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Changing the Language of Diabetes

Quiz for CE Credit

This quiz consists of multiple choice questions with one correct answer.
Please select one answer for each question, then click the Submit Answers button at the end of the quiz.

1. The six themes of words that cause negative relationships between provider and patient are judgement, fear/anxiety, labels/assumptions, oversimplifications/directives, misunderstanding/misinformation, body language and tone.

2. Negative encounters with patients can cause disengagement, isolation, depression and poor health outcomes.

3. Expectancy theory proposes that an individual will behave or act in a certain way because they are motivated to do so.

4. The following word(s) have been found to have negative affects during patient interactions:

5. Therapeutic inertia starts with thoughts, which leads to ideas, then behaviors, and finally outcomes.

6. Some strategies for more effective patient-provider communication include:

7. To foster a relationship with the patient, the provider should acknowledge that diabetes is hard, and ask how they are doing before going over the details of the appointment.

8. The following is/are appropriate term replacement(s):

9. When addressing a patient with diabetes, it is preferred to say a “person with diabetes” or “diabetes-related” rather than “diabetic.”