May 2013 Blogs
2013 Annual Tribal Self-Governance Consultation Conference
IHS attended the 2013 Annual Tribal Self-Governance Consultation Conference in April, and we participated in several activities. I provided an update on the IHS budget and progress on our agency priorities; we conducted an IHS Listening Session prior to the meeting; IHS conducted several Tribal Delegation Meetings; IHS staff participated in conference workshops; and we held our Agency Lead Negotiator Meeting. At the conference, we announced new options for settlement of Contract Support Costs claims. Here are some pictures from the meeting:
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Tribal Delegation Meetings - 2013 Annual Tribal Self-Governance Consultation Conference
IHS held several Tribal Delegation Meetings during the 2013 Annual Tribal Self-Governance Consultation Conference. During the meetings, Tribes had an opportunity to present issues of concern and discuss a plan of action with IHS to resolve the issues. Here are pictures from the meetings:
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Tribal Delegation Meetings – April
IHS held several Tribal Delegation Meetings with Tribes in April. Here are pictures from those meetings:
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Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc., Congressional Week
I met with the Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc., during their Congressional Week meeting in April. I provided an update on the IHS budget and IHS reform efforts. Here are pictures from the meeting.
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Consultation on Revised IHS Sexual Assault Policy
In March, I sent a letter [PDF - 192KB] to Tribes requesting input on the revised IHS Sexual Assault Policy. The IHS first established this policy in 2011, and has consulted with Tribes. The policy has been updated to reflect the comments received so far and sent to Tribes for further input. This blog is a reminder that the deadline for comments is June 14, 2013.
IHS Tribal Self Governance Advisory Committee Quarterly Meeting
I met with the IHS Tribal Self Governance Advisory Committee at its Quarterly Meeting in April in Washington, D.C. We discussed plans for the 2013 Annual Self Governance Conference and Consultation that occurred in May and several other issues, including budget and contract support costs. Here are some pictures from the meeting.
Click on the thumbnails for larger images
Purchased/Referred Care (PRC) Workgroup Recommendations
I recently sent a letter [PDF - 49KB] to Tribes providing an update on the ongoing tribal consultation to improve the Indian Health Service Purchased/Referred Care (PRC) program, which is the funding we use to pay for referrals and services in the private sector. I shared the third set of recommendations from the Director's Workgroup on Improving PRC [PDF - 34KB]. One of the outcomes of the workgroup was a recommendation to keep the PRC distribution formula for new funding increases the same, and to protect base PRC funding. Comments on the recommendations are welcomed.
MSPI/DVPI FY 2013 Funding Distribution Consultation
I recently sent a letter [PDF - 57KB] to Tribes requesting input on the fiscal year (FY) 2013 funding distribution for the Methamphetamine and Suicide Prevention Initiative (MSPI) and the Domestic Violence Prevention Initiative (DVPI). The FY 2013 funding is for program activities starting September 1, 2013, for MSPI and August 1, 2013, for DVPI. The National Tribal Advisory Committee on Behavioral Health recommends continuing the same distribution for both initiatives for FY 2013 funding, and then consulting on the distribution of funding for FY 2014 and beyond. Comments are due June 5, 2013.
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