CRS 2018 (v18.0 and v18.0 patch 1 and v18.1)
CRS Version 18.1 was released on June 27, 2018.
Key enhancements included in CRS Version 18.1 are shown below.
- Added new IPC Report
- The following 17 topics were added to the IPC report
- Diabetes Comprehensive Care
- Diabetes: Glycemic Control (CMS122)
- Dental Treatment
- Influenza (CMS147)
- Adult Immunizations
- Childhood Immunizations (CMS117)
- Adolescent Immunizations
- Cervical Cancer Screening (CMS124)
- Breast Cancer Screening (CMS125)
- Colorectal Cancer Screening (CMS130)
- Depression Screening
- Screening for Depression and Follow-Up Plan (CMS2)
- Depression Remission at Twelve Months (CMS159)
- Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening and Follow-Up Plan (CMS69)
- Weight Assessment and Counseling for Nutrition and Physical Activity (CMS155)
- Controlling High Blood Pressure (CMS165)
- Medication Therapy for Persons with Asthma
- Logic Changes to National GPRA/GPRAMA Report and GPRA Developmental Measures
- There are no changes to any of these measures.
CRS Version 18.0 patch 1 was released on April 30, 2018.
Key enhancements included in CRS Version 18.0 patch 1 are shown below.
- Logic Changes to National GPRA/GPRAMA Report Measures
- GPRA Developmental Measures:
- Removed the following GPRA Developmental measure topics:
- Comprehensive Cancer Screening
- Visit Statistics
- Updated codes and/or logic in the following measures: Access to Dental Service; Adult Immunizations; Childhood Immunizations; Colorectal Cancer Screening (Revised Logic #2-HEDIS); Weight Assessment and Counseling for Nutrition and Physical Activity; Chlamydia Testing; Concurrent Use of Opioids and Benzodiazepines
- Removed the following GPRA Developmental measure topics:
- Diabetes: Glycemic Control: Added three measures with User Pop Diabetic denominator and removed three measures with Active Diabetic denominator.
- Diabetes: Blood Pressure Control: Added one measure with User Pop Diabetic denominator and removed one measure with Active Diabetic denominator.
- Statin Therapy to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Patients with Diabetes: (1) Added hypercholesterolemia to denominator definition. (2) Added rhabdomyolysis to adverse reaction to statin definition. (3) Added Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B to denominator exclusions. (4) Added Atherosclerosis and Peripheral Arterial Disease to CVD definition. (5) Added Carotid Intervention to CVD definition. (6) Added ICD-9 codes 436, 437.1, 438.*, V12.54 and ICD-10 codes G46.3-G46.8, I69.*, Z86.73 to Ischemic Stroke or TIA definition. (7) Added ICD-9 code 429.79 to AMI definition. (8) Added ICD-10 codes O91.03, O91.13, O91.23, O92.03, O92.13, O92.5, O92.70, O92.79 to breastfeeding definition. (9) Added liver disease to denominator exclusions. (10) Added SNOMED codes to the following subsets: PXRM BGP HEPATITIS B, PXRM BGP HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, PXRM BGP RHABDOMYOLYSIS, PXRM BGP ARTERIAL DISEASE, PXRM BGP ISCHEMIC STROKE TIA, PXRM BGP IVD, PXRM BGP AMI, PXRM BGP CABG, PXRM BGP CAROTID INTERVENTION, PXRM BGP PCI, PXRM BGP LIVER DISEASE. (11) Changed pregnancy logic to only require one visit during the report period and clarified that pregnancy code on the problem list must be active and added in the past 20 months. (12) In pregnancy definition, removed exclusion of miscarriage and abortion codes and added them to pregnancy definition. (13) Updated codes in pregnancy definition. (14) Added six measures with User Pop Diabetic denominator and removed six measures with Active Diabetic denominator.
- Diabetic Retinopathy: (1) Added ICD-10 codes H54.0* to bilateral blindness definition. (2) Added CPT 2021F and Procedure codes 95.02 and 95.03 to diabetic eye exam definition. (3) Added denominator exclusion of bilateral eye enucleation. (4) Added three measures with User Pop Diabetic denominator and removed three measures with Active Diabetic denominator.
- Influenza: (1) Added CPT 90756 to Influenza definition. (2) Added one measure with User Pop denominator and removed four measures with Active Clinical denominator.
- Adult Immunizations: (1) Added CPT 90756 to Influenza definition. (2) Updated Zoster logic to include either one Zostavax vaccine or two Shingrix vaccines. (3) Added CVX code 188 to Zostavax definition. (4) Added 26 measures with User Pop denominator and removed 27 measures with Active Clinical denominator.
- Childhood Immunizations: (1) Added CVX code 189 to Hepatitis B definition. (2) Added seven measures with User Pop denominator and removed seven measures with Active Clinical denominator.
- Cancer Screening: Pap Smear Rates: Added three measures with User Pop Diabetic denominator and removed three measures with Active Diabetic denominator.
- Colorectal Cancer Screening: Added one measure with User Pop Diabetic denominator and removed one measure with Active Diabetic denominator.
- Tobacco Use and Exposure Assessment: Added six measures with User Pop denominator and removed six measures with Active Clinical denominator.
- Tobacco Cessation: Added 35 measures with User Pop denominator and removed 35 measures with Active Clinical denominator.
- Alcohol Screening: Added two measures with User Pop denominator and removed two measures with Active Clinical denominator.
- Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT): Added seven measures with User Pop denominator and removed seven measures with Active Clinical denominator.
- Intimate Partner (Domestic) Violence Screening: Added three measures with User Pop denominator and removed three measures with Active Clinical denominator.
- Depression Screening: Added 22 measures with User Pop denominator and removed 22 measures with Active Clinical denominator.
- Antidepressant Medication Management: Removed topic from report.
- Controlling High Blood Pressure - Million Hearts: (1) Changed pregnancy logic to only require one visit during the report period and clarified that pregnancy code on the problem list must be active and added in the past 20 months. (2) In pregnancy definition, removed exclusion of miscarriage and abortion codes and added them to pregnancy definition. (3) Updated codes in pregnancy definition.
- Statin Therapy for the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease: (1) Added hypercholesterolemia to denominator definition. (2) Added rhabdomyolysis to adverse reaction to statin definition. (3) Added Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B to denominator exclusions. (4) Added Atherosclerosis and Peripheral Arterial Disease to CVD definition. (5) Added Carotid Intervention to CVD definition. (6) Added ICD-9 codes 436, 437.1, 438.*, V12.54 and ICD-10 codes G46.3-G46.8, I69.*, Z86.73 to Ischemic Stroke or TIA definition. (7) Added ICD-9 code 429.79 to AMI definition. (8) Added ICD-10 codes O91.03, O91.13, O91.23, O92.03, O92.13, O92.5, O92.70, O92.79 to breastfeeding definition. (9) Added liver disease to denominator exclusions. (10) Added SNOMED codes to the following subsets: PXRM BGP HEPATITIS B, PXRM BGP HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, PXRM BGP RHABDOMYOLYSIS, PXRM BGP ARTERIAL DISEASE, PXRM BGP ISCHEMIC STROKE TIA, PXRM BGP IVD, PXRM BGP AMI, PXRM BGP CABG, PXRM BGP CAROTID INTERVENTION, PXRM BGP PCI, PXRM BGP LIVER DISEASE. (11) Changed pregnancy logic to only require one visit during the report period and clarified that pregnancy code on the problem list must be active and added in the past 20 months. (12) In pregnancy definition, removed exclusion of miscarriage and abortion codes and added them to pregnancy definition. (13) Updated codes in pregnancy definition.
- HIV Screening: (1) Clarified that pregnancy code on the problem list must be active and added in the past 20 months. (2) Updated codes in pregnancy definition.
- Breastfeeding Rates: Added eight measures with User Pop denominator and removed eight measures with Active Clinical denominator.
- GPRA Developmental Measures:
CRS Version 18.0 was released on December 4, 2017.
Key enhancements included in CRS Version 18.0 are shown below.
- Changed GPRA year to October 1 through September 30
- Logic Changes to National GPRA/GPRAMA Report Measures
- GPRA Developmental Measures:
- Added the following new GPRA Developmental measures:
- Access to Dental Service (patients with a dental visit – new logic)
- Cancer Screening: Pap Smear Rates (Pap Smear and HPV must be on the same day)
- Cancer Screening: Mammogram Rates (ages 52-74)
- Tobacco Cessation (new logic for denominator that only looks at health factors)
- Chlamydia Testing: (new age breakdown of 21-24; new measures to match HEDIS measures for patients identified as sexually active)
- Concurrent Use of Opioids and Benzodiazepines (new topic)
- Removed measures:
- Adult IZ measures moved to GPRA report
- Updated codes and/or logic in the following measures: Access to Dental Service; Dental Sealants; Topical Fluoride; Adult Immunizations; Childhood Immunizations; Colorectal Cancer Screening (changed logic to match HEDIS definition); Comprehensive Cancer Screening; Weight Assessment and Counseling for Nutrition and Physical Activity; HIV Screening; Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Screening; Visit Statistics
- Added the following new GPRA Developmental measures:
- Diabetes: Glycemic Control: Changed GPRA measure to User Pop Diabetic Patients denominator.
- Diabetes: Blood Pressure Control: Changed GPRA measure to User Pop Diabetic Patients denominator.
- Statin Therapy to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Patients with Diabetes: (1) Changed GPRA measure to User Pop Diabetic Patients denominator. (2) Added new pregnancy codes. (3) Included outside statin medications. (4) Added "Nystatin" as an exception to adverse reaction to statins in Allergy Tracking file and Patient List. (5) Updated BGP PQA STATIN MEDS medication taxonomy.
- Diabetes: Nephropathy Assessment: Changed GPRA measure to User Pop Diabetic Patients denominator.
- Diabetic Retinopathy: Changed GPRA measure to User Pop Diabetic Patients denominator.
- Dental Sealants: Removed restriction on 0007 code that it cannot be documented on the same visit as other codes.
- Influenza: (1) Changed GPRA measure to User Population denominator. (2) Added CVX codes 168, 185, 186 and CPT codes 90653, 90682. (3) Removed Egg Allergy as a contraindication.
- Adult Immunizations: (1) Changed GPRA measure to User Population 19 and older with age-appropriate immunizations. (2) Split pneumococcal definition into Pneumococcal Polysaccharide (PPSV23) and Pneumococcal Conjugate (PCV13). (3) Removed POV code V06.6 from Pneumococcal definition. (4) Updated definition of "up-to-date" Pneumococcal Polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23)/Pneumo conjugate (PCV13): Patients who received A) a dose of PCV13 on or after age 19 years OR who received a dose of PPSV23 in the past year AND B) a dose of PPSV23 on or after age 65 years OR a dose of PPSV23 in the past 5 years OR who received a dose of PCV13 in the past year. (5) Moved measures for separate age groups and immunizations including combo measures from GPRA Dev report and added corresponding logic. (6) Added new measures that look for PPSV23 and PCV13, including combo measures. (7) Removed contraindication/NMI refusal sub-numerators.
- Childhood Immunizations: (1) Changed GPRA measure to User Population denominator. (2) Added CVX code 148 and CPT code 90644 to Hib (4-dose) definition. (3) Added Encephalopathy due to vaccination with vaccine adverse-effect to DTaP contraindication definition. (4) Added Immunodeficiency, HIV, and Lymphoreticular cancer, multiple myeloma or leukemia to MMR and varicella contraindication definitions.
- Cancer Screening: Pap Smear Rates: (1) Changed GPRA measure to User Population denominator. (2) Replaced codes 0UT9*ZZ with 0UTC*ZZ in hysterectomy definition. (3) Added HCPCS code G0476 to HPV definition.
- Cancer Screening: Mammogram Rates: Changed GPRA measure to User Population denominator.
- Colorectal Cancer Screening: (1) Changed GPRA measure to User Population denominator. (2) Added POV codes ICD-9: V10.06 and ICD-10: C21.2, C21.8, Z85.048 to colorectal cancer definition. (3) Added CPT codes 45346, 45347, 45349, 45350 to flexible sigmoidoscopy definition. (4) Added CPT codes 44401-44408, 45388-45390, 45393, 45398 to colonoscopy definition.
- Tobacco Cessation: (1) Changed GPRA measure to User Population denominator. (2) Added Tobacco: Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) health factors (Current ENDS user and Cessation ENDS user) to Tobacco User/User in Cessation definition. (3) Added Previous (former) ENDS user to Quit Tobacco Use definition. (4) Updated tobacco cessation counseling definition to include patient education codes containing SNOMED codes in data set PXRM BPG TOBACCO TOPICS.
- Alcohol Screening: (1) Changed GPRA measure to User Population denominator. (2) Changed age range to 9-75. (3) Removed measures for age 12-75.
- Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT): Changed GPRA measure to User Population denominator.
- Intimate Partner (Domestic) Violence Screening: Changed GPRA measure to User Population denominator.
- Depression Screening: (1) Changed GPRAMA and GPRA measures to User Population denominator. (2) Added new POV codes ICD-9: 290.13, 290.21, 290.43, 298.0, 301.12, 309.0, 309.1, 309.28; ICD-10: F01.51, F31.74, F32.89, F34.81, F34.89, F43.21, F43.23 to mood disorder definition.
- Antidepressant Medication Management: (1) Updated the number of gap days from 30 to 31 for Effective Acute Phase treatment measure. (2) Excluded outside medications and e-prescribed medications from these measures. (3) Clarified that inpatient, outpatient, ED, intensive outpatient or partial hospitalization setting is defined as Service Categories A and H. (4) Fixed logic errors.
- Childhood Weight Control: Changed GPRA measure to User Population denominator.
- Controlling High Blood Pressure - Million Hearts: Added new pregnancy codes.
- Statin Therapy for the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease: (1) Added new pregnancy codes. (2) Included outside statin medications. (3) Added "Nystatin" as an exception to adverse reaction to statins in Allergy Tracking file and Patient List. (4) Updated BGP PQA STATIN MEDS medication taxonomy.
- HIV Screening: (1) Added CPT codes 87389 and 87806 to HIV screening definition. (2) Added new pregnancy codes.
- Breastfeeding Rates: Changed GPRA measure to User Population denominator.
- GPRA Developmental Measures:
- The following 17 topics were added to the IPC report