About Us

The Mental Health Program is an integral part of the IHS health care system. The objectives of the IHS Mental Health Program are to:
- offer a wide range of clinical and community mental health services.
- promote positive mental health services including efforts aimed at primary prevention of mental and emotional disorders.
- promote broad social and health goals to enhance the emotional security of AI/AN individuals and groups.
- offer early intervention at the onset of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders to restore and improve patient/client level of functioning.
- assist rehabilitation and stabilization of advanced emotional disorders or pathology to prevent further patient/client disorganization.
- offer educational, consultative, research and other support services focused on AI/AN mental health issues to a full range of tribal, governmental, educational, legal, institutional and health agencies.
Related IHS Sites
IHS Suicide Prevention Program
IHS Tele-Education - upcoming and recorded webinars on Mental Health topics