relationships, and health. With help, stress can be reduced.

    Barbara Mora and husband, Bob.

    Barbara Mora and husband, Bob.

    Woman closing her eyes and rubbing her neck

    Unhealthy Responses to Stress

    • Using commercial tobacco more than usual
    • Overeating
    • Increased alcohol use
    • Spending hours watching TV or social media
    • Avoiding friends and relatives

    At first, these ways of coping might feel like they help, but over time may become harmful to your physical and mental health.

    Healthy Ways to Manage Stress

    Finding ways to cope with stress is good for your mind and body. Reducing stress can also help with blood sugar and diabetes control. Talking with your care provider can help if you often feel overwhelmed or depressed. Consider writing about your feelings in, A River Runs Through Us, 90-Day Journal for Wellness.

    To order your free copy visit,

    Native women dancing dressed in traditional attire
    Responsive image

    Working With the Diabetes Health Care Team

    Medical Care

    A beaded stethoscopeGetting regular medical care is important to living well with diabetes. Below is a list and schedule of routine medical care recommended for managing diabetes.




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    Each Diabetes Medical Visit

    • Blood Pressure
    • Foot Check

    Every 3 to 6 Months

    • A1C Test

    Usually Once a Year

    • Exams
      • Eye
      • Dental
      • Foot
    • Lab Tests
      • Kidney (urine and blood)
      • Cholesterol
    • Flu Shot

    If your provider recommends home blood sugar testing, take your meter or readings with you to each diabetes visit.

    Diabetes Education and Support

    Learning about diabetes is an ongoing process. People with diabetes can work closely with a diabetes educator to help them learn about living well with diabetes. Diabetes educators may be nurses, dietitians, pharmacists, or others.

    Topics to learn about:

    • Healthy eating
    • Managing blood sugar and blood pressure
    • Taking care of feet, eyes, kidneys, and heart
    • Becoming or staying active
    • Taking medicine
    • Feelings and emotions
    • Coping with stress
    • Tobacco use
    Walking shoes, pill box, Rx medication bottle, glucose meter, vegetables.

    Diabetic Eye Disease

    What is diabetic eye disease?

    Diabetic eye disease can happen when a person has high blood sugar over a long period of time. This causes blood vessels in the back of the eye to leak or bleed. It can occur in one or both eyes. This is called retinopathy.

    How do you know if you have diabetic eye disease?




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    There are often no warning signs. The only way to know if you have diabetic eye disease is by getting your eyes checked. People with diabetes need to get their eyes checked at least once a year.

    There are two ways to check:

    1Get a dilated eye exam by an eye doctor.

    2Some clinics can screen for diabetic eye disease by taking pictures of the back of your eyes.

    You can help prevent or slow diabetic eye disease.

    A drop of blood.Manage your blood sugar and blood pressure.

    A Rx medicine container.Take your medicines as prescribed.

    An eye.Get an eye exam every year.

    How is diabetic eye disease treated?

    People who have diabetic eye disease are seen more often by an eye doctor. They may also need the following:

    • Eye medicines
    • Laser treatment
    • Surgery
    A woman getting an eye exam.
    A elderly woman weaving a basket.

    Diabetes increases the risk for common eye problems, such as cataracts and glaucoma.

    • Cataracts are cloudy areas in the lens of the eye.
    • Glaucoma happens when there is increased pressure in the eye.
    • Your eye doctor can check for these eye problems during an eye exam.

    Alert - Exclamation mark!If you notice sudden changes in your vision, such as dark spots or vision loss, get checked by a health care provider right away.


    Alert - Pregnant woman.Women with diabetes need to get an eye exam if they are planning to become pregnant and while they are pregnant.


    Keeping Your Feet Healthy

    Diabetes Information for You and Your Family

    Healthy feet help us to take care of ourselves and our families. We depend on them daily. Many people also use them to walk familiar trails and to take part in traditions, such as dances and ceremonies. For people with diabetes, controlling blood sugars is important to keep feet healthy.

    Here are three things you can do to take care of your feet:




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    A woman checking her feet for cuts, sores, red or swollen areas, and blisters.

    Check your feet every day.

    Donna Cardoza,
    Santo Domingo Pueblo, NM

    1. Check your feet every day.

    • Look at your feet for cuts, sores, red or swollen areas, and blisters.
    • Check for infected or ingrown toenails.
    • If you need help checking your feet, use a mirror or ask a family member to help you.

    2. Get help if you find a foot problem.

    • If you find any problems during your daily foot checks, contact your health care team right away.
    • Getting help early can keep small problems from becoming bigger problems.

    3. Quit using commercial tobacco or never start.

    • Tobacco use reduces blood flow to your feet.
    • Ask your health care team about things you can do to quit using commercial tobacco.
    • Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) for free help.
    • Avoid being around others who are smoking, including in the car.

    At each clinic visit, take off your shoes and socks.

    A provider clipping a patients toe nails.

    Partner with your health care team.

    Mary Schwiderson, RN
    Walter LeBlanc,
    Bay Mills Tribe, MI

    Ask a member of your health care team to:

    • Check your feet.
    • Show you how to care for your feet.
    • Trim your toenails or take care of corns and calluses, if needed.
    • Suggest special shoes or inserts to help protect your feet.

    What are other ways you can keep your feet healthy?

    Wear shoes indoors and outdoors. Do not go barefoot.

    • Wear comfortable shoes that fit well and protect your feet.
    • Shoes should have round toes and low heels.
    • Avoid shoes that are open at either the toe or the heel.
    • Before putting your shoes on, check inside each shoe to make sure there are no objects, such as a small rock.
    • Wear socks to help prevent getting blisters and sores.

    Protect your feet from hot and cold.

    • Keep your feet away from heaters, open fires, and heating pads. You may burn your feet and not know it.
    • Wear socks at night if your feet get cold.

    Wash your feet often.

    • Avoid using water that is too hot.
    • Dry your feet well, including between your toes.

    Put lotion on your feet daily.

    • Apply lotion on the tops and bottoms of your feet, but not between your toes.
    • Moisture between the toes can make the skin soften and break down, which can lead to infection.

    Trim your toenails or ask for help.

    • Trim your toenails straight across using toenail clippers.
    • Do not use knives or sharp tools to cut the skin close to your toenails, or anywhere else on your feet.
    • Ask for help trimming your toenails from a family member or health care team if you:
      • Cannot see well.
      • Have poor feeling in your feet.
      • Cannot reach your feet.
      • Have thick toenails.

    Report foot problems early.

    It is important to get foot problems checked and treated right away. Ask your health care provider about treatment options. They may refer you to a foot or wound care specialist, if needed.

    Checking Your Blood Sugar

    Living well with diabetes means knowing how food, activity, and diabetes medications affect your blood sugar. Checking your blood sugar regularly provides information you can use to adjust eating habits and activities to manage your diabetes.

    What numbers are right for you?

    Blood sugar goals vary from person to person. Talk to your health care team about your goals and what is best for you.




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    Getting started

    Your health care team can help you decide if and when to check your blood sugar. They can provide a blood sugar meter and instructions on how to use it.

    When to check

    Work with your health care team to make a plan for testing your blood sugar. Common times to check are:

    • When you first wake up and before you eat (fasting)
    • Before meals
    • 2 hours after the start of a meal
    • At bedtime

    Different ways to check your blood sugar

    Blood sugar meterBlood sugar meters are small devices used to check blood sugar levels. The results show the amount of sugar in the blood at the time of the test.


    Continuous Glucose MonitoringContinuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) uses a tiny sensor under the skin to check blood sugar levels every 1 to 5 minutes, 24-hours a day. CGM devices can be linked to a cell phone.


    A1CHemoglobin A1C is a lab test that measures your average blood sugar level over the past 2 to 3 months.

