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Transmittal Notice 17-03

TN 17-03


The purpose of this Transmittal Notice (TN) is to forward a copy of the revised Delegation of Authority (DOA), Administrative #34, "Leasing Authorities, Section 102 73.140, Federal Management Regulation."

This DOA is being reissued to reflect the change in the IHS, Office of Environmental Health and Engineering Division responsible for the signing approval of the SF-81, Request for Space forms.  In previous delegations, the approval was with the Division of Facilities Operations and will now be with the Division of Engineering Services.

/Chris Buchanan/
RADM Chris Buchanan, R.E.H.S., M.P.H.
Assistant Surgeon General, USPHS
Acting Director
Indian Health Service


The revised DOA, Administrative #34, "Leasing Authorities, Section 102 73.140, Federal Management Regulation."


DOA Administrative #34, "Leasing Authorities, Section 102 73.140, Federal Property Management," dated July 7, 2010.


Remove Administrative Delegation #34, "Leasing Authorities, Section 102 73.140, Federal Management Regulation," dated July 7, 2010 and insert the attached copy of the new DOA, Administrative #34, "Leasing Authorities, Section 102 73.140, Federal Management Regulation," in its place.

Log and file this TN in sequential order.

Distribution:  IHS-wide
Date:  02/01/2017