National Council of Chief Medical Officers - Charter
Refer to: OCPS
Sec. | |
1. | Purpose |
2. | Membership |
3. | Officers |
4. | Responsibility |
5. | Meetings |
6. | Self-Assessment |
7. | Supersedure |
8. | Effective Date |
- PURPOSE. The National Council of Chief Medical Officers (NCCMO) is a permanent advisory body of the Indian Health Service (IHS) established by the IHS Director to ensure that all Indian health care programs are operated effectively. The role of the NCCMO is to develop management and clinical recommendations on IHS policies and strategic plans, particularly as they relate to Agency and Tribal health programs, clinical standards, and quality of care improvement.
- MEMBERSHIP. The NCCMO membership is composed of the IHS Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Area CMOs, and the Director, Office of Clinical and Preventive Services (OCPS).
- Chair. The Chair is elected by NCCMO members and serves a 2-year term.
- Vice-Chair. The Vice-Chair is elected by NCCMO members and serves a 2-year term. The Vice-Chair presides in the absence of the Chair.
- National Council of Chief Medical Officers. The NCCMO responsibilities are:
- to develop and recommend to the IHS Director, through the IHS CMO, solutions to management and clinical issues that affect the health of American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN);
- to make recommendations on policies that affect the health of AI/ANs;
- to recommend improvements that maximize Indian health program effectiveness, efficiency, and appropriateness;
- to provide clinical guidance, leadership, and vision to Agency efforts in health care quality improvement and quality of care measurement and reporting;
- to guide Agency efforts to strengthen and improve health information technology solutions within the IHS; and
- to carry out such responsibilities as assigned by the Director, IHS.
- Chairperson. The NCCMO Chairperson is responsible for:
- assigning, coordinating, and drafting NCCMO reports, position statements, and recommendations;
- appointing ad hoc committees as necessary to address issues of interest and relevance to the purpose and responsibilities of the NCCMO;
- establishing ad hoc committee reporting requirements and timelines; and
- providing oversight of newly created committees, which includes establishing appropriate management controls, objectives, and responsibilities.
- Ad Hoc Committees. All ad hoc committees shall be chaired by a NCCMO member and may include other IHS, Tribal, or Urban Indian Health Program staff who possess expertise relevant to the charge of the committee.
- Chief Medical Officer. The IHS CMO reports Headquarters-specific information and issues of Agency-wide significance at each NCCMO meeting.
- National Council of Chief Medical Officers. The NCCMO responsibilities are:
- Meeting Time and Place. The date(s) and location(s) of the NCCMO meetings shall be determined by the Chairperson.
- Meeting Frequency. The NCCMO shall meet quarterly and/or as necessary.
- Elections. Elections shall be held during the annual fall meeting. Each member of the Council has one vote, and the nominee receiving the highest vote total is elected. In the event of a tie during the election of Chair and Vice-Chair, the IHS CMO is the tie-breaking vote.
- SELF-ASSESSMENTS. The NCCMO is subject to an annual performance evaluation by NCCMO members that includes a self-assessment by the NCCMO regarding outcomes and effectiveness of actions it has undertaken, delegated, or assigned to determine if the purpose of the Council has been achieved.
- SUPERSEDURE. This circular supersedes IHS Circular No. 97-05, "Charter Council of Chief Medical Officers of the Indian Health Service," dated July 11,1997.
- EFFECTIVE DATE. This circular becomes effective on the date of signature.
/Robert G. McSwain/
Indian Health Service
Indian Health Service