Resources and Tools
Resources by Topic
Suicide Prevention
- American Indian, Alaska Natives, Indigenous Peoples : 988 Lifeline
Substance Abuse Prevention
- Teen Drug Abuse - compilation of resources for teens and adolescents
- SAMSHA National Helpline - national talk line to get resources and assistance with addiction
- Treatment Resources
Mental Health
- Mental : National resource for teens and young adults to get resources, assistance, and information for mental health.
Sexual Health and Responsibility
Partner Organizations
- Boys & Girls Club of America Native Services : The largest youth organization in the country, Boys and Girls Club of America Native Services has 180 Native clubs in 27 states where they serve 86,000 Native youth from over 100 Tribal communities. In October 2016, IHS entered into a partnership with the Boys & Girls Club of America Native Services Unit [PDF - 1.2 MB] to enrich the lives of American Indian and Alaska Native youth by supporting programs that discourage risky behaviors while encouraging lifestyles. In May 2017, IHS and BGCA held a ceremonial signing.
- Virtual Student Federal Service (VSFS) : the largest government virtual internship platform in the world through the e-Diplomacy office at the US Department of State. The VSFS matches thousands of students with unique opportunities to work on innovative projects across the government from their dormitory or home. In 2017, IHS became the 31st federal agency to join the VSFS.
- Notah Begay III (NB3) Foundation : a champion for Native children’s health dedicated to reducing childhood obesity and type 2 diabetes. In 2013, IHS entered into an agreement with NB3 to collaborate on the Let’s Move Indian County initiative.
- Center for Native American Youth : is committed to improving the health, safety, and well-being of Native American youth, and in particular, to preventing youth suicide. Founded by former U.S. Senator Byron Dorgan, the center aspires to develop meaningful partnerships with Tribal governments and organizations. The Center holds youth summits and roundtables throughout Indian Country to bring together youth, Tribal leaders, key partners, and experts to discuss the challenges young people face, and best practices on how to respond to those challenges.
- United National Indian Tribal Youth (UNITY) Inc. : the largest organization dedicated to Tribal youth councils in the country. UNITY aims to foster the spiritual, mental, physical, and social development of American Indian and Alaska Native youth and to help build a strong, unified, and self-reliant Native America through greater youth involvement.
Media Tools
Generation Indigenous Coloring Sheets

- Choose Culture [PDF - 293 KB]
- Culture Heals [PDF - 320 KB]
- Hash tag Two Spirited [PDF - 413 KB]
- Native Pride [PDF - 222 KB]
- Never Forget Who You Are [PDF - 427 KB]
- Two Spirited [PDF - 186 KB]
Awareness Campaigns
IHS has collaborated with Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board on the following campaigns, available for download on the Division of Behavioral Health Media Campaigns page.
- "Stand Up, Stand Strong" bullying prevention campaign
- "What is Done to One is Felt by All" a campaign that promotes domestic and family violence prevention
- "My Mind, Body and Spirit are Sacred," a sexual assault prevention campaign
- The "Community is the Healer than Breaks the Silence" suicide prevention campaign
- "I Strengthen My Nation" substance abuse prevention campaign