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2017 Funding Announcement

Previous Announcement

On November 15, 2017, the Indian Health Service announced 8 new Zero Suicide Initiative (ZSI) awards totaling $3,200,000 to tribes, tribal organizations, and IHS federal facilities.

Awardees will focus on improving care for those at risk for suicide by implementing a comprehensive and culturally informed approach to providing suicide care in the Indian health system.

2017 Announcement Information

The Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) announcement for Zero Suicide Initiative (ZSI) became available in August 2017. The purpose of the ZSI funding was to improve the system of care for those at risk for suicide by implementing a comprehensive, culturally-informed, multi-setting approach to suicide prevention in Indian health systems.

This funding opportunity was open to Tribes, Tribal organizations, Urban Indian organizations (UIOs), and IHS Federal facilities. The application deadline was October 12, 2017

For Tribes, Tribal organizations, and UIOs:

The ZSI funding announcement for Tribes, Tribal organizations, and UIOs was announced via the Federal Register on August 21, 2017. A potential applicant defined as either a Tribe, Tribal organization, or UIO, needed to apply via the grant application process at Exit Disclaimer: You Are Leaving  For more information, please review the funding announcement at:

Download the 2017 ZSI Federal program funding opportunity announcement [PDF - 290 KB].

For IHS Federal Facilities

The ZSI Federal program award opportunity was announced via IHS on August 21, 2017. If a potential applicant is defined as an IHS facility (IHS Service Unit, IHS clinic or hospital, IHS Area Office), you must apply through the Federal program funding opportunity announcement.

Technical Assistance Webinars

A welcome webinar was held in January, 2018 for Zero Suicide Initiative (ZSI) grantees. You may download the presentation slides [PDF - 575 KB].

A webinar was held in September 14, 2017 for those interested in applying for the Zero Suicide Initiative (ZSI) Notice of Funding Opportunity. Guidance was provided to Tribes, Tribal organizations, Urban Indian organizations, and IHS Federal facilities on how to apply, including a brief overview of the new funding cycle; application and submission process requirements; proposal requirements; and a review of proposal templates. You may download the presentation slides [PDF - 165 KB].

For background information on ZSI and information on other currently funded projects, visit the main ZSI page.