Nutrition / Dietitian Update - May 15, 2015

From: Calderon, Beverly A (IHS/CAL)
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 7:59 PM
Subject: Nutrition/Dietitian Updates
Hi All,
I hope this finds each of you well and busy with meaningful word. I'm finding any needed changes to our contact list, attached (link to updated file (PDF)) is what was sent in April.
8 things to share:
- The Best Practices & GPRA Measures CME and California Area Diabetes Day conference was held the first week of May, of which many of you attended either in part or for the entirely. Rachel Harvey will be sending out the continuing education certificates approved by IHS Nutrition and Dietetics Training Program (NDTP), a Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Accredited Provider with the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR). Of the 25.5 RD/RDN and dietetic technicians registered (DTRs) continuing professional education units (CPEUs) approved, only units for learning sessions attended should claim.
- Quite a few of us were able to attended the May 4th Nutrition Learning Basket & Patient Engagement session, and with two of you joining via the adobe connect! My take away from the session was... amazing things are happening at your programs and there is lots to share. In an effort to continue supporting networks, learning and sharing what work, here is a short survey to complete,
that may help. In 2014 our annual survey showed a 85% interest in a meeting for dietitians/nutritionist working at tribal and urban programs. The Nutrition Learning Basket & Patient Engagement accomplished this, even though 1/2 day.
- The first week of May in Los Angeles, the Community Wellness Forum was held at United American Indian Involvement the 2015 host site. This was the 3rd year for this broader partnership event, with preliminary evaluation finding very good. Attached is a wordle (or word cloud) showing the combined responses from the comments and feedback questions. The final summary report will be forwarded when completed. While this event in not solely focused on nutrition, the summary may give you ideas your community-based work.
- CRIHB's Wellness Conference was June 1-2, 2015, Stacey Kennedy is your contact for questions at
- Possibly helpful if you've seen it, but not new - attached (link to file (PDF)) is the 2013 IHS Medical Nutrition Therapy Action Team (MAT) MNT Pictorial Instruction for RPMS Electronic Health Record (EHR) templates and created for those RD/RDNs using the Nutrition Care Process (NCP)The template encompasses information from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics International Dietetics & Nutrition Terminology (IDNT), 4th edition (2013) and the American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) Self Care Behaviors/AADE 7 ™.
- Repeat information, the Indian Health Service Dietitian Listserv can be joined by clicking on this link:
- Recently added to our Portal, was an overview of all IHS Online Nutrition-Lifestyle Resource (date 032015). This resource provides a comprehensive view of nutrition and lifestyle resources IHS has available on various sections of its national website. I'll work on getting the attached 2013 MNT NCP Pictorial Instructions posted to our portal next. Do you have resources to share? Please email and let me know and we'll coordinate getting them posted to our portal.
- How to join our CAO Nutritian / Dietitian portal:
Beverly A. Calderon, MS, RD, CDE
California Area Indian Health Service
Health Promotion Disease Prevention and Nutrition Consultant
1320 W. Valley Parkway Suite 309
Escondido, CA 92029
Phone: (760) 735-6884
Fax: (760) 735-6893