Student Forms

Student Handbook
Reference this handbook for detailed information about your responsibilities as a scholarship recipient, including academic and reporting requirements, continuation application instructions and service commitment information.
Student Handbook [PDF - 3.9 MB]
Use these documents throughout the academic year to inform your Program Analyst of academic progress, academic troubles, change of status, request of tutorial assistance or summer school and a change of name or address.
* Required document.
- Recipient's Initial Program Progress Report (IHS-856-8)* [PDF - 133 KB]
Due: Within 30 days of the beginning of each academic term. - Notification of Academic Problem (IHS-856-9) [PDF - 167 KB]
Due: Immediately when experiencing academic difficulties that could result in withdrawing from a course or school. - Change of Status (IHS-856-10) [PDF - 125 KB]
Due: Immediately when transferring schools, seeking dual enrollment, changing your anticipated graduation date or seeking a leave of absence from the program. - Notification of Deferment Intent [PDF - 158 KB]
Due: Beginning of your final academic year. - Preferred Placement (IHS-856-12)[PDF - 110 KB]
Due: Beginning of your final academic year. - Notice of Impending Graduation (IHS-856-13) [PDF - 114 KB]
Due: As soon as possible. Confirm your graduation date with your Program Analyst. - Deferment Approval Request [PDF - 120 KB]
Due: No later than one month prior to graduation. - Placement Update (IHS-856-15) [PDF - 137 KB]
Due: Within 30 days of graduation and every 30 days thereafter (up to 90 days after graduation) if you have not secured employment. - Annual Status Report (IHS-856-16) [PDF - 120 KB]
Due: By the end of the year of training with a letter of good standing from your program director or coordinator. Annually with a leave summary report. - Summer School Request (IHS-856-21) [PDF - 169 KB]
Due: April 22 of the current academic year. - Change of Name or Address (IHS-856-22) [PDF - 114 KB]
Due: Immediately. - Verification of Acceptance or Decline of Award [PDF - 512 KB]
Graduation Documentation
The following form is required during your final year of academic training in preparation for graduation from your college/university.
- Notice of Impending Graduation (IHS-856-13) [PDF - 114 KB]
Due: Beginning of final academic term.