Setting Pay
IHS follows government-wide pay setting guidance in setting and adjusting the compensation of its workforce to meet IHS’s staff recruitment and retention needs. Specific guidance regarding some of the most commonly used pay setting concepts is provided below.

Grade and pay retention are management flexibilities allow employees to retain grades and/or rates of basic pay in situations when their compensation would otherwise be reduced provided that certain conditions are met.
Laws, Regulations, and HHS Instruction
- 5 U.S.C. Chapter 53, Subchapter VI, Grade and Pay Retention
- 5 CFR part 536, Grade and Pay Retention
- HHS Instruction 531-2, Setting Salary [PDF - 372 KB]
- HHS Instruction 532-1, Pay Setting for the Federal Wage System [PDF - 381 KB]
OPM Guidance
- Fact Sheet - Grade Retention
- Fact Sheet - Pay Retention
- Fact Sheet - Pay Retention for Former NSPS Employees
Examples and Summaries
The maximum payable rate rule allows General Schedule pay to be set pay at a rate above the rate that would be established using normal rules, based on a higher rate of pay the employee previously received in another Federal job.
Laws, Regulations, and HHS Instruction
- 5 CFR 531.221 - 223, Using a Highest Previous Rate Under the Maximum Payable Rate Rule
- HHS Instruction 531-2, Setting Salary [PDF - 372 KB]
- HHS Instruction 532-1, Pay Setting for the Federal Wage System [PDF - 381 KB]
OPM Guidance
There are legal limits to an employee’s basic pay dependent on the employee’s pay system and also on employee’s annual aggregate pay that includes all forms of pay including incentives, premium pay, awards and other similar payments.
Laws, Regulations, and HHS Instruction
OPM Guidance
A promotion occurs when an employee moves from a lower General Schedule (GS) grade to a higher GS grade while continuously employed. Employees must meet specific requirements to be eligible and recipients are determined by management.
Laws, Regulations and HHS Instruction
- 5 U.S.C. 5334 (b) Rate on Change of Position or Type of Appointment; regulations
- 5 CFR 531.214, Setting Pay Upon Promotion
- 5 CFR Part 335, Promotion and Internal Placement
- HHS Instruction 531-2, Setting Salary [PDF - 372 KB]
- HHS Instruction 532-1, Pay Setting for the Federal Wage System [PDF - 381 KB]
OPM Guidance
General Schedule pay may be at any step higher than the minimum rate (step 1) for newly-appointed employees with superior qualifications or if IHS has a special need for their services, provided certain conditions are met.
Laws, Regulations, and HHS Instruction
- 5 U.S.C. 5333, Minimum Rate for New Appointments
- 5 CFR 531.212, Superior Qualifications and Special Needs Pay-Setting Authority
- HHS Instruction 531-1, Setting Pay Based on Superior Qualifications or Special Need [PDF - 322 KB]
- HHS Instruction 532-1, Pay Setting for the Federal Wage System [PDF - 381 KB]
OPM Guidance
Case Preparation Information
Within-grade increases (WGIs) or step increases are periodic increases in a General Schedule employee's rate of basic pay from one step of the grade to the next higher step of that grade. Employees must meet specific time-in-grade and performance requirements to be eligible.
Laws, Regulations, and HHS Instruction
- 5 U.S.C. 5335, Periodic Step Increases
- 5 U.S.C. 5336, Additional Step Increase
- 5 CFR 531 subpart D, Within - Grade Increases
- HHS Instruction 531-4, Within Grade and Quality Step Increases [PDF]
OPM Guidance