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Spirit Within Project Health Passport Night and Integrated Care

Quiz for CE Credit

This quiz consists of multiple choice questions with one correct answer.
Please select one answer for each question, then click the Submit Answers button at the end of the quiz.

1. The Spirit Within Project allows enrollment to both Tribally enrolled Denver Indian Health and Family Services (DIHFS) patients and Non-Tribal DIHFS patients.

2. A patient must have pre-diabetes, Type1 or Type 2 diabetes to enroll in the Spirit Within Project.

3. The Spirit Within Project is accredited through the Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists (ADCES).

4. The following information is covered in the Spirit Within Diabetes Education Class:

5. To reduce barriers to services the DIHFS staff provide participants with a Health Passport to help direct their care.

6. The following attributes make up a SMART goal:

7. Participants are able to utilize a professional continuous glucose monitor (CGM) as a tool to help manage their condition.

8. The follow traditional medicine(s) are discussed in one of the Spirit Within Project classes:

9. Participants of the Spirit Within Project saw a significantly greater improvement in their A1C levels when compared to a control group.