Student Opportunities

If you have ever considered a career in health care, we invite you to explore and discover a comprehensive array of student opportunities in Indian health. If you have the motivation and the desire to pursue an Indian health career, we have the road map to achieve it.
Indian health programs around the country have an urgent need for dedicated and passionate health professionals. Filling that need begins with people like you, someone who chooses to pursue an uncommon path and embarks on a career of higher purpose. Embrace our mission and make it your own.
IHS Scholarship Program
Since its creation in 1977, the IHS Scholarship Program has supported thousands of American Indian and Alaska Native students in their quest for a health professions degree leading to a career in Indian health. Today, this support continues as IHS seeks the next generation of leaders committed to improving the health of Indian communities.
Visit the IHS Scholarship Program website for application and program information.
IHS Extern Program
The IHS Extern Program offers IHS scholarship recipients and health profession students in medicine, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, environmental health/engineering, behavioral health, optometry and other disciplines an opportunity to gain valuable clinical experience in an Indian health facility during the summer or other non-academic periods.
In my work, I get to put to use every skill I developed when I trained as a psychologist. I'm involved in research, writing, patient care, disease prevention and public health. Every day I learn something new and it makes my job very rewarding.” –IHS Psychologist IHS Scholarship Recipient
For more information about eligibility and how to apply, visit the IHS Extern Program website. Click on these links for detailed information about opportunities for externships in Pharmacy, Dentistry and Optometry.
American Indians into Nursing Program
The American Indians into Nursing Program's mission is to increase the number of nurses, nurse midwives and nurse practitioners who serve Indian communities.
Visit American Indians into Nursing Program for more information.
American Indians into Psychology Program
A growing need for well-trained clinical psychologists of American Indian and Alaska Native descent led to the development of the American Indians into Psychology Program (INPSYC).
Scholarships are available to undergraduate and graduate students pursuing psychology degrees. INPSYC furnishes valuable, in-the-field training opportunities in Indian communities to graduate students in clinical psychology.
Visit American Indians into Psychology Program.
American Indians into Medicine Program
American Indian and Alaska Native college students can pursue support for their health care career preparation via the American Indians Into Medicine Program (INMED). INMED presents a range of health care career possibilities and proven paths to success through career counseling, tutoring, scholarship and financial aid application assistance. Educational summer sessions are available as are travel grants for health conference expenses.
Visit American Indians into Medicine Program.
Other Student Opportunities
Indian health professions grant programs are designated partnerships between academic institutions and IHS for the purpose of training more American Indian and Alaska Native health professionals to serve in Indian health programs.
IHS Residencies and Rotations
IHS has established residency and rotation agreements with a number of health profession schools throughout the United States in a range of health disciplines. These opportunities provide excellent clinical and cultural experiences within Indian communities and can lay the foundation for a fulfilling career in Indian health.
Check with your school to find out where agreements are in place and check with Area contacts about current opportunities. Visit the Residencies and Rotations page to learn more about current opportunities and visit the Contact a Recruiter page for a list of contacts.
United States Public Health Service (USPHS) Student Opportunities
The United States Public Health Service in partnership with the IHS offers three different opportunities for students throughout the academic year through the Junior Commissioned Officer Student Training and Extern Program (JRCOSTEP), the Senior Commissioned Officer Student Training and Extern Program (SRCOSTEP) and Senior Year Externship Rotations. All of these programs are highly competitive.