Grants Forecast is a public website that provides information to all potential and existing HHS applicants on upcoming HHS funding opportunities throughout the year. The forecasted information serves to make potential applicants aware of the possible available funding resources within HHS on health care service, diabetes treatment and prevention, HIV/AIDS and many other relevant topics of consideration for federal financial assistance during the upcoming fiscal year. This provides an opportunity for organizations to review/plan and decide if their organization is interested in a specific forecasted opportunity and wishes to apply for funds, if and when the forecasted opportunity becomes an open funding announcement.
The Forecast postings are only projections of what could be actual funding announcements for IHS. Posting the forecast information to the site does not in any way obligate IHS Program Offices to actually make that program a viable funding announcement. The IHS Program Office can decide at any time to cancel and remove the posted forecast information from the site, if the program office chooses to do so as a result of not desiring to move forward with awarding grants for the forecasted opportunity.
We recommend that you visit the site frequently during the year to check to see what new funding opportunities have been posted to the forecast that could potentially be of interest to your organization. Once the forecasted opportunities are made final as a viable funding announcement, you will be able to complete and submit an application for consideration of funding within the timeframe of the open competition deadline date for any funding announcement you desire.