    Goals for Blood Sugar* My Blood Sugar Goals
    Fasting or before a meal: 80 to 130 mg/dl  
    2 hours after meals: Below 180 mg/dl  
    A1C: Less than 7% for most adults  
    * These are general recommendations for people with diabetes who are not pregnant.

    Blood Sugar Highs and Lows

      High Blood Sugar Low Blood Sugar
    What is it? Also known as Hyperglycemia.
    May or may not have symptoms.
    Also known as Hypoglycemia.
    Usually lower than 70 or when having
    symptoms of low blood sugar.
    Why is it
    High blood sugar can cause low energy
    and long-term damage to eyes, kidneys,
    feet, and other parts of the body.
    Our brains need sugar to work well.
    Low blood sugar can cause confusion
    or fainting.
    What are some
    Weakness, blurred vision, thirst, or
    urinating (peeing) often.
    Hunger, confusion, dizziness, shakiness,
    or fast heartbeat.
    What to do? If your blood sugar is too high, drink
    water and limit sugars and starches. Talk
    to your health care provider.
    Treat low blood sugar. Have a
    sugary item, such as 4 oz. of juice, 4
    glucose tabs, or 1 glucose gel. Retest
    in 15 minutes.

    If your blood sugar levels are too high or too low, you may need to make changes to:

    Plate with spoon and fork resembling a clock

    What or when you eat and drink

    Rx medication bottles and medication


    A woman exercising

    Physical activity

    A woman relaxing

    Managing stress


    Going UP

    Things that may cause hyperglycemia

    • Eating more than usual or a large meal
    • Forgetting your diabetes medication
    • Dealing with stressful situations
    • Having an illness or infection

    Going DOWN

    Things that may cause hypoglycemia

    • Eating less than usual or skipping meals
    • Being more active than usual
    • Taking more medication than prescribed by your provider

    What is a Continuous Glucose Monitor

    Continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) are devices you wear that give you minute-by-minute readings on how glucose (sugar) levels are going up and down. CGMs have alarms to alert you if your sugar goes too high or too low.

    CGMs help you understand how diabetes medications (especially insulin), food, exercise, stress, and sick days affect your blood sugar. Understanding your blood sugar patterns may make it easier to reach your target A1c.




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    How does a CGM work?


    The CGM sensor is disposable. It uses a thin flexible material, called a filament, to measure sugar in the fluid under your skin. It is held on by an adhesive, allowing you to shower or swim. Most sensors last 10-14 days.

    Continuous Glucose Monitor


    The transmitter is attached to the sensor and sends sugar values to the reader or a smart phone with a CGM application. Using a wireless connection CGMs transmit values every 1-5 minutes.


    A reader displays your sugar levels throughout the day. It is a device about the size of a cell phone. You may be able to view and share the information with those you authorize, such as a family member or your health care provider.

    A man wearing a Continuous Glucose Monitor

    A Sample Continuous Glucose Monitor Data Graph

    The CGM data graph shows glucose levels over time. In this example, the target range (usually 70-180 mg/dL) is in green. A sugar target is the number range you try to stay within. This can vary depending on your age and health issues.

    CGMs can also show the percentage of time in a day that sugars have been in the target range. Treatment plans can be changed based on the patterns shown in your data graph.

    The American Diabetes Association recommends that a person with diabetes aim for a time in range of at least 70 percent of readings (not high or low).

    A Sample Continuous Glucose Monitor Data Graph

    What are some pros and cons of CGM use?

    Pros of CGMs

    • Continuous sugar readings for care decisions
    • No finger sticks
    • Alerts for high or low blood sugars
    • Notifies caregivers so they can respond

    Cons of CGMs

    • Possible skin irritation or sensitivity to adhesive
    • Sensor may get caught on clothing and come off
    • Sensors need to be replaced every 10-14 days
    • Transmitters require Internet and Bluetooth connectivity

    Low Blood Sugar

    Know the Symptoms of Low Blood Sugar.

    Low blood sugar can be a problem. You may feel one or more of the symptoms below when your blood sugar is getting low. Some people may not feel any symptoms.




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    A low blood sugar is 70 or less. You may feel symptoms at, or near, 70.
    Confused, Dizzy, Anxious, Sweaty, Shaky, Headache, Blurry Vision, Grumpy, Fast Heartbeat, Hungry

    What To Do If You Have Low Blood Sugar Symptoms.

    If you have your meter nearby, check your blood sugar. It is okay if you cannot check. It is more important to treat your symptoms right away.

    Step 1: Treat low blood sugar. Choose one sugary food or drink, such as: half a glass of real fruit juice (not sugar free), half a can of soda pop (not sugar free), 4 to 5 pieces of hard candy (not chocolate), 3 teaspoons or packets of real sugar, jelly or honey.
    Step 2: Wait 15 minutes. If you are able, check your blood sugar to see if it is above 70. Step 3: If you continue to have symptoms, or if your blood sugar is less than 70, repeat step 1. Step 4: When the symptoms are gone, eat a meal or snack to keep your symptoms from returning.

    Talk to Your Health Care Provider.

    A Native woman smiling.

    Let your health care provider know if you are having symptoms of low blood sugar. You may need a change in your medicine.

    A beaded stethoscope.

    Tips for Managing Blood Sugar

    Did you know?

    Living well with diabetes is possible!

    There are things you can do to help you stay healthy.




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    Choose water instead of sugary drinks.


    Make healthy food choices.

    Use your plate as a guide

    • Fill half of your plate with vegetables.
    • Fill the other half of your plate with a grain/starch and a protein.
    • Add a side of fruit.

    Do something active every day.

    • Choose an activity that you enjoy.
    • Wear comfortable clothes and shoes.
    • Ask a friend or family member to join you.

    Find healthy ways to reduce stress.

    Stress can raise your blood sugar. Below are some ideas that may help you feel less stressed.

    • Talk with others.
    • Go for a walk in nature.
    • Spend time on a hobby such as beading or gardening.
    My Native Plate - Fruit, Vegetables, Protein, Grain/Starch, and Water
    A man hiking with a child in his backpack.

    Ask your medical provider if the following is right for you:

    Blood glucose meter.

    Checking blood sugar

    Rx Medication containers and pills.

    Taking medicines


    Blood Pressure and Diabetes

    What You Need to Know

    Smoked salmon

    The heart is an amazing, life-giving organ

    The heart works well under pressure, but blood pressure that gets too high (hypertension) makes your heart work harder. People develop hypertension as a result of many conditions, including injury to the kidneys from diabetes. If it is not treated, hypertension can cause damage to your heart and blood vessels, raising your chances of heart attack, stroke, worsening kidney problems, amputation, and blindness. There may not be any warning signs or symptoms.




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    A woman checking her blood pressureAn estimated 4 out of 5 American Indian and Alaska Native people with diabetes also have hypertension.

    It is important to have your blood pressure checked often. Anyone, including youth, can develop high blood pressure, but it is more likely to occur as you get older.

    What is Blood Pressure?

    Blood pressure is the force of the blood against the walls of your blood vessels. Blood pressure is needed to circulate blood through the body.

    Blood pressure readings have two numbers, such as 120/80. The top number (120) is the pressure in the heart and blood vessels when the heart beats. This is called systolic pressure. The bottom number (80) is the pressure in the heart and blood vessels when the heart is at rest. This is called diastolic pressure.

    Blood Pressure Monitor
    Blood Pressure Systolic (mmHg)   Diastolic (mm Hg)
    Normal Less than 120 and Less than 80
    Elevated 120-129 and Less than 80
    High Blood Pressure
    130 or Higher or 80 or Higher

    Keeping Blood Pressure in Control

    Your health care team can help you manage your blood pressure and lower your risk for complications. What changes could you make to control your blood pressure?

    Take prescribed blood pressure medication

    Take prescribed blood pressure medication.

