Contact Your Program Analyst
Program Analysts
The LRP staff welcomes your questions. Please contact the Program Analyst listed below if you have questions about your specific health profession discipline.
Carla Billingsley
Dentists, Dental Assistants, Dental Hygienists, Dental Therapists, Rehabilitative Services – Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Audiology/Speech Pathology
Office: 301-443-2514, Work Cell: 301-332-6183
Joseph Drapeaux
Podiatrists, Nurses (Last Name D – H)
Office: 301-443-2645, Work Cell: 240-243-3634
Daniel Echohawk
Behavioral Health – Clinical Psychologists, Counseling Psychologists, Counselors (Master’s level), Social Workers (Licensed Clinical), Optometrists
Office: 301-443-2645, Work Cell: 202-285-5438
Catherine Flynn
Physicians: Allopathic, Osteopathic
Office: 301-443-1795, Work Cell: 301-412-9191
Tara Johnston
Dieticians, Nutritionists, Acupuncturists, Chiropractors, Engineers, Medical Laboratory Scientists, Medical Technologists, Radiology Technology, Ultrasonography, Respiratory Therapy, Sanitarians, Nurses (Last Name A – C)
Office: 301-443-1675, Work Cell: 301-956-9630
Janelle Joseph
Nurses (Last Name N – Z)
Office: 301-443-2228, Work Cell: 202-374-1153
Benjamin Nakai
Pharmacists, Pharmacy Technicians
Office: 301-443-8822, Work Cell: 301-526-0352
Charity Reyes
Advanced Practice Nursing – CRNA Nurse Anesthetists, Nurse Midwives, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants
Phone: 301-443-0311, Work Cell: 202-285-5438
Jeremy Sheehan
Nurses (Last Name I – M)
Phone: 301-443-2060, Work Cell: 301-412-9276
Default/Waiver Coordinator
The Default and Waiver Coordinator monitors the default and waiver functions of the IHS LRP.
To request a Default Waiver application packet, please email:
Contact An Analyst
Indian Health Service
Loan Repayment Program
5600 Fishers Lane
Mail Stop: OHR (11E53A)
Rockville, MD 20857
Phone: (301) 443-3396
Fax: (301) 443-4815
8:00 am – 5:00 pm (EST)
Monday – Friday (except federal holidays)