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CRS 2023 (v23.0 and v23.1)


CRS Version 23.1 was released on July 28, 2023.

Key enhancements included in CRS Version 23.1 are shown below.

  • Logic Changes to National GPRA/GPRAMA Report Measures
    • GPRA Developmental Measures:
      • Added the following GPRA Developmental topics:
        • Diabetes: Blood Pressure Control
        • Diabetes: Nephropathy Assessment
        • Screening for Substance Use
        • Syphilis Screening
      • Added a new measure to Statin Therapy to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Patients with Diabetes topic.
      • Updated codes and/or logic in the following measures: Statin Therapy to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Patients with Diabetes topic; Access to Dental Service; Dental Sealants; Topical Fluoride; Adult Immunizations; Childhood Immunizations; Substance Use Disorder (SUD) in Women of Childbearing Age; Weight Assessment and Counseling for Nutrition and Physical Activity; Cardiovascular Disease and Blood Pressure Control; Appropriate Medication Therapy after a Heart Attack; HIV Screening; HIV Quality of Care; Hepatitis C Screening; Chlamydia Testing; Proportion of Days Covered by Medication Therapy; Concurrent Use of Opioids and Benzodiazepines; Optometry.
    • Diabetes: Blood Pressure Control: Removed ICD-9 diagnosis codes from BP documented definition.
    • Statin Therapy to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Patients with Diabetes: (1) Added ICD-10 Procedure codes 0210344, 02103D4, 0210444, 02104D4, 0211344, 02113D4, 0211444, 02114D4, 0212344, 02123D4, 0212444, 0212483, 02124D4, 0213344, 02133D4, 0213444, 02134D4 to CABG definition. (2) Added CPT codes 33510-33514, 33516-33519, 33521-33523, 33533-33536, S2205-S2209 to CABG definition to align with eCQM. (3) Updated the following SNOMED data sets: PXRM BGP ECQM MI, PXRM BGP ECQM CD STROKE TIA, PXRM BGP ECQM CABG, PXRM BGP ECQM STATIN ADV, PXRM BGP ECQM LIVER DIS, PXRM BGP IPC HOSPICE, PXRM BGP ECQM PALLIATIVE ENC, PXRM BGP IPC NOT DONE MED. (4) Updated Rhabdomyolysis definition to use SNOMED data set PXRM BGP ECQM RHABDO. (5) Updated Hepatitis A definition to use SNOMED data set PXRM BGP IPC HEP A EVID. (6) Updated Hepatitis B definition to use SNOMED data set PXRM BGP ECQM HEP B. (7) Removed ICD-9 diagnosis code from breastfeeding, Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B definitions. (8) Removed HCPCS codes G0308-G0327, G0392, G0393 from ESRD definition (codes are either discontinued or have been reused) and added codes M1187, M1188. (9) Removed HCPCS codes G0290, C9600, C9602, C9604, C9606, C9607 from PCI definition to align with eCQM. (10) Removed HCPCS M1017 from palliative care definition (code is discontinued). (11) Removed ICD-10 code Z22.51 from Hepatitis B definition. (12) Updated medication taxonomy BGP PQA STATIN MEDS.
    • Diabetes: Nephropathy Assessment: Removed HCPCS codes G0308-G0327, G0392, G0393 from ESRD definition (codes are either discontinued or have been reused) and added codes M1187, M1188.
    • Diabetic Retinopathy: Removed ICD-9 procedure codes from diabetic retinal exam definition.
    • Access to Dental Service: (1) Removed ICD-9 diagnosis code from documented dental visit definition. (2) Removed IHS Dental Tracking code 0007 from documented dental visit definition.
    • Topical Fluoride: Removed ICD-9 diagnosis from topical fluoride application definition.
    • Influenza: Removed HCPCS code G8108 from influenza definition (code is discontinued).
    • Adult Immunizations: (1) Removed HCPCS code G8108 from influenza definition (code is discontinued). (2) Removed HCPCS code G8115 from pneumococcal definition (code is discontinued).
    • Childhood Immunizations: (1) Removed HCPCS codes Q3021, Q3023 from Hepatitis B definition (codes are discontinued). (2) Removed HCPCS code G8115 from pneumococcal definition (code is discontinued). (3) Removed ICD-9 diagnosis codes from Hepatitis B definition.
    • Cervical Cancer Screening: Added LOINC codes 93777-1, 93778-9, 94425-6 to BGP HPV LOINC CODES taxonomy.
    • Colorectal Cancer Screening: (1) Removed HCPCS codes G0213-G0215, G0231 from colorectal cancer definition (codes are discontinued). (2) Removed HCPCS codes G0107, G0394 from FIT definition (codes are discontinued).
    • Tobacco Use and Exposure Assessment: (1) Removed ICD-9 diagnosis codes from tobacco screening, tobacco user, and smokers definitions. (2) Added HCPCS G0030 to tobacco screening definition. (3) Removed HCPCS codes G0375, G0376, G8455-G8457, G8402, G8453 from tobacco screening, tobacco users, smokers, and smokeless definitions (codes are discontinued).
    • Tobacco Cessation: (1) Added HCPCS G0030 to tobacco cessation definition. (2) Removed HCPCS codes G0375, G0376, G8402, G8453 from tobacco cessation counseling definition (codes are discontinued).
    • Alcohol Screening: Removed ICD-9 diagnosis and procedure codes from alcohol screening, alcohol-related diagnosis or procedure, and alcohol-related patient education definitions.
    • Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT): Removed ICD-9 diagnosis code from screening for risky or harmful alcohol use definition.
    • Intimate Partner (Domestic) Violence Screening: Removed ICD-9 diagnosis codes from IPV/DV diagnosis and IPV/DV counseling definitions.
    • Depression Screening: Removed ICD-9 diagnosis codes from depression screening and mood disorder definitions.
    • Controlling High Blood Pressure – Million Hearts: (1) Removed ICD-9 diagnosis and procedure codes from pregnancy, miscarriage, and abortion definitions. (2) Removed HCPCS codes G0308-G0327, G0392, G0393 from ESRD definition (codes are either discontinued or have been reused) and added codes M1187, M1188.
    • Statin Therapy for the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease: (1) Added ICD-10 Procedure codes 0210344, 02103D4, 0210444, 02104D4, 0211344, 02113D4, 0211444, 02114D4, 0212344, 02123D4, 0212444, 0212483, 02124D4, 0213344, 02133D4, 0213444, 02134D4 to CABG definition. (2) Added CPT codes 33510-33514, 33516-33519, 33521-33523, 33533-33536, S2205-S2209 to CABG definition to align with eCQM. (3) Updated the following SNOMED data sets: PXRM BGP ECQM MI, PXRM BGP ECQM CD STROKE TIA, PXRM BGP ECQM CABG, PXRM BGP ECQM STATIN ADV, PXRM BGP ECQM LIVER DIS, PXRM BGP IPC HOSPICE, PXRM BGP ECQM PALLIATIVE ENC, PXRM BGP IPC NOT DONE MED. (4) Updated Rhabdomyolysis definition to use SNOMED data set PXRM BGP ECQM RHABDO. (5) Updated Hepatitis A definition to use SNOMED data set PXRM BGP IPC HEP A EVID. (6) Updated Hepatitis B definition to use SNOMED data set PXRM BGP ECQM HEP B. (7) Removed ICD-9 diagnosis code from breastfeeding, Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B definitions. (8) Removed HCPCS codes G0308-G0327, G0392, G0393 from ESRD definition (codes are either discontinued or have been reused) and added codes M1187, M1188. (9) Removed HCPCS codes G0290, C9600, C9602, C9604, C9606, C9607 from PCI definition to align with eCQM. (10) Removed HCPCS M1017 from palliative care definition (code is discontinued). (11) Removed ICD-10 code Z22.51 from Hepatitis B definition. (12) Updated medication taxonomy BGP PQA STATIN MEDS.
    • HIV Screening: Removed ICD-9 diagnosis and procedure codes from pregnancy, miscarriage, and abortion definitions.


