Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS)

Lower level reports available upon request from andrea.walekar-hempstead@ihs.gov.
"Empowering Employees. Inspiring Change."
Each year IHS works with the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to conduct the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS). The survey is a confidential online questionnaire to assess how well IHS is doing in providing a positive, healthy, and innovative work environment. FEVS questions are designed to measure employees’ feelings and attitudes in topic areas such as talent development, leadership, knowledge management, performance culture, and employee engagement. The results are used to improve IHS and our agencies by providing information to help us build on our strengths and address our weaknesses.
The Indian Health Service values all employee input and will use your confidential feedback to continue to create positive changes throughout the agency. The ultimate goal of the survey is to provide IHS with information to build on our strengths and improve some of our challenge areas. Please help us ensure that IHS excels at providing a safe, effective, and engaging workplace for all our employees.
The 2024 HHS FEVS was open from May 20, 2024, through July 5, 2024
Each year FEVS provides valuable information to IHS leaders about how we are doing in empowering employees and inspiring change across the agency. OPM’s theme for the 2024 FEVS was the same as last year’s theme, "Empowering Employees. Inspiring Change." The 2024 survey was a census, meaning every eligible employee was asked to participate.
The HHS Pulse Surveys
To gather real-time feedback about workforce issues, HHS is conducting a series of short Department-wide surveys to better inform leadership about key areas of interest.
How the FEVS Stays Confidential
We appreciate employees taking the time to share their experiences in working as an IHS employee. Your input is confidential. OPM does not release any names to IHS, nor does it release data on any work group with fewer than 10 employees. OPM does not provide a list of who did or did not complete the survey. Here is an overview of the steps that are taken to protect the confidentiality of your survey responses.
We understand the personal nature of the information you provide to us through the FEVS. Here's an overview of how your privacy is protected.
How the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey Stays Confidential
IHS FEVS Contact:
More detailed reports are available down to the Service Unit Level. We also have analytical tools that may be of assistance. Please contact IHS FEVS Program Manager Andrea Walekar-Hempstead at andrea.walekar-hempstead@ihs.gov.