Grants Management Systems Training
Release Date: May 5, 2016
Source: Indian Health Service, Division of Grants Management
Subject: GrantSolutions Web-Based System Training
The Indian Health Service, Division of Grants Management will continue to present regular training opportunities for our Web-based Grants Management System, GrantSolutions. This system has made the grants process truly paperless, with all applications, reports and award documents handled on-line. There are many advantages to all our stakeholders when using the GrantSolutions System. You are able to process grant requests, see historical records for your award, approve funding memos, submit required reports and non-competing continuation applications, and much more entirely on-line! In the live webinars, we will present a demonstration of all features and functions available to you in GrantSolutions, including a complete walk-through of the Non-Competing Continuation application process, a step every grantee can expect to complete in order to obtain continued IHS grant funding during the life cycle of their award.
In order for you to access the GrantSolutions System and be assigned a user's role, you must first have a user name and password. IHS Grantees can obtain a copy of the Grantee User Account Request Form required for all IHS grantee organizations here , under the heading "Recipient Users." All forms should be completed in their entirety and sent by e-mail to Mr. Paul Gettys, or by fax to 301-594-0899. IHS Program Officers and Staff will need to complete the Federal User Account Form which can be obtained by contacting Mr. Paul Gettys directly.
This year, all GrantSolutions training will be held on the 2nd and 3rd Wednesday of each month. On the 2nd Wednesday we will present training for Grantees, lasting about 90 minutes. On the 3rd Wednesday, we will present training for the Program Offices, which should take about 90 minutes. These sessions will start at 10 AM and 1 PM, Eastern time.
Training sessions are role specific (Program Officer or Grantee), so please make sure to request access to a session related to your role. To register for a session please contact Mr. Paul Gettys by e-mail. Please indicate the date and time you would like to attend the session, your name, organization, estimated number of attendees, e-mail address and a phone number. Mr. Gettys will provide you with the webinar connection information by reply e-mail. If you cannot attend your scheduled session, please contact Mr. Gettys to cancel your registration.
Please remember to visit our main Grants Policy website for other related grants management topics. You may also contact Mr. Gettys at (301) 443-2114 or by e-mail with questions or concerns.
We look forward to assisting you with any inquiries regarding the IHS Grants Management Policy and Operations process. It is our intention to ensure that you have all the information needed to remain in compliance with all terms and conditions of your grant award.