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Best Practices


As part of their required activities, SDPI Community-Directed grantees will implement one SDPI Diabetes Best Practice (also referred to as "Best Practice"). The Best Practices are focused areas for improvement of diabetes prevention and treatment outcomes in communities and clinics. Note that, as in previous years, grantees may use some of their SDPI funds for diabetes-related activities outside of their selected Best Practice.

Links to the SDPI Diabetes Best Practices can be found below and a printable list can be found in the Best Practice Summary Table [PDF – 205 KB].

To assess improvement on outcomes, each Best Practice includes one Required Key Measure (RKM) that programs will track and report on regularly. Grantees will collect data on the RKM for individuals in their Target Group. The Target Group is the carefully selected set of individuals that grant programs can realistically serve. Each Best Practice provides guidance on selecting an appropriate Target Group.

SDPI Diabetes Best Practices


SDPI Diabetes Best Practice Resources

Grantees may find the resources below helpful as they plan for, implement, and evaluate their SDPI grant program and Diabetes Best Practice.



Please include your name, contact information, and program name when submitting questions.

  • For questions about information on this webpage, contact the SDPI Team.