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Audit Information RPMS/DMS

A woman looking at a RPMS screen

The IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) can be used to extract data for an electronic audit. Tools for conducting an Audit are in the Diabetes Management System (DMS) application. These tools are updated each year along with the data form and instructions for the Annual Audit, so it is critical that your facility installs the RPMS software updates ("patches") for the current year prior to conducting an electronic Audit.

Instructions for conducting an Audit using RPMS can be found in the January 2025 DMS Manual (pending release).

In addition to extracting data for the Annual Audit, the Audit tools in RPMS/DMS can be used throughout the year to review data for individual patients, for the entire diabetes registry, or for selected patients.

The following resources may be helpful for using RPMS applications: