White Cloud Health Station

The White Cloud Health Station recently moved into a new building with four treatment rooms. The facilityis located on the Iowa Tribe in Kansas and Nebraska Reservation. It is located close to the Nebraska and Missouri state borders, near the town of White Cloud, KS. The clinic is located inside of a tribally owned service building and includes a triage area/lab, two treatment rooms, offices, and a pharmacy.
The clinic is staffed full time by a Family nurse practitioner, nurse, diabetic nurse educator, pharmacist, health systems specialist, and medical support assistant. Services offered include general family medicine (pediatrics through geriatrics), acute care, and chronic disease management. The clinic contracts for routine services including specimen testing, x-ray, podiatry, dental care, eye care, and registered dietician consultation.
The clinic is an appointment-based clinic offering outpatient, general and family practice medicine including laboratory testing. Appointments are recommended, as walk-in availability is limited.
Facility Director: Paul Austin, 785-832-4824
3349-B Thrasher Road
White Cloud, Kansas 66094
Hours of Operation
Clinic hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Who should I call?
Patient Feedback/Questions - 785-595-3450
Office: 785-595-3450
Nearby Indian Health Service and Tribal Facilities
- Kickapoo Nation Health Center - 1117 Goldfinch Road, Horton, KS - 785-486-2154
- Haskell Indian Health Center - 2415 Massachusetts Street, Lawrence, KS - 785-832-4805
- Prairie Band Potawatomi Family Health Center - 11400 158 Road (PO Box 249), Mayetta, KS 66509 - 785-966-8200
Holton Service Unit
The Holton Service Unit is located in the Glacial Hills Region of Northeastern Kansas. The area invites you to experience the sights and attractions that make up this historic corner of Kansas. Being the oldest settled part of the state, the counties of this area share a common history and heritage. There are many historic and cultural resources that are valuable assets to the region and can offer a wide variety of experiences to suit individual tastes. Four American Indian Nations reside within this region. They are: Iowa Tribe in Kansas and Nebraska, Kickapoo Tribe in Kansas, Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation, and Sac and Fox Nation of Missouri in Kansas and Nebraska. The Holton Service Unit is comprised of one Indian Health Service health center and two tribal health centers.