    Decrease or quit commercial tobacco

    Decrease or quit commercial tobacco.

    Move more

    Move more. Even a 15-minute walk most days helps.

    Eat more fruits and vegetables

    Eat more fruits and vegetables.

    Aim for a healthy weight

    Aim for a healthy weight.

    Get enough sleep

    Get enough sleep.

    Limit alcohol

    Limit alcohol to no more than 1 drink a day for women, 2 for men.

    Fats and Heart Health

    Diabetes Information for You and Your Family

    Smoked salmon

    Fat provides energy for the body. Native people hunted and harvested food like buffalo, seal, fish, nuts, and seeds that provided "good" fats. As food choices changed over the years, so have the kinds of fats we eat.

    Today, our food includes more of the fats that may cause heart disease. Heart disease is more common among people with diabetes.




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    Types of Fat

    Saturated fats raise cholesterol levels, which is a risk for heart disease. Saturated fats are found in animal products and tropical oils. These fats are solid at room temperature.

    Unsaturated fats can help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and provide nutrition. They come from plant oils and fatty fish. Unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature.

    Good to know

    • Fats have more calories than carbohydrates and protein. For example:
      1 gram of fat = 9 calories.
      1 gram of carbohydrate or protein = 4 calories.
    • Eating large amounts of fat can lead to weight gain.

    Heart-Healthy Fat Choices

    Graphic showing a list of Eat Less and Replace with

    Limit foods high in
    saturated fat.

    Use foods rich in
    unsaturated fat in place of
    foods high in saturated fat.

    Nutrition Facts Label

    Nutrition Facts Label

    The Nutrition Facts label can help you learn about nutrients in foods and drinks.

    Saturated Fat

    Look for the amount of saturated fat in grams (g) and the percent (%) Daily Value of saturated fat in a serving.

    In this example, the grams of saturated fat is 9 g, and the Daily Value is 45% in this serving. For this food, the amount of saturated fat is high.

    Eat less than 20 g saturated fat daily, and remember:

    Low saturated fat means

    • 1 g saturated fat or less per serving
    • 5% daily value or less per serving

    High saturated fat means

    • 3.5 g saturated fat or more per serving
    • 20% daily value or more per serving

    More Ideas for Heart-Healthy Eating

    • Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, poultry, fish, and nuts.
    • Limit fatty red meat. Choose buffalo, moose, elk, deer, or caribou when you can.
    • Eat fish twice a week. Salmon, sardines, and tuna contain “good” fats.
    • Decrease how much salt you use. Check the Nutrition Facts label for the amount of sodium (salt) on packaged and fast foods. The recommended daily amount for sodium is 2300 mg.
    • Limit sugary foods and drinks.
    • Grill, stir fry, bake, boil, roast, or slow cook food
    A basket of healthy food

    What about eggs?

    Eggs are rich in protein and nutrients. They are low in saturated fat with 1 gram per egg. If you eat eggs, limit them to 7-12 eggs per week.

    Keeping Your Heart Healthy

    Diabetes Information for You and Your Family

    Keeping your heart healthy and strong is important, especially if you have diabetes. By taking care of your heart, you can lower your chances of having heart disease.

    Below are some things you can do to keep your heart healthy.




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    Talk with your health care team about how to take care of your heart.

    Blood pressure

    • Ask what your goal should be for blood pressure.
    • Many people with diabetes will need medicine to help them control their blood pressure.

    Commercial tobacco

    • If you smoke, chew, or dip commercial tobacco, ask for information on how to quit.
    • Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) for free help.
    • Avoid being around smoke from others using commercial tobacco.


    • Most people with diabetes will need to be on a type of medicine called a statin to lower their cholesterol.
    • Ask if a statin is right for you.

    Make healthy food and drink choices.

    • Eat healthy foods, such as vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains, fish, wild game, and other lean meats.
    • Select foods that have less salt, fat, and sugar.
    • Grill or bake instead of frying.
    • Drink plenty of water.
    Walking shoe

    Stay active.

    • Any amount of physical activity is good.
    • Try walking at least 3-4 times a week. Start with 5-10 minutes and work up to 30 minutes or more.
    • Choose an activity you enjoy. Take a walk with family or friends. Go for a bike ride. Dance. Play ball. Work in the garden.

    Find healthy ways to reduce stress.

    • Take time to relax. Do something you enjoy, such as drawing, reading, crafts, or walking in nature.
    • Talk with others about what may be causing stress for you.
    • Find a support group at your Tribe, clinic, or community center.
    A group

    Follow up with your health care team regularly.


    Understanding Your Cholesterol

    What is Cholesterol?

    Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that helps your body build cells, vitamins, and hormones. Too much cholesterol in the blood can be harmful. It can increase the risk of a heart attack and stroke, especially in people with diabetes.




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    Check Your Cholesterol Levels

    This is done with a fasting blood test known as a lipid panel that measures cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

    Knowing your cholesterol and triglyceride numbers helps you understand your risk for heart disease.

    Types of Cholesterol

    HDL cholesterolHDL cholesterol is also known as “good cholesterol”. It helps to carry cholesterol so that it can be broken down and removed from the body. Higher levels of HDL lower the risk of heart disease.


    LDL cholesterolLDL cholesterol is also known as “bad cholesterol” because it can deposit in the wall of the blood vessels and reduce blood flow.


    Triglycerides are the most common type of fat in you blood and cells. They store energy in your cells from fats and sugars. A high triglyceride level is a risk factor for heart disease.

    Total cholesterol is a measure of all the cholesterol in your blood.

    Cholesterol Levels


    This table shows optimal cholesterol levels for most adults. However, levels are different for people with diabetes or those at increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

    For people with diabetes and cardiovascular disease, the optimal LDL-cholesterol level is less than 70 mg/dL.

    For more tips, view: Fats and Heart Health


    Form Healthy Living Habits

    Begin by making small, positive steps in your daily life.

    A couple walking together

    Heart Healthy Living

    • Get regular exercise: 150 minutes/week.
    • Lose weight if you are overweight. A 5–10 pound loss may lower blood fats.
    • Limit intake of alcohol, if you drink.
    • Quit smoking and vaping.
    • Cholesterol medication may be needed to reach cholesterol goals.

    Heart Healthy Eating Choices

    A graphic of different types of healthy food
    • Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables; choose a wide variety.
    • Use healthier fats from plants: corn, canola, olive, soybean, peanut, sunflower and avocado oil.
    • Choose healthy proteins: lean cuts of meat and poultry, buffalo, elk, wild-caught fish and game.
    • Eat fish twice a week. Fish like salmon and sardines have heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.
    • Eat less high fat dairy foods like whole milk, cream, and full-fat cheese.
    • Eat less fatty meat like pork or beef ribs, sausage, and processed meat like bologna and hot dogs.
    • Choose whole grains instead of refined grains like white bread and white rice.
    • Avoid foods and drinks high in added sugar.

    What Causes High Cholesterol?

    • Genetics
    • Diets high in saturated fats
    • Not enough physical activity
    • Having excess body fat
    • Smoking
    • Some medications

    What Increases Triglycerides?

    • Added sugar in foods/drinks
    • Diets high in carbohydrates and low in fiber
    • Alcohol intake in excess
    • Being overweight or obese
    • Diets high in fat
    • Uncontrolled diabetes

    Saturated fat comes from animal fat in dairy and meat and from tropical fats. Examples are solid fats like butter, lard and coconut oil.

    Phosphorus: Tips for People with Chronic Kidney Disease

    What is phosphorus?

    Photo collage of two smiling people.Phosphorus is a mineral your body uses to store energy, help muscles contract, and support bone health. A normal phosphorus blood level for a healthy individual is 2.5-4.5 mg/dL. Depending on your stage of chronic kidney disease (CKD), you may need to reduce the phosphorus in your diet.

