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Transmittal Notice 59-01

TN 59-01


The attached material establishes the Indian Health Manual; sets forth its general format and content and prescribes the authorized series for the issuance of instructional and informational material by both headquarters and field offices.  Effective February 2, 1959, all instructions shall be prepared in accordance with the Manual.  Existing Division instructions will remain effective until superseded by Manual material.

The Indian Health Manual System was developed to meet the need for a convenient and organized method for issuing policy guidance and program direction required in the day-to-day operations of the Indian health program.  Whether the Manual meets this need and provides effective guidelines to the staff in meeting the Division's responsibility for the program will depend upon the willingness of the user's of the Manual, particularly the field staff who work directly with the Indian people, to share the responsibility with the headquarters staff for its continued improvement and development.  To assure this, I should like to encourage any suggestions you may have regarding the Manual.

/James R. Shaw, M.D./
James R. Shaw, M.D.
Assistant Surgeon General
Chief, Division of Indian Health


Table of Contents;
PART 1, Chapter 1;
Exhibit 1-1.1C;
Exhibit 1-1.2D;
Exhibit 1-1.4A;
PART 1, Chapter 2.


DIH Operating Memorandum No. 56 - 48 dated Nov. 15, 1955.


File attached manual material in a three-ring binder which should be labeled " Indian Health Manual."  Retain transmittal notice and file in back of Manual.

Indian Health Manual
Date:  January 7, 1959