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Our Prayer: Healthy Future Generations as a Result of the Healthy Diné Nation Act of 2014

Quiz for CE Credit

This quiz consists of multiple choice questions with one correct answer.
Please select one answer for each question, then click the Submit Answers button at the end of the quiz.

1. The Healthy Diné Nation Act of 2014 created a sales tax on unhealthy foods that are high in salt, saturated fat, and sugar.

2. Tax-free health food enacted on October, 1, 2014 eliminated sales tax on fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, nuts, nut butters, seeds, and water.

3. 80% of revenue from the Unhealthy Foods Tax goes into community-based programs.

4. The following are types of community wellness projects that can be funded by the Unhealthy Foods Tax:

5. The Let’s Eat In movement encourages eating more Indigenous or local foods and cultures the aspect of cooking and eating together at home.

6. The following is/are social determinants of health that influence health equity:

7. In 2022, the Healthy Diné Nation Act of 2014 had collected over $2 million in revenue from the Unhealthy Foods Tax

8. The Healthy Diné Nation Act of 2014 revenue funds more than community-based programs, such as:

9. Collective stewardship raises awareness of approaches to decolonization/solidarity and indigenization in public health research and practice, including centering Indigenous ways of knowing.