    Why is phosphorus intake important?

    The kidneys are responsible for maintaining healthy levels of minerals like phosphorus in the blood. If you have CKD, phosphorus can build up in your blood, which over time can lead to:

    • Itchy skin and bone and joint pain
    • Calcium being pulled from your bones, weakening them
    • Calcium deposits in your blood vessels and organs, a risk for heart attack or stroke



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    Where is phosphorus found?

    Phosphorus is naturally found in high-protein foods. About half of the phosphorus present in these foods is absorbed during digestion. Most people with CKD can eat these in moderation.

    Natural Phosphorus
    meat fish dairy beans nuts

    Phosphorus is added to many processed foods and drinks as a preservative. Your body absorbs nearly all of the added phosphorus in processed foods.

    Foods with the highest amounts phosphorus are most often processed, packaged, and fast foods.

    Added Phosphorus
    baking mixes cereals cereal bars sport drinks
    colas chicken nuggets lunch meat processed cheese

    How do I lower my phosphorus levels?

    Portion control

    • Eat smaller portions of foods high in protein.
    • Choose plant-based foods more often since phosphorus is less easily absorbed from these.

    Find hidden sources of phosphorus

    Check the ingredients panel for the word “phosphorus” or words that contain “PHOS”.


    Choose foods with less phosphorus

    Foods lower in phosphorus Foods higher in phosphorus
    Milk, soy, or rice beverage
    Yogurt, cottage cheese
    Cream cheese
    Processed cheese: American or commodity
    Natural cheese: Swiss, cheddar, and mozzarella
    Fresh meat: chicken, turkey, beef, lamb, pork, and moose
    Legumes: Beans, lentils, tofu, and hummus
    Processed meat: hotdogs, bacon, ham, sausage, and pizza with meat
    Seafood: shellfish, salmon, sardines, cod, and tuna
    Organ meat: liver, kidney, and heart
    Wild game: venison, bison, and elk
    Popcorn, rice cakes, and rice crispie bar Nuts, seeds, and peanut butter, and chocolate
    Fruits and vegetables Vegetables prepared with sauces
    Packaged potatoes with "phos" ingredients
    Fresh bread without "phos" ingredients, pita bread. Plain cereal: cornflakes, puffed rice, oatmeal. Corn meal and plain rice Processed breads and cereals with "phos" additives. Baking and pancake mixes, biscuits, cakes, and wheat bran
    Drinks: Fresh brewed coffee or tea, water, light colored soda, root beer, and apple, cranberry, and grape juice Drinks: Bottled coffee, iced tea, dark sodas, beer and wine, hot cocoa, and energy and sports drinks

    Phosphate binders

    PillsYour health care provider may prescribe phosphate binders, which are pills taken with meals to help lower the amount of phosphorus your body absorbs.

    High protein foods Cross section of a kidney

    Protecting Your Kidneys

    When You Have Diabetes

    In most cases, there are no symptoms of kidney problems. That is why it is important for people with diabetes to get their kidneys checked.

    Take steps to protect your kidneys:




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    Kidneys iconGet your kidneys checked every year.

    Blood and urine tests are the only way to know how well your kidneys are working.

    Heart/Blood Drop iconTake care of your blood pressure and blood sugar.


    Did you know?

    Pill bottle

    Frequent use of common over-the-counter medicines can harm your kidneys.

    These include the following:

    Pills iconIbuprofen (Examples: Advil, Motrin, Midol)

    Pills iconNaproxen (Examples: Aleve, Naprosyn)

    Talk with your doctor about over-the-counter medicines you may be using.

    Photo collage of two smiling people.

    Taking Diabetes Medicines

    People with diabetes often need to take medicines to help keep blood sugar at a healthy level.




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    Check mark

    Take your medicines as it says on the labels. Ask your medical provider about any concerns, such as:

    • When to take medicine
    • How much medicine to take
    • What to do when your blood sugar is low
    • What to do if you miss a meal
    • What to do when you are sick
    • What are common side effects
    Check mark

    Refill your medicines before they run out.

    Medicines can usually be refilled one week before they run out. Look at the labels on the medicines to check for refills. If there are no refills, contact your medical provider.

    Check mark

    Let your medical providers know about all the medicines you take, as well as how much and how often you take them.

    Below are some ways you can help keep your medical providers up to date:

    Take all your medicines with you to each medical visit.

    Keep a list of all your medicines. Get a list from your pharmacy or make your own.

    Use your cell phone to snap a picture of each medicine label to show your medical providers.

    Remember to include other things you take, such as over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and supplements.

    Tips to Help You Remember to Take Medicines

    Ask family members and friends to remind you.
    Use a calendar to mark when you take medicines.
    Set an alarm as a reminder.
    Use a pill box.
    Put a note on your refrigerator or mirror.
    Consider taking medicines at the same time you do daily activities.

    Be Safe with Medicines

    • Keep all medicines out of the reach of children.
    • Sharing medicines can be harmful. Only take medicines prescribed for you.
    • Talk to your medical provider before you stop taking any of your medicines.
    • Ask your health care team how to safely:
      • Store medicines
      • Get rid of unused medicines
      • Dispose of used needles and syringes

    Carbohydrates by Color

    Carbohydrates are your body’s main source of energy

    Carbohydrates (carbs) come from sugars, starches, and dietary fiber. They are part of a healthy diet. For most people, carbs are the body’s leading energy source and affect blood sugar.

    How much and what carbs you eat affects how high and quickly your blood sugar rises.

    To keep it simple, you can use colors—colorful, brown, and white—to identify carbs. Some carbs are healthier than others. Carbs with deeper or brighter colors are usually more nutritious than paler, more processed carbs, such as foods made with white flour and sugar.



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    Colorful Carbs

    Starchy Vegetables

    Starchy vegetables add color and texture to meals. They are healthy substitutes for highly processed grains, such as white flour and white rice. Native people traditionally ate a wide variety of corn, beans, squash, and root vegetables.

    These vegetables are naturally high in fiber and nutrients. They raise blood sugar more slowly than the more processed carbohydrates.

    Try to eat at least 5 cups of starchy vegetables every week.

    Starchy Vegetables


    Fruit is a colorful carbohydrate which is low in fat and calories. The sweetness you taste when eating fruit is from the natural sugar in it. Although fruit has carbohydrates, it is low in fat and calories.

    Fruits may be fresh, frozen, canned, or dried. Fruit is a good source of nutrients: potassium, folate, vitamin C, and fiber.

    Try to eat 2 to 3 servings of fruit each day—such as a cup of berries and a small apple, or 2 tablespoons of raisins.


    Brown Carbs

    Whole Grains

    Whole grains are usually brown. They come in many shapes and textures and are a major energy source. Whole grains include whole wheat flour, brown and wild rice, rolled oats, and corn meal. Some breads and pastas are made with whole grain.

    Whole grain foods are full of fiber and raise sugar more slowly than processed grains. They are less likely to cause spikes in blood sugar.

    Make half your grain choices whole grains.

    Whole Grains

    White Carbs

    Processed Grains and Sugars

    Processed grains and sugar are usually white. Foods made from these tend to raise blood sugar quickly and could contribute to it going too high.

    Food made with white flour includes crackers, white bread, flour tortillas, fry bread, and instant noodles.

    Choose white carbs less often.

    Processed Grains and Sugars

    Dairy Foods

    Dairy foods are rich in essential nutrients: calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, and protein. Many dairy foods have carbs along with protein and fat. They can be part of a healthy diet.

    Aim for 3 servings of dairy foods each day.

    Low Carbs or No Carbs

    Foods with low or no carbs have very limited or no effect on blood sugar levels. Some foods with few or no carbs include:

    • Meats, fish, eggs, and cheese
    • Non-starchy vegetables, such as tomatoes, onions, green beans, carrots, cabbage, celery, lettuce, and peppers
    Dairy Foods

    Put into practice what you’ve learned:

    See Find the Carbohydrates on My Native Plate.

