November 2016 Blogs
Portland Area Mobilizes to Prevent Seasonal Influenza

November 23, 2016
by CAPT Thomas Weiser, MD, MPH, Medical Epidemiologist, Portland Area Indian Health Service
Thanksgiving is almost upon us. As we prepare to gather together with family and friends, let us be mindful that one guest is not invited--influenza! Influenza has been shown to have a greater impact on American Indians and Alaska Natives and people with chronic medical conditions. The Portland Area ... Continue reading
Dr. Chris Percy: National Leader in Health Promotion Programs

November 22, 2016
by CAPT Brian Johnson, Acting Area Director, Navajo Area Indian Health Service
Dr. Chris Percy is a valued family medicine doctor and a leader in health promotion not only in the Indian Health Service but throughout Indian Country. Dr. Percy is Bi'ké Ts'in Diné (Wooden Shoe or Dutch people), born for the Irish people. He and his wife, Carol, grew up in Wisconsin. They have been ... Continue reading
Public and Environmental Health Improves with the First Vacuum Sewer System on the Navajo Nation

November 16, 2016
by Colin Daly, Field Engineer, Shiprock Service Unit
Every autumn, farmers in Shiprock, New Mexico harvest, steam and dry their Indian corn to make traditional nas chizhi stew, a delicious and popular soup made with dried corn and meat, usually mutton or lamb. Fertile soils and irrigation canals make the town’s Mesa Farm area great for farming ... Continue reading
IHS Offers Quality Continuing Dental Education

November 14, 2016
by CAPT Timothy Ricks, DMD, MPH, Deputy Director, IHS Division of Oral Health
Dentists, dental hygienists and many dental assistants are required to complete a certain number of hours each year to maintain licensure by their state dental board. These educational courses are offered throughout the U.S., often at a substantial price. For dental staff in IHS and Tribal programs, ... Continue reading
Indian Health Service launches telehealth program to expand health care access for native veterans

November 10, 2016
by Dean M. Seyler, Director, Portland Area Indian Health Service
The Indian Health Service has launched an exciting new program using telehealth to improve the health status of American Indian and Alaska Native veterans. The partnership will allow eligible veterans at IHS facilities to be seen and treated by physicians at VA medical centers through the use of technology ... Continue reading
IHS Announces Awards for the Secretary's Minority AIDS Initiative Fund

November 7, 2016
by Rick Haverkate, National HIV/AIDS Program Manager, Indian Health Service
The Indian Health Service (IHS) recently announced the distribution of fiscal year 2016 Secretary’s Minority AIDS Initiative Funds (SMAIF) totaling more than $3.6 million to several Tribal, Urban, and IHS facilities. These competitive funds, awarded to the IHS from the Office of the Assistant ... Continue reading
Open Enrollment for the Health Insurance Marketplace is a Great Opportunity for "Young Invincibles" to Gain Coverage

November 4, 2016
by Raho Ortiz, Acting Director, Office of Urban Indian Health Programs
Open Enrollment for the Health Insurance Marketplace started on November 1, 2016. American Indians and Alaska Natives are eligible to purchase coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace and may also find out they qualify for Medicaid. The Marketplace is ... Continue reading
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