Best Practices
As part of their required activities, SDPI Community-Directed grantees will implement one SDPI Diabetes Best Practice (also referred to as "Best Practice"). The Best Practices are focused areas for improvement of diabetes prevention and treatment outcomes in communities and clinics. Note that, as in previous years, grantees may use some of their SDPI funds for diabetes-related activities outside of their selected Best Practice.
Links to the SDPI Diabetes Best Practices can be found below and a printable list can be found in the Best Practice Summary Table [PDF – 205 KB].
To assess improvement on outcomes, each Best Practice includes one Required Key Measure (RKM) that programs will track and report on regularly. Grantees will collect data on the RKM for individuals in their Target Group. The Target Group is the carefully selected set of individuals that grant programs can realistically serve. Each Best Practice provides guidance on selecting an appropriate Target Group.
SDPI Diabetes Best Practices
SDPI Diabetes Best Practice Resources
Grantees may find the resources below helpful as they plan for, implement, and evaluate their SDPI grant program and Diabetes Best Practice.
IHS Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention
- Integrating Case Management Into Your SDPI Diabetes Best Practice [PDF – 360 KB] – Use this Case Management guide to assist you in meeting the health needs of individuals in your clinic and community diabetes programs.
- Integrating Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support Into Your SDPI Diabetes Best Practice [PDF – 548 KB] – Review this guide to explore strategies and tools to enhance DSMES in your diabetes program.
- Best Practice and Target Group Overview
(Recorded 7/30/2024: 1 hour 3 minutes)
Materials: Slides [PDF – 610 KB]
University of Kansas Work Group for Community Health and Development
- Community Tool Box – Online resource that provides guidance, tools, and a troubleshooting guide on planning, implementation and evaluation.
The Community Preventive Services Task Force
- The Community Guide – Website with materials to help plan and design effective, evidence-based interventions to meet your community's health needs.
Special Diabetes Program for Indians
- Program Spotlights – Videos and written stories of SDPI Programs making a difference in Indian Country.
- Tips and Tricks for Implementing Activities and Collecting Data on Your Education Best Practice
(Recorded 8/15/2024: 43 minutes)
Materials: Slides [PDF – 1.3 MB] - Tips and Tricks for Implementing Activities and Collecting Data on Your Clinical Best Practice
(Recorded 8/15/2024: 43 minutes)
Materials: Slides [PDF – 1.5 MB] - SDPI Toolkits – The toolkits provide keys to success and lessons learned from SDPI Diabetes Prevention/Healthy Heart (DP/HH) grant programs in implementing strategies to reduce diabetes and cardiovascular disease risk in American Indian/Alaska Native communities.
IHS Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention
- Education Materials and Resources (Online Catalog) – Culturally relevant and easy-to-use materials for providers, patients, and clients. Materials are free to order or download and print.
- Diabetes Education Lesson Plans – offer culturally relevant materials that are adaptable for individual or group sessions and can complement existing diabetes education curricula.
- Printable Materials – Downloadable full-color articles, posters, and Public Service Announcements that allow for instant and easy distribution.
- Motivational Interviewing: Helping People with Diabetes Make Self Directed Health Decisions
- Tipping the Motivational Balance for Change
Other Resources
- What Works for Health from County Health Rankings & Roadmaps – Website with information to help select and implement evidence-informed policies, programs, and system changes.
Special Diabetes Program for Indians
- SDPI Outcomes System (SOS) – Web-based system for SDPI Community-Directed Grant programs. Grantees will use this system, to enter, check, and download Required Key Measure (RKM) data for their Target Group for their selected Diabetes Best Practice. They can also run reports of their RKM results. SOS Training and Resources are also available.
IHS Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention
- IHS Diabetes Care and Outcomes Audit – process to assess care and health outcomes for American Indians and Alaska Natives with diagnosed diabetes. Audit Training and RPMS/DMS Info also available for assessing care and health outcomes for American Indian and Alaska Native people with diagnosed diabetes.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- CDC Program Evaluation website – Resources for program planning and evaluation.
Using SDPI Diabetes Best Practices
Applicants choosing the same Best Practice may propose different activities/services with different Target Groups. See the example below.
SDPI Program Selected Best Practice Activities/Services Target Group Description A Nutrition Education Providing nutrition education related to breastfeeding support. Pregnant women ages 18-30 with or at risk for diabetes from local I/T/U clinic. B Nutrition Education Providing nutrition education related to diabetes prevention. Youth ages 8-15 at risk for diabetes at local Boys & Girls Club. C Nutrition Education Providing nutrition education from a Registered Dietitian related to heart health. Adults with diabetes ages 18-45 at risk for CVD from local I/T/U clinic. Diabetes and Pregnancy
Diabetes treatment goals and medications for non-pregnant people with diabetes are not always generalizable to those who are pregnant. The Target Group should not include pregnant individuals in the following Best Practices:
- Aspirin or Other Antiplatelet Therapy in Cardiovascular Disease
- Blood Pressure Control
- Chronic Kidney Disease Screening and Monitoring
- Diabetes Prevention
- Glycemic Control
- Lipid Management in Cardiovascular Disease
Please include your name, contact information, and program name when submitting questions.
- For questions about information on this webpage, contact the SDPI Team.