    Find the Carbohydrates on My Native Plate

    For use with Carbohydrates by Color Fact Sheet

    Knowing which foods have carbohydrates (carbs) is one of the first steps to choosing healthy foods. Use the four plates shown to practice finding carbs.
    (See answers below.)



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    1. Find the grains and starches using the color shades of white, brown, and colored foods on the plates.
    2. Find the other brightly colored carbs. (Hint, they are naturally sweet.)
    3. Find the foods that have low carbs or no carbs.
    My Native Plate
    More Ideas for My Native Plate

    Helpful Tips

    • Try choosing healthier carbs for meals and snacks. Balance the carbs you eat throughout the day.
    • Eating the right kinds and amounts of carbs can help with blood sugar control.
    • For more on understanding carbohydrates:
      • Visit a Dietitian or Diabetes Care Specialist for an eating plan specifically for you. They can help you learn how many carbs are right for you.
      • This worksheet is a companion material to the Carbohydrates by Color fact sheet.

    Answers to finding the carbs on My Native Plate

    1. Answer: rice, tortilla, hamburger bun, cornbread
    2. Answer: berries, apple slices, canned peaches
    3. Answer: meat, egg, non-starchy vegetables: salad, carrots, celery, tomato, zucchini, and greens

    Healthy Eating on a Budget

    Diabetes Information for You and Your Family

    Did you know?
    Healthy eating is an important part of managing diabetes. Eating healthy doesn’t mean you need to buy costly foods. Many of the foods you already prepare for yourself and your family are healthy.



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    What are healthy foods?

    check mark Foods in a more natural state

    check mark Fresh, grown, and gathered foods

    check mark Foods low in sodium and added sugars

    check mark Fruits and vegetables—fresh, frozen, or canned

    A woman drinking soup

    Examples include:

    Fresh vegetables - squash, carrots, cabbage, bell peppers, and zucchini


    Carrots, leafy greens, peppers, squash, onions

    Protein - eggs, beans, chicken, and can of chick peas


    Beans, eggs, meat, fish, poultry, nuts

    Whole grains - corn meal, wheat, pasta, wild and brown rice

    Whole Grains:

    Whole grain corn meal, bread and pasta, wild and brown rice, oats

    Fresh fruit - berries, bananas, apples, oranges, and bananas


    Apples, bananas, oranges, berries

    Ways you can eat healthy and save money

    1 Plan your meals

    2 Make a grocery list

    • Keep an ongoing list of foods you need.
    • Check to see which foods you have on hand.
    • Limit adding costly processed foods such as chips, cookies, donuts, soda pop, and packaged meals.

    3 Plan your shopping trip

    • Take a freezer bag or cooler if you are far from home.
    • Check the store ads for sales. Join the store’s loyalty program for offers and discounts.
    • Eat before you shop. It helps you stick to your list.

    4 Save money while you shop

    5 Cook at home

    • Eat healthier and save money by cooking at home.
    • Cook traditional foods with family to celebrate culture.

    Helpful Tips

    • Buy healthy foods in bulk. Divide into servings and store.
    • Rinse canned vegetables to remove added salt.
    • Frozen and canned vegetables are easy to add to meals.

    Getting enough healthy foods

    Sometimes it may be hard to get enough healthy food. Consider a family garden, joining a community garden, hunting, or gathering what you can from the land and water.

    Learn about nutrition assistance programs. Your healthcare team may know about food support options such as:

    Healthy Recipes

    Get Fresh! Cooking Exit Disclaimer: You Are Leaving  – Recipes from the Chickasaw Nation and USDA.

    MyPlate Kitchen Recipes Exit Disclaimer: You Are Leaving  – Videos, seasonal recipes, food safety and more. Diabetes Food Hub Diabetes– Friendly recipes from the American Diabetes Association.

    Spend Smart-Eat Smart Exit Disclaimer: You Are Leaving  – Ways to cut food costs. Iowa State University Extension & USDA.

    A shopping list of itemsSample Grocery List

    • Vegetables
    • Fruits
    • Wild or brown rice
    • Whole grain cereals and breads
    • Eggs
    • Beans
    • Chicken or turkey
    • Fish
    • Beef or Pork – leaner cuts: round and loin

    Limit Added Sugar

    Sugar in food can occur naturally or can be added. Sugars (simple carbohydrates) are digested quickly and change to glucose as fuel for the body. Too much sugar is not good for you.


    Natural Sugar

    Natural sugar is in fruits and naturally sweetened fruit juices, milk, and some vegetables.

    Bowl of sugar cubes

    Added Sugar

    Added sugars are syrups and sugars that are added to foods and drinks during preparation, processing, or at the table.



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    Too much added sugar may contribute to health problems such as,

    weight gain, obesity, and diabetes.

    Eating large amounts of added sugar may make it difficult to get all the daily nutrients your body needs and may cause you to consume too many calories.

    Major Sources of Added Sugar

    Top of a soda can

    Sugar Sweetened Drinks

    Sodas & Soft Drinks
    Teas & Coffees
    Energy & Sport Drinks
    Powdered Drink Mixes
    Fruit Drinks



    Cupcakes & Muffins
    Cakes & Pies
    Ice Cream
    Cookies & Donuts

    Sugary cereal

    Sweet Breakfasts

    Sweet Cereals
    Cereal Bars
    Pancakes with Syrup
    Flavored Yogurt

    A jar of Jam

    Syrups and Sweets

    Chocolate Syrup

    Reducing Added Sugar

    • Choose sugary foods and drinks less often.
    • Have smaller servings of sugary foods or drinks.


    Red arrow pointing down
    • Sodas, sports and energy drinks
    • Sweet desserts
    • Candy bar
    • Cookies
    • Sweetened cereals


    Red arrow pointing down
    • Fruit infused water or tea
    • Fresh fruit or frozen fruit pops
    • Smoked salmon or dried meat
    • Peanut butter with celery
    • Blue corn mush or cereals with less than 3 grams (g) sugar
    Nutrition facts label
    Oatmeal with fruit

    Let the Nutrition Facts Label Be Your Guide

    Check the label to see if foods are LOW or HIGH in added sugars.

    • 5% Daily Value or less is LOW in added sugar
    • 20% Daily Value or more is HIGH in added sugar

    Red arrow point leftIn this example, the added sugar is 23 grams, and the Daily Value is 46%. This food is high in added sugar.


    The Daily Value for added sugars is 10% of total calories per day.

    Red arrow point leftFor example, if your daily food intake is about 2,000 calories, this would be 50 grams of added sugars.

    My Native Plate

    Use your plate as a guide to help you eat in a healthy way!

    1 Fill half your plate with vegetables

    2 Fill the other half of your plate with a grain/starch and a protein.

    3 Add a side of fruit


    Picture here:

    • Mixed berries
    • Cooked spinach
    • Baked squash with peppers and herbs
    • Steamed wild rice
    • Baked deer meat with sage
    • Water
    My Native Plate - Fruit, Vegetables, Protein, Grain/Starch, and Water


    Walking shoe

    Stay Active

    Glass of water

    Drink Water

    Plate with utensils

    Use a 9-inch plate

    More Ideas for My Native Plate

    My Native Plate - Yogurt with strawberries, salsa, scrambled eggs with zucchini, tortilla, coffee

    Pictured here: Yogurt with strawberries, salsa, scrambled eggs with zucchini, tortilla, coffee

    My Native Plate - Apple, carrots, celery, lettuce, tomato, onion, pickle, beef patty, bun, unsweetened tea

    Pictured here: Apple, carrots, celery, lettuce, tomato, onion, pickle, beef patty, bun, unsweetened tea

    My Native Plate - Peaches, salad, beef and vegetable stew, cornbread, water

    Pictured here: Peaches, salad, beef and vegetable stew, cornbread, water

    Ways to Add Variety to Meals and Snacks

    Vegetables and Fruits


    • Stock up on fresh, frozen, and canned vegetables and fruits.
    • Keep fruits and vegetables on hand for snacking.
    • Plan some meals around a vegetable main dish, such as a stir fry, stew, or soup.
    • Enjoy fruit as a dessert.


