May 2012 Blogs
Division of Environmental Health Services Annual Directors Meeting
The Division of Environmental Health Services leadership recently held their annual Directors Meeting to revisit their 5-year strategic plan, discuss current issues, and shape the direction of the program. Injury Prevention and Institutional Environmental Health program managers and several Office of Environmental Health and Engineering directors also attended and provided stakeholder input into the plan. Strategic planning outcomes and initiatives developed during this meeting will strengthen and improve environmental health services throughout the country. Here’s a picture from the meeting:
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New Affordable Care Act Presentation Available
The Department of Health and Human Services has developed a series of presentations that highlight the benefits of the Affordable Care Act for individual Americans. Today we are releasing a PowerPoint presentation [PPT - 2MB] that highlights the benefits of the Affordable Care Act for American Indians and Alaska Natives. The presentation includes slides and speaker notes and is intended for education and outreach to American Indian and Alaska Native individuals and Tribes.
IHS has been working with regional and national Indian organizations to conduct outreach and education activities on the benefits of the Affordable Care Act through the National Indian Health Outreach and Education Initiative.
Site Visit: Indian Health Board of Minneapolis
In April, I visited the Indian Health Board of Minneapolis, which is one of our Title V Urban Indian Health Programs. I met with their Board, provided an update on progress on IHS priorities, and answered questions. Here is a picture from the visit:
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National Council of Urban Indian Health Annual National Leadership Meeting
I attended the National Council of Urban Indian Health (NCUIH) Annual National Leadership Meeting in April in Washington, D.C., and provided an update on progress on IHS priorities. Here are pictures from the meeting:
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National Indian Health Outreach and Education Tribal Health Reform Training
The National Indian Health Outreach and Education initiative’s National Tribal Health Reform Training was held in Minnesota in April. The 2-day training included information on the new benefits for American Indians and Alaska Natives from the Affordable Care Act and the reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act; overviews of the development of key education messages, materials, and training; and information on the development of strategies for outreach and education in all IHS Areas. We are grateful for the partnership of the National Indian Health Board, National Congress of American Indians, National Council of Urban Indian Health Boards, and the Area organizations in this important outreach and education effort. Here are pictures from the meeting:
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Improving Patient Care
The IHS Improving Patient Care (IPC) program held a Knowledge Gathering Session in April to share lessons learned and successes from its activities during the 3rd cohort of the IPC program. Here are some pictures from the session:
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VA-IHS Reimbursement Agreement Consultation Update
Based on a request from Tribes, we are extending to May 25, 2012, the deadline for comments on the draft VA-IHS reimbursement agreement that was recently sent to Tribes for consultation. Please refer to the original letter dated April 5, 2012, for instructions on submission of comments.
Tribal Delegation Meetings: April 2012
IHS held Tribal Delegation Meetings with the San Carlos Apache Tribe and the Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc., during the month of April 2012. Here are pictures from the meetings:
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Area Listening Sessions
I met with Tribes in four Areas during March by phone or in person: Albuquerque, Alaska, California, and Bemidji. During the listening sessions, I provide an update on our progress in changing and improving the IHS, answer questions, and listen to input from the Tribes. Here are pictures from some of the Listening Sessions:
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HHSInnovates Awards
The HHSInnovates program was created to celebrate innovation by HHS employees. The program is aimed at building a culture of innovation at HHS. On March 30, 2012, I attended the HHSInnovates Award Ceremony, at which six finalists were recognized. An IHS employee, CAPT Carol Lincoln, was included as a key contributor to the “HHS Community and Health Service Mission (CHASM) Innovation.” When the USPHS Commissioned Corps combined their field trainings with service missions to underserved communities, one of their missions was to the Oglala Sioux Tribal Community, where officers provided a variety of needed medical and public health services. Congratulations to the CHASM team! Here are pictures from the awards ceremony:
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NIHB Tribal Caucus on the Special Diabetes Program for Indians
The Special Diabetes Program for Indians is due for reauthorization in 2013. In March 2012, NIHB hosted a meeting of tribal representatives and partner organizations, including the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and the American Diabetes Association. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss accomplishments to date in the Special Diabetes Program for Type I Diabetes and the Special Diabetes Program for Indians, which have been a part of the same reauthorization legislation since 1997. IHS and NIH/NIDDK provided an update on the two programs, and then the Tribal Caucus went into a separate session to discussion legislative strategy. Here is a picture from the meeting:
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Contract Support Costs Consultation Update
I sent a letter to Tribes to provide an update on the consultation on the 2007 Contract Support Costs policy. Here is a copy of the letter. [PDF - 25KB]
IHS Labor Management Relations Council
IHS established its first Labor Management Relations Council (LMRC) earlier this year and recently signed the Charter for the LMRC with each of the three unions represented in this national group (the American Federation of Government Employees, the Laborer’s International Union of North America, and the National Federation of Federal Employees). The LMRC provides a forum for managers, employees, and employees' Union representatives to discuss operations, promote satisfactory labor relations, and improve the productivity and effectiveness of the IHS. Here’s a picture from the charter signing:
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