Chapter 4 – Indian Health Service Logo Policy
Chapter 4 – Indian Health Service Logo Policy
Title | Section |
Introduction | 5-4.1 |
Purpose | 5-4.1A |
Policy | 5-4.1B |
Use of the Logo | 5-4.2 |
Approved uses of the IHS Logo | 5-4.2A |
Prohibited Use | 5-4.2B |
Publications Developed by Outside Parties | 5-4.2C |
Logo Appearance | 5-4.3 |
Size | 5-4.3A |
Logo Colors | 5-4.3B |
IHS Logo in Combination with the HHS Logo | 5-4.3C |
Contact | 5-4.4 |
- Purpose. In agreement with policy and guidelines set forth by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for the use of the Department logo, this Chapter will provide policies and procedures concerning the review, approval, and use of the Indian Health Service (IHS) logo in any material regardless of form, e.g., written, electronic, etc. The policy applies to any use of the IHS logo.
- Policy. The logo is for official use of the IHS and not for use on private sector materials. Unauthorized use of the IHS logo may violate federal law and subject those responsible to civil and/or criminal liability.
- Approved Uses of the IHS Logo.
- Printing purposes: pamphlets, posters, flyers, booklets, periodicals, conference materials, etc. (after approval through the HHS Strategic Communications Planning Platform (SCP)). The HHS and IHS logos, department name, and agency name must appear on all external communication materials.
- Exhibits, presentations, official social media pages, and other public affairs-related materials,
- IHS business cards, and
- Email signature block (Inclusion of the logo is optional, but if used must not be larger than 1 inch)
- IHS Headquarters, Area Offices, Service Units, health stations, program offices and divisions, professional disciplines, and other components may not create, alter, or use their own logo. Instead, they must use the IHS logo, in combination with the name and component spelled out to the right of the logo, or if necessary for layout design, below the logo. Illustrated examples are provided below. IHS Public Affairs will provide appropriate logo files upon request.
- Prohibited Use. Private Sector. "Seals and devices of the Federal Government, Departments, Bureaus, and Independent Agencies are not in the public domain, and cannot be used for other than official business without specific authorization of the agency involved."
- This logo may not be used by the private sector, including grantees, vendors, contractors, or on promotional items without prior approval from the IHS Public Affairs office.
- The IHS Logo is for the official use of the IHS and not for the use of the private sector on its materials. To the public, such use would send a message that the IHS favors or endorses an organization, its activities, its products, its services, and/or its personnel (either overtly or tacitly) which it does not and may not do.
- Whether the private sector partner/grantee/vendor/contractor is non-profit or commercial is not a factor. Regardless of how funded, non-IHS communication products are for the principal benefit and use of the partner/grantee/vendor/contractor and not for the principal benefit or use of the Government. It is imperative that non-IHS communication products are not construed to be Government communication products.
- Publications Developed by Outside Parties.
- If a contractor deliverable is camera-ready or other reproducible copy, for the express purpose of being an IHS publication for IHS distribution to the public; then, and only then, may the contractor affix the IHS logo, under the direction and guidance of the IHS project officer and as approved by the IHS Public Affairs office.
Contractors may not use the HHS or IHS logo on proposals or consulting deliverables.
- Outside groups may not place their logos on materials that contain the HHS and/or IHS logos. Instead, these groups may choose to write out their names on these materials, or include a statement such as "Printed through a grant from (group name)."
- Outside groups may add their own logos if they remove the HHS and/or IHS logo and add words such as "Information provided by the Indian Health Service."
- Partners linking to the HHS or IHS internet site should use "Indian Health Service" spelled out as the link, and should not use the HHS or IHS logo.
- For more information, see Use of HHS Logo, Seal and Symbol by Private Sector Partners, Contractors, Grantees, and Vendors
- If a contractor deliverable is camera-ready or other reproducible copy, for the express purpose of being an IHS publication for IHS distribution to the public; then, and only then, may the contractor affix the IHS logo, under the direction and guidance of the IHS project officer and as approved by the IHS Public Affairs office.
- Size. The IHS logo must not be less than 5/8 inch in diameter when appearing on standard 8-1/2"x11" print products.
- Logo Colors. The IHS logo may be reproduced in black, white, or reflex blue. The reflex blue RGB numbers are 0/0/153 (R0, G0, B153).
- Sufficient contrast should be maintained between the logo and the field on which it is reproduced, (i.e., the logo shall be black/blue when appearing on a white or light background; alternatively, use white logo on a dark background).
- Must be placed over a solid color - no partial colors, screen tints, gradients, etc. are allowed.
- Two-color or multi-color reproduction of the logo is not permitted.
- For websites, the IHS logo is present in the header and nowhere else.
- IHS Logo in Combination with the HHS Logo.
- The official colors of the HHS logo are either black or reflex blue. The reflex blue RGB numbers are 0/0/153 (R0, G0, B153).
- For PowerPoint presentations, the HHS logo and the IHS logo must appear side by side, with the HHS logo on the left. See example below.
The point of contact for this policy is IHS Public Affairs.