    Vegetables: Wild greens, tomatoes, carrots, leafy greens, zucchini, avocados, broccoli, green beans, cucumbers, onions, peppers, okra

    Fruits: Berries, melons, apricots, peaches, citrus fruits, bananas, apples, pears,



    • Choose fish, beans, lentils, eggs, and nuts more often to cut down on meat.
    • Instead of a beef patty for your burger, try a veggie, black bean, turkey, soy, or bison patty.
    • Grill, stew, or bake meat instead of deep frying.
    • If milk upsets your stomach, try yogurt, lactose free milk, or soy milk.


    Animal proteins: Fish, wild game, bison, poultry, mutton, beef, pork, eggs,

    Plant proteins: Beans, lentils, nuts, nut butters, seeds, tofu, soy products, Dairy proteins: Milk, lactose free milk, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese,

    Grains and Starches


    • Choose whole grain foods, such as whole wheat breads, corn tortillas, oatmeal, and wild or brown rice.
    • Try whole wheat flour instead of white flour.
    • Add wild or brown rice to main dishes, such as a stir fry, stew, or soup.
    • Bake or roast potatoes instead of deep frying.


    Grains: Pastas, breads, crackers, rice, oats, quinoa, barley, cereals, tortillas, flour, cornmeal,

    Starchy vegetables: Potatoes, corn, green peas, winter squash,

    A tipped over salt container

    Sodium and Your Health

    Sodium is a mineral that our body needs in small amounts to keep our fluids balanced. Typically, we get it in the form of salt. Most people get more sodium than their bodies need. If you have kidney disease, high blood pressure, or heart disease, ask your health care provider what the right amount of sodium is for you.



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    Where is sodium in food?

    Pie graphic showing sections of sodium in food

    Reducing sodium can help lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk for heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease.

    What about salt substitutes?

    Potassium chloride is a common salt substitute. Talk with your provider before using a salt substitute. People with kidney disease are at risk for having potassium levels either too high or too low.

    Ways to Reduce Sodium

    No salt added food label
    • Look for foods labeled “No Added Salt,” “Low Sodium,” “Reduced Sodium,” and/or “Lightly Salted.”
    • Eat more fruits and vegetables.
    • Prepare meals with low sodium ingredients.
    • Rinse canned vegetables, meat/fish, and beans to remove some of the sodium.
    • Prepare traditional foods with less or no salt.
    • Eat a smaller portion of a high sodium food or have it less often.
    • Use herbs, spices, and sodium-free seasonings in place of salt.
    • Look for hidden sources of sodium in sports and energy drinks, vegetable juice, and cottage cheese.

    Sodium impacts people with kidney disease

    Kidney disease is when your kidneys are damaged and have difficulty removing sodium from the body. This may raise blood pressure and cause water retention. Talk with your provider about the right blood pressure goal for you.

    Egg salad sandwich

    A deli or bologna sandwich can be high in sodium. Choose a low sodium food like egg salad, or peanut butter and jelly


    Ideas for Reducing Foods High in Sodium

    Makes changes slowly and your taste will adjust to having less salt.

    Nutrition Facts food label

    Swap This

    Packaged and Restaurant Food

    Cured meat

    • Sausage and bacon
    • Ham, hot dogs, and deli meat


    • Canned or instant noodles
    • Broth or boullion

    Instant Meals

    • Flavored rice and noodles
    • Pancage or muffin mixes
    • Canned stews
    • Frozen meals like pot pies


    • Chips, pretzels, and crackers
    • Salted nuts and seeds

    Fast food and restaurant meals

    • Pizza, burgers, and fries
    • Pastas, tacos, and more

    For That

    Fresh and Low Sodium Food

    Fresh meat

    • Bison, elk, deer, moose, and caribou
    • Lean beef, poultry, or seafood

    Soups from scratch

    • Made with low sodium ingredients
    • Homemade broth


    • Rice and pasta
    • Hot cereal without salt


    • Home popped popcorn
    • Unsalted nuts and seeds

    Other homepage meal ideas

    • Wraps or sandwiches made with leftover meat or eggs
    • Omelet with veggies and herbs
    • Chili and stews
    Nutrition Facts food label

    Read the Nutrition Facts label.

    Compare and choose foods with the lowest Percent Daily Value for sodium: 5% is low and 20% is high.*

    What is the daily sodium limit?

    The recommended daily limit for most adults is 2,300 mg of sodium, which is about 1 teaspoon of salt from all foods and drinks. On average, people in the U.S. get 3400 mg per day, or 50% higher than the adult limit.

    A spoonful of salt

    Try the DASH Eating Plan,

    proven to help lower blood pressure. Learn more at,
    DASH – Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension Exit Disclaimer: You Are Leaving 

    Looking for healthy recipes low in sodium?
    See My Exit Disclaimer: You Are Leaving 

    Nutrition Facts food label

    Keeping Your Teeth and Gums Healthy When You Have Diabetes

    People with diabetes have a higher chance of having teeth and gum problems. This is why it is important to manage your blood sugar and take care of your teeth and gums.




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    Ways to take care of your teeth and gums:

    Toothbrush with toothpaste

    Brush your teeth twice a day.

    Tooth floss container

    Floss your teeth each day.

    A smile with teeth

    Get a dental exam at least once a year.

    No sugar drinks

    Avoid foods and drinks that are high in sugar.

    No tobacco

    Do not use commercial tobacco, including smokeless and chewing tobacco.

    Three women smiling and holding signs that say Brush, Floss and Rinse.

    Let your health care team know if you have any of these problems:

    • Red or swollen gums
    • Pain when chewing
    • Loose and shifting teeth
    • Bad breath that does not go away
    • Sore or bleeding gums when brushing or flossing

    How To Get Started Walking

    Diabetes Information for You and Your Family

    Why walk?

    Our bodies are meant to get up and walk—to the mailbox, down the road, around the neighborhood.




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    A woman walking on a trail next to a creek.

    “I started walking so I will be healthier and less stressed. I want to be there for my family for a long time.”

    Gloria Anico,
    Kickapoo / Seminole Tribes, Oklahoma

    Walking can help you stay healthy and live longer so you can:

    • Be there for your children, grandchildren, and other family members.
    • Be an active and helpful member of your community.
    • Serve as an Elder and share your wisdom.

    All you need is a sturdy pair of shoes, a few minutes, and a safe place to walk. Give walking a try!

    How does walking help?

    Walking helps your mind, body, spirit, and emotions. It can help you:

    • Have more energy by keeping your blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, and weight in good ranges.
    • Stay active and prevent injuries by keeping your muscles and bones strong.
    • Feel calmer and less stressed by lifting your spirits.

    Is walking right for you?

    Walking is right for most people. If you are not sure that walking is right for you, ask your health care provider:

    • Is walking right for me?
    • How much walking is right for me?
    • Do I need to check my blood sugar before and/or after I walk?

    How can you get started?

    Start slowly. You may be able to walk only a few minutes at first. That’s okay. Try these tips for getting started:

    • Walk at your own pace.
    • Walk up and down your driveway or around your home.
    • Walk around while you watch TV or talk on the phone.
    • Park a little farther from the store.

    Try to build up to walking 3 to 5 minutes, 2 or 3 times a day. With time, you may be able to walk farther and go faster. Keep track of the minutes you walk. You may even find that you feel better and stronger.