CRS Version 23.0 was released on February 21, 2023.

Key enhancements included in CRS Version 23.0 are shown below.

  • Logic Changes to National GPRA/GPRAMA Report Measures 
    • GPRA Developmental Measures: 
      • Added the following GPRA Developmental topic: 
        • Statin Therapy to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Patients with Diabetes 
      • Removed the following GPRA Developmental topics:
        • Diabetes: Blood Pressure Control
        • Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)
      • Removed measures from Adult Immunizations topic and moved to GPRA report. 
      • Updated codes and/or logic in the following measures: Childhood Immunizations; Suicide Risk Assessment; Appropriate Medication Therapy after a Heart Attack; HIV Screening; HIV Quality of Care; Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Screening; Proportion of Days Covered by Medication Therapy; Concurrent Use of Opioids and Benzodiazepines.
    • Statin Therapy to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Patients with Diabetes: (1) Removed POV E78.00 from hypercholesterolemia definition. (2) Changed ASCVD definition to an active diagnosis or an ASCVD procedure ever. (3) Removed pregnancy as a denominator exclusion. (4) Added denominator exception for patients with documentation of a medical reason for not being prescribed statin therapy. (5) Updated hospice indicator and palliative care definitions. (6) Updated medication taxonomy BGP PQA STATIN MEDS.
    • Influenza: Changed measure for patients 18 years and older to a GPRAMA measure. 
    • Adult Immunizations: (1) Updated age ranges. (2) Updated pneumococcal measures and logic to match previous GPRA Developmental measures. (3) Removed Zostavax vaccine from logic and measures. 
    • Childhood Immunizations: Removed POV codes 042.0 through 044.9 and R75 from HIV definition. 
    • Cancer Screening: Mammogram Rates: Added POV code Z12.31 and CPT codes 77061 through 77063 and G0279 to mammogram definition. 
    • Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT): Updated measures to include telemedicine visits (previous GPRA Developmental logic). 
    • Statin Therapy for the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease: (1) Removed POV E78.00 from hypercholesterolemia definition. (2) Changed ASCVD definition to an active diagnosis or an ASCVD procedure ever. (3) Removed pregnancy as a denominator exclusion.(4) Added denominator exception for patients with documentation of a medical reason for not being prescribed statin therapy. (5) Updated hospice indicator and palliative care definitions. (6) Updated medication taxonomy BGP PQA STATIN MEDS.
    • HIV Screening: Removed POV codes 042.0 through 044.9 and R75 from HIV definition.