September 2012 Blogs
Lawton Indian Hospital
I visited the IHS Lawton Indian Hospital in August and met with Tribes served by the facility. Here is a picture from the visit:
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SDPI Diabetes Prevention and Healthy Heart Initiatives Meeting
I attended the Special Diabetes Program for Indians (SDPI) Diabetes Prevention and Healthy Heart Initiatives Meeting in Denver, CO, in early September and spent time with the grantees in their poster session. I also gave the Inaugural Lecture in the Speaker Series for the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases-sponsored Center for AI/AN Diabetes Translation Research, where I presented on the successful results of the SDPI. Here are pictures from my visit:
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HHS Secretary's Tribal Advisory Committee
The Department of Health and Human Services Secretary's Tribal Advisory Committee met in September and discussed their progress on their priorities and met with Secretary Sebeilus. Here are pictures from the meeting:
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National Indian Council on Aging Conference
I attended the National Indian Council on Aging Conference in Albuquerque, NM, in September and provided an update on progress on our Agency priorities. I also joined a panel discussion on the Affordable Care Act with Rex Lee Jim, Navajo Nation Vice President, and Cynthia LaCounte, HHS Administration on Aging. Here are pictures from the conference:
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Direct Service Tribes Annual Conference
The Direct Service Tribes Annual Conference was held in August in Tucson, AZ. The meeting provided a forum for Tribes who are served by facilities managed directly by the IHS to hear updates, discuss progress on agency priorities, and discuss key health issues. The meeting included plenary sessions, workshops, and Area caucus sessions. I also held Tribal Delegation Meetings with the Rosebud Sioux Tribe and the Warm Springs Tribe. The Carol Ann Heart Spirit Award was given to Direct Service Tribes Advisory Group Chair Sandra Ortega. Here are pictures from the meeting:
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IHS Tucson Area Listening Session
I held a listening session with the IHS Tucson Area in August in Tucson after the Direct Service Tribes Annual conference. Here are pictures from the meeting:
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HHS Secretary Trip to South Dakota
Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius led a delegation on a trip to South Dakota. The Secretary visited sites that included Indian Health Service, Administration for Children and Families, and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration programs and also met with the Pine Ridge, Rosebud Sioux, and Cheyenne River Sioux Tribes. Here are pictures from the visit:
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Southcentral Foundation Valley Native Primary Care Center Opening
Southcentral Foundation celebrated the opening of its Valley Native Primary Care Center in Wasilla, AK, in August. The facility was constructed by the Tribe under a Joint Venture Construction agreement with the Indian Health Service. Here are pictures from the opening:
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IHS Tribal Consultation Summit: Other Meetings
During the same week as the IHS Tribal Consultation Summit, several other meetings were held for the convenience of the attendees, which helped save on travel costs for many. The other meetings included the Tribal Leaders Diabetes Committee, the National Tribal Advisory Committee on Behavioral Health, the IHS Directors' Advisory Workgroup on Tribal Consultation, and the HHS Tribal Consultation Meeting on the Affordable Care Act Federally-Facilitated Exchanges and the Medicaid Expansion. Here are pictures from those meetings:
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IHS Area Director/Chief Medical Officer Meetings
The IHS Area Directors and Area Chief Medical Officers held a joint meeting in August to continue progress on agency priorities with a focus on key clinical and administrative issues. Here are some pictures from the meeting:
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Contract Support Costs Consultation Update
Today we are sending a letter to Tribes to provide an update on our consultation on Contract Support Costs and to request input on identified issues. Here is a copy of the letter [PDF - 45KB].
I Strengthen My Nation Campaign
The Indian Health Service (IHS) Division of Behavioral Health (DBH) has partnered with the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board to develop and launch a national campaign focused on substance abuse prevention entitled "I Strengthen My Nation." This national prevention campaign includes culturally relevant materials designed in collaboration with American Indian and Alaska Native youth. These materials highlight the strengths of youth who reject the use of alcohol and other substances, and consist of fact sheets, brochures, posters, public service announcements, t-shirts, lanyards, and window clings. The youth who participated in the development of this campaign did so in the hopes that these messages will promote resilience, healthy behaviors, and new social norms. Further information from the "I Strengthen My Nation" national campaign, including the images created, is available on the IHS DBH webpage.
Tribal Best Practices Training Conference 2012
The 2012 Tribal Best Practices Training Conference was held in July in Salt Lake City, UT, and was an opportunity to share clinical best practices, care team integration, and health information technology activities used to improve patient care. The meeting was hosted by the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium and United South and Eastern Tribes. Here are pictures from the conference:
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Tribal Delegation Meeting: Tejon Indian Tribe
A Tribal Delegation Meeting was held with the Tejon Indian Tribe of California in July at IHS Headquarters in Rockville, MD. Here is a picture from the meeting:
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IHS National Director's Awards
I hosted the IHS National Director's Awards in Washington, D.C., in August to celebrate the accomplishments of our IHS, tribal, and urban Indian health program staff and partners. The event was held at the National Museum of the American Indian. Here are pictures from the event:
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IHS Tribal Consultation Summit
IHS held its 3rd Tribal Consultation Summit in Denver in August. The purpose of the Summit was to provide a "one-stop shop" for Tribes to learn about IHS consultation activities. The final agenda is posted on our Tribal Consultation website. Here are some pictures from the event:
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IHS Albuquerque Area Listening Session
I attended the IHS Albuquerque Area Listening Session in July by phone, provided an IHS update, and answered questions. Here are some pictures from the session:
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AIDS 2012 Conference
I posted a blog that described my participation in the International AIDS Conference in Washington, D.C., in July. Here are some pictures I have been meaning to post from the International Indigenous Pre-Conference on HIV & AIDS and the Indigenous Networking Zone Global Village at the conference:
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IHS Phoenix Area Listening Session
We held a Phoenix Area Listening Session in July, during which I listened to issues and concerns from Phoenix Area Tribes, including Tribes from Arizona, Nevada, and Utah. Here are some pictures from the listening session:
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