
List of Specialists currently available:
- Rheumatology (joints)
- Endocrinology (diabetes)
- Psychiatry (mind/spirit)
- Infectious Disease
- Behavioral Health
Schedule an appointment with your provider today to see if Telehealth is an option for you!
Appointments to these specialty clinics are made during scheduled visits.
Specialty Care Close to Home
You can now visit a specialist through a two-way monitor at your local clinic. This technology is provided by Avera eCARE Specialty Clinic. Your provider at Rosebud will identify if a Telehealth visit is an option for you. Telehealth visits can be conducted by making an appointment.
How It Works
A Telehealth visit is like any other visit with your provider. The appointment can range from 30-60 minutes.
- When it is time for your appointment, check in at patient registration.
- A staff member will be available to help you connect with your specialist via a video monitor. During the appointment, you will be able to talk to and see your specialty provider like any other in-person visit.
- A summary of your visit will be provided to you and your referring provider.