Colville Service Unit
The mission of the Indian Health Service (IHS) is to raise the health status of the American Indian and Alaska Native people to the highest possible level.
Nespelem Clinic
PO Box 71
19 Lakes Street
Nespelem, WA 99155
Omak Clinic
617 Benton Street
Omak, WA 98841
Hours of Operation
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

Who Should I call?
General Information & employment opportunities: 509-634-2900
Questions about appointments for Nespelem Clinic: 509-634-2913
Questions about appointments for Omak Clinic: 509-422-7416
Questions about Purchased/Referred Care (PRC): 509-634-2926
Questions about prescriptions/medications for Nespelem Pharmacy: 509-634-2914
Questions about prescriptions/medications for Omak Pharmacy: 509-422-7735
Pharmacy Automated Refill Line: 509-634-2601
Compliments or Complaints: 509-634-2916
CEO: CAPT Carol Cummins, PharmD, MPH 509-634-2933
Clinical Director: Dr. Larry Dean Smith
Services Offered
Comprehensive Medical, Nursing, Laboratory, Radiology, Dental, Optometry, Pharmacy, Patient and Referred Care and Health Administration services are provided.
The Confederated Tribes of the Colville Indian Reservation (Colville Tribes) consist today of 1.4 million acres. The aboriginal territories for the 12 Tribes which comprise the Colville Tribes of the Colville Indian Reservation spanned from British Columbia, along the Eastern Slope of the Cascade Range to the Wenatchee Valley, across Northcentral Washington, the Palouse and North Eastern Oregon.
The reservation has four distinct political and geographic districts of Omak, Inchelium, Nespelem and Keller. Ambulatory Health Services are provided in all four. In Nespelem and Omak the Colville Service Unit provide the direct patient care, with Inchelium and Keller operating clinics under the Lake Roosevelt Health Centers. Tribal members utilize any of the four facilities.
Tribal cultural practices are maintained through many ceremonies, activities and practices. Tribal members continue traditional gathering of edible roots, berries, medicines and weaving materials across the traditional areas for the tribes. Additionally, Tribal members include deer, elk and moose as well as salmon and other fish as part of the diet. Traditional dancing, rodeo, sports are some of the activities enjoyed by the membership.
The Tribe is governed by a 14 member Business Council elected on staggered two year terms form the four districts of the reservation. The Tribal Government headquarters are located in Nespelem, with governmental services provided in all districts.
There are approximately 9,500 enrolled tribal members the enrollment office indicates approximately 2/3 living on or near the reservation and the remaining 1/3 all around the world.
Isolation and distance from metropolitan centers creates challenges for Patent and Referred Care. Clients have to travel two hours each way to Spokane or Wenatchee for specialized health services.
The 40,000 square foot IHS clinic in Nespelem was completed in June 2007. It was a collaborative process with between Indian Health Services and Colville Tribes. It is planned in phase implementation. Phase one consisted of the medical, radiology, laboratory, pharmacy and optometry patient services. Additionally the Patient and Purchased/Referred Care (PRC) (Contract Health Services) and Administration were included in phase one. In 2010 the 5 chair dental operatory were added. Plans remain to expand the final area for the needed administrative area.
Recognizing that the largest population of tribal members reside in the Omak District the Colville Tribes built a modest facility which is leased by the Indian Health Services. Patient services provided include, medical, laboratory, dental and administration are included. The facility is also utilized by the Women, Infant and Children program which is operated by the Colville Tribes.
Collaboration occurs with the Colville Tribes Health Programs, Behavioral Health Services, Convalescent and Lake Roosevelt Health Centers.