American Indians into Nursing Program

The American Indians Into Nursing Program works to increase the number of American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) nurses, nurse midwives, nurse anesthetists, and nurse practitioners who deliver health care services to AI/AN communities through a five-year competitive grant program. Public and nonprofit private colleges and universities with nursing programs are eligible to apply.
The primary objectives are:
- To recruit and train AI/AN individuals to be Registered Nurses — Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), as well as Advanced Practice Nurses — Masters of Science in Nursing (MSN) and Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP).
- To provide scholarships to AI/AN individuals enrolled in schools of nursing to pay tuition, books, fees and stipends for living expenses.
- To provide a program that encourages AI/AN nurses (DNP, MSN, BSN, ADN) to provide or continue to provide health care services in AI/AN health care programs.
- To provide a program that increases the skills of and provides continuing education to AI/AN nurses (graduate and undergraduate).
Grantees financially supported American Indian and Alaska Native nursing students
and provided
professional development workshops and health career forums.
Grantees for 2024 to 2028 are:
- Montana State University
- South Dakota State University
- Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona
- Univesity of North Dakota
- Northeastern State University
Among the ways that grantees have used awards are:
- Providing scholarships for AI/AN students in the university’s Traditional Pre-Licensure Clinical Nursing program.
- Recruiting American Indians/Alaskan Natives into nursing programs.
- Funding a project to increase the number of AI/AN nurses prepared to provide health care to Indian people.
- Providing scholarships to AI/AN students and funding staff members in the College of Nursing who serve as advisers and mentors to students.
For more information, please visit the Federal Register regarding the American Indians Into Nursing Program Grants.
American Indians Into Nursing Program Contact:
Eric H. Pinto
Senior Program Specialist
Division of Health Profession Support
Office of Human Resources
Indian Health Service
Office: 301-332-6233