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IHS Correspondence Management Team

PURPOSE – To improve communication and knowledge of correspondence processes, guidelines, templates, and actions across the IHS, share best practices, and enable efficiencies.

The Correspondence Management Team (CMT) will enable robust communication between the Agency staff responsible for the correspondence actions, and provide an avenue for training, messaging requirements, and resolving issues. 

The CMT membership includes the ESS team and representatives from each IHS Area and HQ Office who support controlled correspondence.

CMT members share the information discussed in the CMT meetings with the leadership and staff in their Area or HQ Offices.


  • Increase the communication of correspondence guidelines, templates, processes, and actions across all IHS offices
  • Provide an IHS-wide designated point of contact (POC) list for correspondence staff
  • Enhance the knowledge of correspondence requirements by all IHS offices via POCs
  • Include representation of all IHS offices in correspondence decisions
  • Drive efficiencies for improved timelines for correspondence actions  

To locate the CMT member(s) from your office, contact