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The Division of Diabetes disseminates diabetes-related information via the Diabetes LISTSERV for IHS, Tribal, and Urban Indian clinical and community health care staff. Subscribers receive email messages about diabetes and related health topics for American Indian and Alaska Native people, including:

  • Training announcements from the Division of Diabetes, IHS, and other federal agencies (e.g., HHS, CDC, NIH)
  • Availability of new resources and materials developed by the Division of Diabetes
  • Clinical updates
  • Pertinent information from other organizations

How to Subscribe and Manage

Subscribe to the Diabetes LISTSERV by clicking on the button below.

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To manage your Diabetes LISTSERV subscription:


  1. Some messages are distributed via both the Diabetes and SDPI LISTSERVS. SDPI grantees that also sign up to the Diabetes ListSERV may receive some duplicate messages.
  2. Announcements submitted for distribution via the LISTSERV will be reviewed by the Division of Diabetes to determine if the content is pertinent to the LISTSERV audience.

Other IHS Division of Diabetes Information

Information about other Division of Diabetes programs and activities can be found on the webpages below: