April 2016 Blogs
Tribal Management Grants Available for Tribes and Tribal Organizations

April 29, 2016
by CAPT Chris Buchanan, Director, Office of Direct Service and Contracting Tribes, Indian Health Service
The Indian Health Service is now accepting applications for the Tribal Management Grant Program , a competitive grant for federally recognized Tribes and Tribal organizations that is administered by the Office of Direct Service and Contracting Tribes (ODSCT).
The ... Continue reading
Lawton Service Unit celebrates 100 years of caring

April 29, 2016
by Capt. Greg Ketcher, Chief Executive Officer, Lawton Indian Hospital
The Lawton Indian Hospital is celebrating 100 years of caring for patients in the Lawton-Ft. Sill area, 85 miles southwest of Oklahoma City. Today, the hospital provides care to more than 23,000 patients.
In the early 1900s, Kiowa tribal leaders lobbied for a hospital. In 1914, Congress approved ... Continue reading
IHS/Tribal team recognized for emergency water connection in Tucson Area

April 26, 2016
by Gary J. Hartz, P.E., Director of the Office of Environmental Health and Engineering, Indian Health Service
A team of IHS engineers, technicians and environmental health staff and personnel from the Tohono O'odham Utility Authority have been recognized by the National Indian Health Board, the Tohono O'odham Nation Legislative Council and the IHS Tucson Area for their work to complete an emergency water project ... Continue reading
Let's make every day Earth Day

April 22, 2016
by Gary J. Hartz, P.E., Director of the Office of Environmental Health and Engineering, Indian Health Service
The IHS mission is to raise the physical, mental, social, and spiritual health status of the American Indian and Alaska Native people to the highest possible level. That includes doing our part to preserve the environment.
Today, you can’t walk down the street without some indication that ... Continue reading
National Infant Immunization Week

April 22, 2016
by Dr. Stephen Holve, Indian Health Service, Chief Clinical Consultant for Pediatrics
During National Infant Immunization Week, April 16-23, IHS encourages every parent to double check their child’s immunization record to see if their child is up to date on recommended vaccines, and to discuss with neighbors, friends, and family the importance of vaccinating their children. Call your ... Continue reading
Special Diabetes Program for Indians Releases Interim Report to Congress

April 21, 2016
by Dr. Ann Bullock, Director of the Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention, Indian Health Service
The Indian Health Service has just released the Special Diabetes Program for Indians 2014 Report to Congress, Changing the Course of Diabetes: Turning Hope into Reality publication. This document provides a concise update on the Special Diabetes Program for Indians (SDPI) and is available online ... Continue reading
Tribal Consultation on Updated Contract Support Cost Policy

April 14, 2016
by Mary Smith, Principal Deputy Director, Indian Health Service
One of my priorities is to implement the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (ISDEAA) in a manner consistent with the principles of self-determination and self-governance. To improve our work on this priority, IHS has focused its attention on updating its Contract Support Costs policy, ... Continue reading
Meetings with Tribal Leaders in the Great Plains Area Focus on Quality of Care

April 13, 2016
by Mary Smith, Principal Deputy Director, Indian Health Service
I have only served as Principal Deputy Director for a little over a month, but, in that time, it has become clear to me that, while the IHS is firmly committed to the mission of providing quality health care for American Indians and Alaska Natives, we face steep operational and quality of care challenges.
The ... Continue reading
Service Delivery Area Expansion Proposed for Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) in Massachusetts

April 7, 2016
by Terri Schmidt, Acting Director, Office of Resource Access and Partnerships
The Indian Health Service proposes in a recent Federal Register Notice to expand the geographic boundaries of the Service Delivery Area for the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah). Since 1987, when the Bureau of Indian Affairs recognized the Tribe, the Service ... Continue reading
Hospital Consortium changes name, revises charter to focus on quality of care

April 4, 2016
by Dr. Susan Karol, Chief Medical Officer, Indian Health Service
At the Indian Health Service, improving the quality of care and governance of our federal hospitals is critical for our patients. Quality care reduces disparities and promises a future that assures excellence for our patients across the IHS delivery system.
The Indian Health Service Hospital Consortium ... Continue reading
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