    What may keep you from walking?

    There are many reasons people do not walk:

    • They feel they are too busy.
    • They feel tired, sad, or sluggish.
    • They feel out of shape or have aches and pains.
    • They feel shy about walking. They may worry that people will think they are showing off.
    • All of these feelings are common. With a little time, and by walking a few minutes each day, these feelings often pass.
    • Remember: You are walking not just for yourself, but to be there for the people you love.

    Imagine looking forward to your walks.

    • Picture walking as an inspirational part of your day – a special time either alone or with others.
    • Be thankful while walking. Give thanks to the people who have gone before you. Be grateful for your body, your family, and friends.
    • Enjoy the outdoors. Walk in the woods, along a dirt path, in a park, or by the ocean.
    • Make it family time with your children or grandchildren.
    • Walk with friends. Find a walking partner or two. Laugh and have fun.

    Today is a good day for a walk!

    By starting to walk, you are taking care of your diabetes so you can be there for your family and your community.

    How To Walk Farther and Faster

    Diabetes Information for You and Your Family

    Why walk more?

    You are already walking and that’s great! By walking more, you are taking steps to stay healthy and live longer so you can:

    • Be there for your children, grandchildren, and other family members.
    • Be an active and helpful member of your community.
    • Serve as an Elder and share your wisdom.



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    A group of women walking on a trail.

    “Walking with a group of friends or family is a great way to stay on track.”

    Katie Wilson (right)
    Choctaw / Creek Tribes, Oklahoma

    How much do you need to walk?

    To take care of your diabetes, build up to walking at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. Keep track of the number of minutes you walk each day.

    • If you cannot walk 30 minutes all at once, try walking 3 times a day for 10 minutes.
    • Listen to your body. Some days you may feel like you can walk longer. Other days you may need to take it easier.
    • Keep up a good pace. A good pace is when you can talk while you walk without running out of breath. If you can sing while you walk, you may want to walk faster.
    • Try to walk a little farther and faster each week

    How do you keep going?

    • Choose the days and times that you are most likely to walk. Some people set aside the same time every day for their walks.
    • Walk when you have the most energy or when the weather is the nicest.
    • Make it family time with your children or grandchildren.
    • Walk with friends. Find a walking partner or two. Laugh and have fun.

    What if you have health concerns?

    • Check with your health care provider about your plan to walk more. Talk about any pain you have when you walk.
    • If you have chest pain, nausea, or shortness of breath, these may be signs of a serious health problem. Call a health care provider right away.

    What if you miss a few days?

    If you miss a few days of walking, don’t be hard on yourself or give up. Things happen in life.

    • Are you stressed or too busy?
      Set aside time to take a few short walks.
    • Do you feel sore?
      Stretching can help you move and feel better.
    • Is the weather bad?
      Walk indoors—in your home, at a store, or at a wellness center.

    Start back up when you can. Build slowly toward your goal.

    A woman walking on a path.

    “I walk during the middle of my day. Walking gives me energy. It helps get rid of stress so I feel better.”

    Carmela Ramirez,
    Kickapoo Tribe, Oklahoma

    How can you protect your feet?

    • Wear shoes that fit well and that cushion and support your feet.
    • Avoid wearing shoes that rub your feet, toes, or heels.
    • Wear a clean pair of socks that are not too tight and that keep your feet dry.
    • Check your feet every day for blisters, sores, redness, or swelling. If you find any of these, call your health care provider right away.

    What are some safety tips?

    • Choose a safe place to walk.
    • Take a cell phone with you.
    • Take water with you.
    • Take glucose tablets or a few pieces of sugar-sweetened hard candy in case your blood sugar gets low.

    Walk your way to a healthy future!

    By walking, you are taking care of your diabetes so you can be there for your family and your community.

    Being Active is Traditional

    For generations, Native people have lived active lives: growing crops, hunting, fishing, and gathering berries, herbs, and traditional medicines. Cultural ways are active, such as dancing, running, drumming, carving, and playing games. Being active improves mental and spiritual well-being—it is good medicine.

    Movement helps muscles use sugar for energy, which may improve blood sugars. Any increase in movement is good for you.




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    A group of women walking on a trail.

    Melva, doing a chest press at the gym.

    I learned that exercise could mend this old body. I found out that exercise is the key. I found out I can control diabetes. I am the person who has to take care of my body. It is up to me to stay well. It’s so simple.

    Why be active?

    • Feel less stress and have a happier mood.
    • Increase strength, balance, and flexibility.
    • Improve blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.
    • Achieve or maintain a healthy weight.
    A woman walking on a path.

    How to get started

    • Talk with your health care team about what is safe and best for you.
    • Set a day and time for your activity, and write it on your calendar.
    • Ask a friend to join you.
    • Plan indoor and outdoor activities.

    Fun ways to get moving

    • Gardening, gathering berries and greens, and doing yardwork.
    • Yoga and tai chi for balance and flexibility.
    • Brisk walking, hiking, jogging, swimming and bike riding.
    • Fitness classes and strength training.
    • Chair exercises and arm movements.
    • Do what you enjoy!
    A woman walking on a path.

    How much activity to do

    If you miss a few days of walking, don’t be hard on yourself or give up. Things happen in life.

    • Start slowly, even if it is 5 or 10 minutes a day, and build up from there.
    • If sitting a lot, try to get up and move every 30 minutes.
    • Try to increase your activity to 150 minutes a week, over three or more days.

    Be safe when being active

    • Choose a safe place. If you have a cell phone, take it with you.
    • Check blood sugar before and after exercise. If less than 100, eat a food or drink with sugar, such as, a half cup of juice, or small fruit, or a few pieces of hard candy. For more information see, Low Blood Sugar.
    • Bring water and stay hydrated.
    • Bring hard candy (not sugar-free) or glucose tablets in case your blood sugar drops too low while being active.
    • Warm-up and cool down. Go at a slower pace at the start and end of your activity.
    • Wear comfortable shoes. Check your feet for sores, cuts, blisters, corns, or redness before and after exercise, as well as daily. Let your provider know if you find any of these.
    A woman walking on a path.

    Take care of yourself and your spirit

    Any increase in movement is good for you. Even adding chair exercises or arm movements helps you to be more active.

    You may start with a slow walk at first. The more you do it, the farther you can walk and the stronger you will get. For more information see, How to Get Started Walking.

    Being active often brings peace and a feeling of pride. Your family will see how hard you have been working and how it is helping to manage your diabetes. They will be proud of you too!

    Increasing Muscle Strength


    Strong heart

    As we age, we tend to lose muscle mass and strength. Strength training can build muscle, improve balance, and help us manage chronic conditions like arthritis, back pain, obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

    Strength training makes your muscles work against an outside force. The force can be from your body weight, resistance machines, resistance bands, or hand-held weights.




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    Strengthen muscle
    Maintain bone mass
    Improve balance
    Protect joints
    Decrease injury risk
    Increase metabolism
    Manage weight
    Improve quality of life



    If possible, begin training with a certified fitness professional or physical therapist to reduce the risk of injury. They can assess your needs, choose the right exercises, teach you the safest exercise methods, and monitor your progress. One resource is the Native American Fitness Council. Exit Disclaimer: You Are Leaving 

    Adults may begin strength training 2 to 3 days a week. Include the major muscle groups in your routine: legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms.

    If you have not done strength training before, use your body weight for resistance, such as push-ups or sit-ups. Build your strength using exercise bands before trying free weights or resistance machines to prevent injury.

