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Informational Webinar for funding Opportunity CDC-RFA- OT20-2004, Supporting Tribal Public Health Capacity in Coronavirus Preparedness and Response:

May 4 , 2020


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Center for State Tribal, Local and Territorial Support will be hosting a Webinar for CDC-RFA- OT20-2004, Supporting Tribal Public Health Capacity in Coronavirus Preparedness and Response:

This emergency funding opportunity is designed to fund federally recognized tribes that contract or compact with the Indian Health Service under Title I and Title V of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, or consortia of these tribes, or their bona fide agents. All federally recognized tribes, tribal organizations, consortia of federally recognized tribes, or their bona fide agents are also eligible for funding under this announcement. During a national emergency, these organizations are uniquely positioned to provide emergency preparedness and response support for tribal health departments and other components of the tribal public health system.


Date: May 4, 2020

Time: 3:00pm to 4:00pm Eastern Standard Time


Meeting Details:


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Password: 720980


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Who Should Attend: Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized) and Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments)

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Contact Info

Kimberly Cantrell
Center for State, Tribal, Locan and Territorial Support
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention