Data Dictionary
id | Physical Name | Logical Name | Description | Category |
1 | ACE_INHIB_FILL_FG | Ace Inhibitor Fill Flag | Was an ACE INHIBITOR prescribed and/or filled during this encounter (Y/N)? | 17.0000 |
1 | ACK_DT | Data Received and Acknowledge Date (date format) | The date that the warehouse received data and sent acknowledgement to originator. Date field. | 100.0000 |
1 | ACTIVE_END_DT | Active End Date | End date of the date range used for selection of workload encounters that are eligible to activate registrations | N/A |
1 | ACTIVE_FG | Active Flag | The flag indicates whether a registration was active for a specified user population reporting time period. A registration is flagged as active if there was a workload-reportable encounter during the specified time period. | N/A |
1 | ACTIVE_START_DT | Active Start Date | Start date of the date range used for selection of workload encounters that are eligible to activate registrations | N/A |
1 | ADA_CD | ADA Code | American Dental Association code that designates the type of dental service provided during this encounter. Nationally recognized standard code set. | 19.0000 |
1 | ADA_FEE_AMT | ADA Code Fee Amount | Fee for this ADA Code rounded to the nearest dollar. If multiple units are stated for this code entry, fee amount is the total for all units. | 19.0000 |
1 | ADA_NM | ADA Code Name | Descriptive name of the ADA Code | N/A |
1 | ADA_UNITS | ADA Units | Number of the services identified by the ADA code that were delivered (e.g., if the ADA code is for tooth extraction and there are three ADA units, that means three teeth were extracted). | 19.0000 |
1 | ADMISS_SVC_CD | Admission Service | Code set indicating type of clinical service to which the patient was admitted. Applies to inpatient only. | 5.0000 |
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