Notice to Rescind Circular No. 2005-01, "Indian Health Service Headquarters Transhare Program,"
Indian Health Service
Rockville, Maryland 20857
Refer to: OMS
This notice rescinds Indian Health Service (IHS), Indian Health Manual (IHM), Circular No. 2005-01, “Indian Health Service Headquarters Transhare Program,” dated February 25, 2005. This Headquarters policy has been replaced by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Program Support Center Transit Benefit Program GOVGO! application portal.
Please discard your copies and any file copies of IHM, Circular No. 2005-01, “Indian Health Service Headquarters Transhare Program,” at your earliest convenience.
/Phillip B. Smith/ for
Roselyn Tso
Indian Health Service
Roselyn Tso
Indian Health Service