    Strength training can be performed using free weights, resistance machines, flexible resistance bands or tubing, or your body weight, as shown below:


    Chair Squat


    Free Weights


    Resistance Machines


    Resistance Bands or Tubing

    Follow these general guidelines for strength training:

    • Warm up with a short walk
    • Choose 6-8 different exercises
    • Perform each exercise with 10-15 repetitions per set
    • Do 2 to 3 sets for each exercise
    • Rest for at least 60 seconds between each set
    • Skip 1 or 2 days between workouts
    • Stay hydrated by drinking water before and after your workout

    If you have excessive shortness of breath, chest discomfort, or unusual fatigue during or after exercise, contact your healthcare provider or call 911.

    Move More – Sit Less

    Sitting for more than 7-8 hours a day at home or in the office can decrease muscle strength and increase the risk of diabetes and blood clots over time. Reduced sitting time has benefits even for those who are physically active.




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    Sofa TV and table

    Moving More

    • Helps lower blood sugar levels for people with diabetes
    • Helps boost circulation and increase muscle strength
    • Reduces stress and improves mental health
    • Improves quality of life

    Interrupt sitting every 30 to 60 minutes

    A woman doing physical activity
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    Displaying 1-25 of 123 products Listed for all audiences in all topics.

    Phosphorus – Tips for People with Chronic Kidney Disease

    Learn how elevated blood levels of the mineral phosphorus can be managed in people with chronic kidney disease by moderating dietary intake and using medications to limit absorption.

    Increasing Muscle Strength

    Learn why adults benefit from adding strength training to their routine. This fact sheet provides tips and methods for getting started.

    Physical Activity/Exercise
    Glucose Management in Type 2 Diabetes Medications

    Clinicians may use this tool as a quick reference to treatment algorithms based on national guidelines and the Diabetes Standards of Care and Resources for Clinicians and Educators.

    Download Now! [PDF – 201 KB] 
    Blood Glucose
    Health Care Professionals
    Move More - Sit Less

    Prolonged sitting time can adversely affect our health. Interrupt sitting time and move more with these seven tips to keep your body moving.

    General Diabetes
    Health Promotion
    Physical Activity/Exercise
    Health Care Professionals
    Tear-off Pad
    Understanding Your Cholesterol

    This tip sheet reviews the types of cholesterol and their associated health risks and recommended levels. The infographic on page 2 has tips on forming heart-healthy living habits.

    Health Promotion
    Health Care Professionals
    Tear-off Pad
    Sodium and Your Health

    Learn how sodium (salt) impacts your health and ways to reduce how much you consume. This factsheet reviews sodium recommendations and how to use the Nutrition Facts label to choose foods lower in sodium.

    Blood Pressure
    Health Promotion
    Health Care Professionals
    Program Staff
    Tear-off Pad
    Continuous Glucose Monitoring

    Learn how Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) help people with diabetes understand their blood sugar patterns so they can achieve improved diabetes control.

    Blood Glucose
    General Diabetes
    Health Care Professionals
    Program Staff
    Tear-off Pad
    Diabetes Screening and Prevention

    Clinicians may use this tool as a quick reference to treatment algorithms based on national guidelines and the Diabetes Standards of Care and Resources for Clinicians and Educators.

    Download Now! [PDF – 157 KB] 
    Diabetes Prevention
    General Diabetes
    Health Promotion
    Health Care Professionals
    Stress and Diabetes

    Stress and Diabetes tip sheet offers ideas for how to deal with stress for improved blood sugar control and overall well-being.

    Behavioral Health
    Diabetes Prevention
    General Diabetes
    Health Promotion
    Health Care Professionals
    Program Staff
    Tear-off Pad
    Diabetes and Emergencies

    Learn to prepare for an emergency situation that may require you to move to safety. Tip sheet discusses how to prepare a basic supply kit and make an emergency plan.

    General Diabetes
    Program Staff
    Tear-off Pad
    Checking Your Blood Sugar

    This fact sheet is for people with diabetes who are new to using a glucose meter. Learn the basics about testing, such as when to test, target numbers, recognizing high and low blood sugars, and managing your diabetes.

    Blood Glucose
    General Diabetes
    Health Care Professionals
    Tear-off Pad
    Limit Added Sugar

    Learn about added sugars and the risks of consuming too many. The featured Nutrition Facts label shows users how to find added sugars and set daily limits.

    Diabetes Prevention
    Health Promotion
    Health Care Professionals
    Tear-off Pad
    Blood Pressure and Diabetes

    Learn what high blood pressure (hypertension) is and how it can be controlled.

    Blood Pressure
    General Diabetes
    Health Care Professionals
    Program Staff
    Tear-off Pad
    Find the Carbohydrates on My Native Plate

    Knowing which foods have carbohydrates (carbs) is one of the first steps to choosing healthy foods. This fact sheet is for use with Carbohydrates by Color fact sheet.

    Health Care Professionals
    Program Staff
    Tear-off Pad
    Carbohydrates by Color

    To keep it simple, you can use colors--colorful, brown, and white--to identify carbs. Use this fact sheet to help your patients/clients identify carbs by color.

    Health Care Professionals
    Program Staff
    Tear-off Pad
    Fats and Heart Health

    The types of fat we eat make a difference. Learn how to make heart-healthy fat choices using this colorful 2-page fact sheet.

    Health Promotion
    Health Care Professionals
    Tear-off Pad
    Being Active is Traditional

    This fact sheet reminds readers that being active has always been central to the heritage of American Indians and Alaska Native people. Get started, have fun, and enjoy the many health benefits outlined in this helpful guide.

    Diabetes Prevention
    Physical Activity/Exercise
    Tear-off Pad
    Diabetes and Pregnancy

    New 2-page fact sheet offers information and tips on how to manage diabetes during and after pregnancy. Read and/or print for yourself, your family, or your patients!

    General Diabetes
    Tear-off Pad
    Healthy Eating on a Budget

    Healthy eating on a budget encourages engaging with food through meal planning, food shopping, food savings, and cooking. Links to recipes and food assistance resources included.

    Diabetes Prevention
    Health Promotion
    Tear-off Pad
    Diabetic Eye Disease

    This 2-page easy to read handout describes diabetic eye disease and the importance of having an eye exam every year to prevent or slow eye disease.

    Health Care Professionals
    Tear-off Pad
    A River Runs Through Us 90-Day Journal for Wellness – Updated 2020

    This 256-page full-color journal features photos and quotes from Tribal community members. It includes daily messages, a section to identify feelings and thoughts, and a place to track your self-care activities on your wellness journey. Let the words inside you be your guide to good health of mind, body, and spirit.

    If you are hosting a class or event for American Indian/Alaska Native people and would like to request more than the posted quantity limit, please call 1-844-447-3387 or email
    Behavioral Health
    General Diabetes
    Health Care Professionals
    Program Staff
    Protecting Your Kidneys When You Have Diabetes

    Handout describes why it is important for people with diabetes to get their kidneys checked.

    Blood Glucose
    Blood Pressure
    General Diabetes
    Health Care Professionals
    Program Staff
    Tear-off Pad
    Taking Diabetes Medicines

    This two-page handout offers numerous ideas about taking diabetes medicines, including ways to keep health care providers informed, ways to remember to take medication, and tips on being safe with medicines.

    Blood Glucose
    General Diabetes
    Health Promotion
    Health Care Professionals
    Program Staff
    Youth Educators
    Tear-off Pad
    Working With the Diabetes Health Care Team

    This one-page, colorful handout offers a schedule of routine medical care recommendations for managing diabetes, as well as topics to discuss with diabetes educators for support in learning to live well with diabetes.

    Behavioral Health
    Blood Glucose
    General Diabetes
    Health Promotion
    Health Care Professionals
    Program Staff
    Youth Educators
    Tear-off Pad
    Tips for Managing Blood Sugar

    This one-page education handout offers tips for managing blood sugar with four easy-to-remember ideas on healthy eating, staying active, and reducing stress.

    Blood Glucose
    General Diabetes
    Health Care Professionals
    Program Staff
    Youth Educators
    Tear-off Pad

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