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Transmittal Notice 17-01

TN 17-01


The purpose of this Transmittal Notice (TN) is to forward a copy of the Delegation of Authority, Personnel #24, "Indian Health Service Designation of Management Official in Labor Management Relations Matters."  This DOA is being issued to designate the Director, Office of Human Resources (OHR) as the Designated Management Official (DMO) for the Indian Health Service (IHS).  In making this delegation, it is also understood that the responsibilities and authorities of this designation can be carried out by the higher level management officials in the OHR Director's chain of command.

/Chris Buchanan/
RADM Chris Buchanan, R.E.H.S., M.P.H.
Assistant Surgeon General, USPHS
Acting Director
Indian Health Service


The IHS DOA Personnel #24, "Indian Health Service Designation of Management Official in Labor Management Relations Matters."


Delegation of Authority, Personnel #24, dated January 18, 2011.


Remove the current DOA, Personnel #24, dated January 18, 2011 and insert the attached copy of the new DOA Personnel #24, TN 2017 01, in sequential order in your manual system binders.

Log and file this TN in sequential order.

width="100%" noshade size="1"> Distribution:  IHS-wide
Date:  02/27/2017