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Helping Children with Obesity: Context, Understanding, and Tools

Quiz for CE Credit

This quiz consists of multiple choice questions with one correct answer.
Please select one answer for each question, then click the Submit Answers button at the end of the quiz.

1. To evaluate patients with overweight or obesity it is essential to engage in a non-stigmatizing conversation by asking permission to discuss their BMI/weight, avoid labeling by using person-first language, and using words that are perceived as neutral.

2. Children with obesity in childhood who were a healthy weight in adulthood showed no increased risk of Type 2 diabetes or carotid-artery atherosclerosis.

3. Ultra-processed foods are industrial formulations made entirely or mostly from substances extracted from foods, derived from food constituents, or synthesized in laboratories from food substrates or other organic sources.

4. The following factor(s) cause(s) obesity in children:

5. Ultra-processing removes many of the healthy compounds associated with the food product, such as fiber.

6. The following influence increasing rates of childhood obesity in American Indian and Alaska Native communities:

7. The Self-Determination Theory explains the basic needs behind motivation which include competence, autonomy, and relatedness.

8. The following are part of the four pillars of wellness:

9. Healthy parenting skills utilize the authoritative approach, which is firm but warm and accepting, when influencing their children’s lifestyles.