Blood Pressure Control
Blood pressure control reduces the risk for diabetes complications, including cardiovascular disease and chronic kidney disease.
Required Key Measure
Must be reported by grantees that select this Best Practice.
- Improvement: Increasing the number and percent of individuals in your Target Group who achieve this measure shows improvement.
- Timeframe: The timeframe for collecting data on the Required Key Measure will be January 1st to December 31st.
- Data Collection: For more information on data collection and reporting, see the SDPI Outcomes System (SOS).
Target Group Guidance
Select your Target Group* from adults with diabetes.
* Exclude pregnant individuals.
You are required to report Required Key Measure data for one Target Group for your selected Best Practice. A Target Group is the largest number of patients/participants that your grant program can realistically serve. The following should be considered in selecting your Target Group:
- The size and characteristics (e.g., ages, health status, settings) of the community or patient population that you are going to draw your Target Group from
- Intensity of the activities/services you plan to do
- SDPI funding and other resources available to provide activities/services
For information and examples on selecting a Target Group, see the SDPI Diabetes Best Practice and Target Group recorded webinar.
Resources and Tools
Below are selected resources and tools specific to this Best Practice. Additional resources that may be useful for all Best Practices can be found in the SDPI Best Practice Resources.
IHS Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention
- Diabetes Education Lesson Plan: Keeping Your Heart Healthy [PDF – 532 KB]
- Diabetes Standards of Care and Resources for Clinicians and Educators: Blood Pressure
- Diabetes Treatment Algorithm: Hypertension Management in Type 2 Diabetes
- Education Materials and Resources (Online Catalog)
- SDPI Diabetes Healthy Heart Toolkit: Module 3: Implement a Healthy Heart Program
- Recorded CME/CE Webinar:
Department of Health and Human Services
- Million Hearts: Hypertension Control Change Package, Second Edition
- Million Hearts Initiative: Optimizing Care
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
American Diabetes Association
- American Diabetes Association. 10. Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management: Standards of Care in Diabetes—2025 Diabetes Care 2025, Vol.48, S207-S238