Intimate Partner Violence
If you are in danger, please use a safe computer and follow these guidelines for safe Internet use ,
or call 911, a local hotline, or the U.S. National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 and TTY 1-800-787-3224.
IPV can take different forms, such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse, and emotional abuse. IPV is committed by a current or former spouse or dating partner. Anyone can be a victim of IPV, no matter their age or sexual orientation, but women tend to be victims of IPV more often than men.IPV is a significant public health problem that can have devastating health consequences and effects on individuals, families, and communities. American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) people experience rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner at higher rates than the general U.S. population. IPV can take different forms, such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse. IPV is committed by a current or former spouse or dating partner. Anyone can be a victim of IPV, no matter their age or sexual orientation, but women tend to be victims of IPV more often than men.

IHS addresses public health problems like IPV by:
- Providing health care and behavioral health services for patients.
- Providing funding to tribal communities to create projects that demonstrate how to effectively respond to IPV.
- Developing, implementing, and monitoring health policy specific to IPV; and
- Training healthcare providers in the Indian Health Services system to respond, screen, and provide resources to IPV patients.