Congressional Justifications
In support of the President's budget request, when the President submits the Executive Branch Budget to Congress each year, the Executive agencies submit a document called the Congressional Justification. This document "justifies" the request by the President by explaining the mission of the agency, outlining the goals and objectives of the coming fiscal year, and provides comparative data for the previous, current, and proposed budget.
- FY 2024 Operating Plan [PDF - 164 KB]
- FY 2023 Operating Plan [PDF - 721 KB]
- FY 2022 Operating Plan [PDF - 591 KB]
- FY 2021 Operating Plan [PDF - 129 KB]
- FY 2020 Operating Plan [PDF - 591 KB]
- FY 2019 IHS Operating Plan [PDF - 123 KB]
- FY 2017 IHS Operating Plan [PDF - 244 KB]
- FY 17 CJ Errata-Federal Tribal Crosswalk Tables [PDF - 119 KB]
- FY 17 CJ Errata-Services Allocation Tables [PDF - 140 KB]
- FY 2016 IHS Operating Plan [PDF - 45 KB]
- FY 2014 IHS Operating Plan [PDF - 98 KB]
- FY 2014 Congressional Justification [PDF - 2.1 MB]
- FY 2014 CSC Compacts and Contracts Table [PDF - 334 KB]
- FY 2013 Budget Justification [PDF - 1.7 MB]
- FY 2013 Operating Plan [PDF - 18 KB]
- FY 2012 Budget Justification [PDF - 2.2 MB]
- FY 2012 Online Performance Appendix [PDF - 1.1 MB]
- FY 2011 Budget Justification [PDF - 2.9 MB]
- FY 2011 Online Performance Appendix [PDF - 3 MB]
- FY 2010 Budget Justification [PDF - 10.1 MB]
- FY 2010 Online Performance Appendix [PDF - 1.1 MB]
- FY 2009 Budget Justification [PDF - 12 MB]
- FY 2009 Online Performance Appendix [PDF - 4.7 MB]
The Online Performance Appendix is one of several documents that fulfill the Department of Health and Human Services? performance planning and reporting requirements. It provides performance measures and summarized program results information that is more detailed for all HHS measures.