CRS 2014 (v14.0 and v14.1)
CRS Version 14.1 was released on June 6, 2014.
Key enhancements included in CRS Version 14.1 are shown below.
- Logic Changes to National GPRA/GPRAMA Report Measures
- GPRA Developmental Measures:
- Added the following new GPRA Developmental measures: Diabetes: Blood Pressure Control (BP <140/90, or <150/90 for ages 60 and older); Adult Immunizations (Tdap/Td, Tdap, Influenza, Zoster, Pneumovax, combination measures); Childhood Immunizations (4:3:1:3*:3:1:3); Controlling High Blood Pressure (BP <140/90, or <150/90 for ages 60 and older); Chlamydia Testing (added age breakdowns)
- Changed Childhood Immunizations measure for Hepatits A to one dose
- Changed Cancer Screening: Mammogram Rates denominator to ages 52 through 74
- Updated codes in the following measures: Childhood Immunizations; Comprehensive Cancer Screening
- Diabetes: LDL Assessment: Changed measure from LDL less than or equal to (=<) 100 to LDL less than (<) 100.
- Diabetes: Nephropathy Assessment: Added CPT code S2065 to ESRD definition.
- Access to Dental Service: (1) Added ADA code 0191 to documented dental visit. (2) Added CPT codes D0190 and D0191 to documented dental visit.
- Influenza: Removed Procedure code 99.52 from influenza definition.
- Adult Immunizations: Removed Procedure code 99.55 from Pneumococcal definition.
- Childhood Immunizations: (1) Removed Procedure code 99.39 from DTP definition. (2) Removed Procedure code 99.36 from Diptheria definition. (3) Removed Procedure code 99.38 from Tetanus definition. (4) Removed Procedure code 99.37 from Acellular Pertussis definition. (5) Removed Procedure code 99.41 from IPV definition. (6) Removed Procedure code 99.48 from MMR definition. (7) Removed Procedure code 99.45 from Measles definition. (8) Removed Procedure code 99.46 from Mumps definition. (9) Removed Procedure code 99.47 from Rubella definition.
- Cancer Screening: Pap Smear Rates: (1) Removed CPT code 88155 from Pap Smear definition. (2) Removed Procedure code 91.46 from Pap Smear definition. (3) Added ICD-10 code Z12.4 to Pap Smear definition.
- Controlling High Blood Pressure - Million Hearts: (1) Added CPT code S2065 to ESRD definition.
- Comprehensive CVD-Related Assessment: (1) Added CPT codes 92920, 92924, 92928, 92933, 92937, 92941, and 92943 to PCI definition.
- GPRA Developmental Measures:
- Revised logic definitions for several non-GPRA topics.
- Added one new topic to the Selected Measures Report: Primary Medication Non-adherence
- Removed topic from the Selected Measures Report: Prediabetes/Metabolic Syndrome
- Added new measures to the following topics: Adult Immunizations, Proportion of Days Covered by Medication Therapy
- Added the ability to run National GPRA/GPRAMA by Designated Provider and GPRA Dashboard reports for multiple primary care providers at once.
CRS Version 14.0 was released on December 5, 2013.
Key enhancements included in CRS Version 14.0 are shown below.
- Added ICD-10 codes to numerous topics. See CRS 2014 (v14.0) Clinical Performance Measure Logic Manual for codes.
- Logic Changes to National GPRA/GPRAMA Report Measures
- GPRA Developmental Measures:
- Added the following new GPRA Developmental measures: Access to Dental Service (visits with general anesthesia and stainless steel crowns); Hepatitis C Screening (moved from ONM Report); Chlamydia Testing (moved from ONM Report)
- Deleted the following GPRA Developmental measures: Adult Immunizations; Cancer Screening: Pap Smear Rates
- Updated codes in the following measures: Childhood Immunizations; Comprehensive Cancer Screening; HIV Screening
- Diabetes: Nephropathy Assessment: (1) Changed numerator and logic to look for Urine Albumin-to-Creatinine Ratio (UACR) instead of Quantitative Urine Protein Assessment. NOTE: Site populated LOINC taxonomies should be edited to reflect this change as well. (2) Removed CPT codes 82042, 84156, 3060F, 3061F, and 3062F from UACR definition. (3) Changed logic for UACR to CPT 82043 WITH 82570.
- Diabetic Retinopathy: (1) Clarified that problem list entries for bilateral blindness must not have a status of Inactive or Deleted.
- Influenza: (1) Added CVX codes 149, 150, 151, 153, 155, and 158 to Influenza definition. (2) Added CPT codes 90672, 90673, 90685, 90686 and 90688 to Influenza definition.
- Adult Immunizations: (1) Moved measure from GPRA Developmental report into GPRA report and made it the new GPRA measure. (2) Added CVX code 152 to pneumovax definition.
- Childhood Immunizations: (1) Added CVX code 152 to pneumococcal definition. (2) Added CVX codes 138 and 139 to Td definition.
- Cancer Screening: Pap Smear Rates: (1) Moved measures from GPRA Developmental report into GPRA report and made it the new GPRA measure. (2) Changed age range from 25 through 64 to 24 through 64. (3) Changed numerator from Pap Smear in past four years to Pap Smear in past three years. (4) Changed numerator from Pap + HPV in past six years to Pap + HPV in past five years. (5) Clarified that problem list entries for hysterectomy must not have a status of Inactive or Deleted.
- Tobacco Use and Exposure Assessment: (1) Added health factors Heavy Tobacco Smoker and Light Tobacco Smoker to Tobacco User and Smoker definitions. (2) Clarified that problem list entries for tobacco-related diagnoses must not have a status of Inactive or Deleted.
- Tobacco Cessation: (1) Added health factors Heavy Tobacco Smoker and Light Tobacco Smoker to Tobacco User Health Factors (TUHFs) definition. (2) Clarified that problem list entries for tobacco-related diagnoses must not have a status of Inactive or Deleted.
- Intimate Partner (Domestic) Violence Screening: (1) Added breakdown measures to report.
- Controlling High Blood Pressure - Million Hearts: (1) Made measure an official GPRA measure. (2) Clarified that problem list entries for hypertension must not have a status of Inactive or Deleted.
- Comprehensive CVD-Related Assessment: (1) Clarified that problem list entries for tobacco-related diagnoses must not have a status of Inactive or Deleted.
- HIV Screening: (1) Clarified that problem list entries for HIV diagnoses must not have a status of Inactive or Deleted.
- GPRA Developmental Measures:
- Revised logic definitions for several non-GPRA topics.
- Added one new topic to the Selected Measures Report: Cancer Screening: Pap Smear Rates (previous GPRA Developmental logic)
- Added new measures to the following topics: Adult Immunizations, HIV Quality of Care, Proportion of Days Covered by Medication Therapy
- Removed Intimate Partner (Domestic) Violence Screening topic from ONM Report and moved breakdown measures to National GPRA/GPRAMA Report.
- Moved Hepatitis C Screening and Chlamydia Testing topics from ONM Report to GPRA Developmental Report.
- Added the ability to run reports without the logic text printed in the report.
- Removed site parameters for CHS-Only and Urban Outreach & Referral-Only site options.