Office of Clinical and Preventive Services

The Office of Clinical and Preventive Services (OCPS) aims to improve and promote wellness for American/Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) people by serving as the primary source of national advocacy, policy development, budget development and allocation for clinical, preventive, and public health programs for IHS, Area Offices, and Service Units. OCPS provides leadership in voicing the clinical, preventive, and public health needs of AI/AN, including consultation and technical support to clinical and public health program functions.
Division of Behavioral Health (DBH)
The Division of Behavioral Health (DBH) serves as the primary source of national advocacy, policy development, management and administration of behavioral health, alcohol and substance abuse, and family violence prevention programs. Working in partnership with Tribes, Tribal organizations, and Urban Indian health organizations, DBH coordinates national efforts to share knowledge and build capacity through the development and implementation of evidence/practice based and cultural-based practices in Indian Country.
Division of Clinical and Community Services (DCCS)
The Division of Clinical and Community Services (DCCS) manages, develops, and coordinates a comprehensive clinical, preventive and public health approach to clinical and community programs focusing on cancer prevention, elder health, emergency medical services, health education, health promotion and disease prevention, health records, hepatitis C prevention and surveillance, HIV/ AIDS, maternal and child health, medical services, men’s health, and pharmacy services.
Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention (DDTP)
The Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention (DDTP) was established in 1979 in response to the emerging epidemic of type 2 diabetes in American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) people. DDTP’s mission is to: 1) develop, document, and sustain clinical and public health efforts to treat and prevent diabetes in American Indian and Alaska Native communities nationwide; 2) coordinate the Special Diabetes Program for Indians (SDPI) grant program; 3) provide training, Standards of Care, clinical tools, and other resources on diabetes-related issues for clinicians, educators, and other health professionals; 4) conduct the annual Diabetes Care and Outcomes Audit which measures key diabetes care elements at the local, Area, and national levels; and 5) provide annual estimates of diabetes prevalence in AI/AN people.
Division of Nursing Services (DNS)
The goal of the IHS Division of Nursing (DNS) is to provide high-quality, client-centered nursing care that is responsive to individual, family and community needs through use of available human and material resources. DNS aids in nursing recruitment and providing guidance with management information systems to benefit documentation and data collection by and for registered nurses, public health nurses and advanced practice registered nurse health care providers.
Division of Oral Health (DOH)
The Division of Oral Health (DOH) serves as the primary source of planning, development, coordination, and evaluation of dental health programs. They are responsible for Area Dental Program dental staff recruitment and personnel matters, and providing oral health services in AI/AN communities. DOH oversees field staff and provides clinical and technical support through surveys, clinical trials, and consultation on treatment cases, newsletter publications, and serving as a liaison to public and private institutions.