E3 Vaccine Strategy
E3 Operational Plan (Oct 2024) [PDF - 1.4 MB]
IHS E3 Vaccine Strategy Documentation (Nov 2022) [PDF - 462 KB]
E3 Champions Challenge - [PDF - 879 KB ]
E3 Vaccine Strategy, E3 Champions Challenge, Letter of Attestation - [PDF - 936 KB ]
E3 Champions Pilot Site Request - [PDF - 962 KB ]
IHS Safeguard Our Future Clinician Factsheet
Facts for IHS clinicians: COVID-19 & routine vaccination for infants, children, and teens.
Read MoreIHS Safeguard Our Future Patient Factsheet
Facts for patients and caregivers, safeguard your children: vaccinate today.
Read MoreProvider Resources:
- 1) Safety & Preventing administration errors
- 2) Quality Improvement Support tools
- 3) Additional Resources for Providers
- AAP Adolescent Immunization Discussion Guides
- CDC Yellow Book, Health Information for International Travel, Chapter 2 (including Vaccination & Immunoprophylaxis: General Recommendations
- HHS Catch-up to Get Ahead Toolkit
- IHS.gov Immunization Resources for Providers
- PneumoRecs VaxAdvisor
- RSV Toolkit for Tribal Home Visitors
- Shared Decision-Making for PCV20 in 65 Year Olds
- Vaccine Recommendations and Guidelines of the ACIP
Patient Resources:
E3 Best Practices [PDF - 428 KB]
E3 Pilot Community Development Project [PDF - 114 KB]
Oklahoma City Indian Clinic [PDF - 748 KB]
White Earth Service Unit [PDF - 316 KB]
Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation [PDF - 330 KB]
Woodrow Wilson Keeble Memorial Health Care Center [PDF - 348 KB]
Catawba Service Unit [PDF - 355 KB]
Pawnee Indian Health Center [PDF - 901 KB]
Native American Rehabilitation Association of the Northwest [PDF - 850 KB]