Performance Improvement Toolbox
To assist in improving GPRA/GPRAMA performance, below is a list of resource materials that can be adapted for use at your program.
Clinical GPRA Measure Information
- Colorectal Cancer Screening Information for Providers [PDF - 179 KB]
- Domestic (Intimate Partner) Violence Screening Information for Providers [PDF - 205 KB]
- Mammography Screening Information for Providers [PDF - 209 KB]
- Infant Feeding Choice Screening Information for Breastfeeding Rates Measure [PDF - 368 KB]
- GPRA Webinar Trainings
Screening Tools and Guidelines for GPRA Measures
- FAQs: Clinical Performance Measurement, GPRA, and CRS [PDF - 58 KB]
- Clinical Cheat Sheet [PDF - 495 MB]
- Clinical Cheat Sheet for EHR Users [PDF - 8.2 KB]
- FAQs: Infant Feeding Choice [PDF - 150 KB]
- National Documentation of Tobacco Screening and Cessation Intervention [PDF - 144 KB]
- Tobacco Health Factors [PDF - 121 KB]
- IHS Prenatal Health Assessment (Form 866) [PDF - 50 KB]
- GPRA Handout for Patients [PDF - 254 KB]
- GPRA Handout for Providers [PDF - 3.7 MB]