EHR Payment Tables
Medicare Time Line (EPs/EHs) and Incentives (EPs)
Download the Medicare Payment Table [PDF - 72 KB]
The EP incentive amounts listed below are based on 75 percent of allowable Medicare Part B charges.
Year | MU Stage | MU Stage | MU Stage | MU Stage |
2011 | Stage 1, year 1 90 days $18,000 |
2012 | Stage 1, year 2 366 days $12,000 |
Stage 1, year 1 90 days $18,000 |
2013 | Stage 1, year 3 365 days $8,000 |
Stage 1, year 2 365 days $12,000 |
Stage 1, year 1 90 days $15,000 |
2014* | Stage 1, year 4 3 months $4,000 |
Stage 1, year 3 3 months $8,000 |
Stage 1, year 2 3 months $12,000 |
Stage 1, year 1 3 months $12,000 |
2015 | Stage 2, year 1 365 days $2,000 |
Stage 2, year 1 365 days $4,000 |
Stage 2, year 1 365 days $8,000 |
Stage 1, year 2 365 days $8,000 |
2016 | Stage 2, year 2 366 days $2,000 |
Stage 2, year 2 366 days $4,000 |
Stage 2, year 1 366 days $4,000 |
TOTAL | $ 44,000 | $ 44,000 | $ 39,000 | $ 24,000 |
*For CY 2014, the reporting period has been reduced to three months based on the quarters within the calendar year (Jan. 1 - March 31, April 1 - June 30, July 1 - Sept. 30, Oct. 1 - Dec. 31).
Medicaid Time Line (EPs/EHs) and Incentives (EPs)
Download the Medicaid Payment Table [PDF - 81 KB]
The EP incentive amounts listed below are contingent on EPs meeting the required 30 percent minimum Medicaid patient volume. Pediatricians must meet a minimum 20 percent Medicaid patient volume to receive two-thirds of these incentive amounts or a minimum 30 percent for full payment.
Year | MU Stage | MU Stage | MU Stage | MU Stage | MU Stage | MU Stage |
2011 | A/I/U $21,250 |
2012 | Stage 1, year 1 90 Days $8,500 |
A/I/U $21,250 |
2013 | Stage 1, year 2 365 Days $8,500 |
Stage 1, year 1 90 Days $8,500 |
A/I/U $21,250 |
2014* | Stage 2, year 1 3 Months $8,500 |
Stage 1, year 2 3 Months $8,500 |
Stage 1, year 1 3 Months $8,500 |
A/I/U $21,250 |
2015 | Stage 2, year 2 365 Days $8,500 |
Stage 2, year 1 365 Days $8,500 |
Stage 1, year 2 365 Days $8,500 |
Stage 1, year 1 90 Days $8,500 |
A/I/U $21,250 |
2016 | Stage 2, year 3 366 Days $8,500 |
Stage 2, year 2 366 Days $8,500 |
Stage 2, year 1 366 Days $8,500 |
Stage 1, year 2 366 Days $8,500 |
Stage 1, year 1 90 Days $8,500 |
A/I/U $21,250 |
2017 | Stage 3, year 1 365 Days $8,500 |
Stage 2, year 2 365 Days $8,500 |
Stage 2, year 1 365 Days $8,500 |
Stage 1, year 2 365 Days $8,500 |
Stage 1, year 1 90 Days $8,500 |
2018 | Stage 3, year 1 365 Days $8,500 |
Stage 2, year 2 365 Days $8,500 |
Stage 2, year 1 365 Days $8,500 |
Stage 1, year 2 365 Days $8,500 |
2019 | Stage 3, year 1 365 Days $8,500 |
Stage 2, year 2 365 Days $8,500 |
Stage 2, year 1 365 Days $8,500 |
2020 | Stage 3, year 1 366 Days $8,500 |
Stage 2, year 2 366 Days $8,500 |
2021 | Stage 3, year 1 365 Days $8,500 |
TOTAL | $ 63,750 | $ 63,750 | $ 63,750 | $ 63,750 | $ 63,750 | $ 63,750 |
*For CY 2014, the reporting period for all EPs and EHs, regardless of their stage, has been reduced to a three-month reporting period. States have the option to limit this reporting period to the quarters within the CY or to any consecutive 90-day period.